Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Blueberry, Bread, Cream, Pancake Syrup, Pastries, Smooth, Spices, Sweet, Fruity, Malt, Vanilla, Berries
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 3 g 10 oz / 291 ml

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250 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I am REALLY tempted to get the iced version of this. REALLY tempted. My one hold up is how much I like it with milk and sugar, though… you can’t exactly do iced tea with milk unless it’s like a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Mini sipdown. I have officially finished up the last of my first package of this one. I have an unopened package still sitting in my cupboard but i’m fairly certain that will just be tossed into...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea is officially my favorite tea. I have put my order in for a pound! Frank has kindly said yes to my request and if all goes well with the mail, I will be receiving a beautiful pound of tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was my first cup today. Had a late start, but it was so nice to get some extra sleep! This tea is perfect as a breakfast tea. Went nicely with my toast topped with butter and blueberry jam!...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

This tea was originally crafted by Frank back in 2010. I have since reblended this tea twice, once in May 2017 and again for our special FUNdraiser in October 2017. I’ve had a lot of requests for it since then – so I put it on this year’s poll and it received a really impressive number of votes. No, it wasn’t the top vote-getter but it received more than enough to be part of this year’s box.

I stayed as true to the recipe as I possibly could. I did not have the Fujian black tea that I used in the previous FUNdraiser blend, but I did have a slightly different Fujian black which I utilized instead – in addition to an Assamica grown in the Yunnan province, a tippy Yunnan Imperial and just a touch of Ceylon to round out the flavors of these rich black teas.

Here is the previous description of this tea – which includes descriptions from previous descriptions (including Frank’ original description):

This is my second batch for this reblend – I first reblended it earlier this year for the featured reblend for May. Sadly, I didn’t make nearly enough for the demand that would follow the release of this tea, so I decided I should reblend it again. This time around, I’m reblending it as part of a fundraising trio (along with Chocolate Eclair & The Vanilla Marshmallow). I made a large batch this time around, so hopefully in addition to the pre-sales, there will be enough left over to please the customers who missed out on this blend back in May.

My previous description went like this:

Well, it’s Retro Monday, so this month’s Featured Reblend is also our Retro Monday Tea! This time around, I decided to go with a popular one that just narrowly missed out on the reblend roster when we had our start-up Kickstarter fundraiser. It’s been one that I’ve seen several people wish that I’d reblend on Steepster and even on Facebook and Instagram. So – without further ado – here it is: Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish Black Tea.

The original version of this tea was one from Frank’s era that I remember fondly. I remember a strong blueberry presence, a soft note of tangy cream cheese and perhaps a hint of buttery pastry.

Frank described this tea as:

Here’s our premium Indian black teas (a little extra Assam in this blend since I envisioned it as a breakfast tea) blended with GREAT BIG, whole freeze-dried blueberries and natural flavors. I have a feeling this is going to be a VERY popular blend. Enjoy!

I do believe I did justice to the memory of the original blend. The base is different this time around – I used a blend of Yunnan Gold and Assamica grown in the JingMai Mountains and just a hint of Fujian black tea. These teas combine to create a solid, well-rounded flavor that is both robust and smooth. I didn’t use extra Assam here – because I felt that the base is perfectly balanced – both on it’s own and with the flavors of this blend.

The blueberry flavor is sweet and juicy. The cream cheese is smooth and tangy. Every once in a while, I taste something that mimics a buttery, pastry-like flavor. Yummy!

I stuck close to my recipe with this, but I did add some Assam to the recipe because after my first taste test, I thought it really needed that malty note to it and I just wasn’t getting the kind of malty I wanted from the JingMai Assamica. A big, bold blueberry note along with creamy, tangy cream cheese notes. This blend is absolutely fantastic (if I do say so myself!) Also, you may notice that there are calendula petals in addition to the cornflower petals. That’s because I had added some calendula before I remembered that I had cornflower! They really don’t add anything to the flavor – they just add a touch of pretty to the dry leaf.

If I reblend this one again, I may just end up making it a D’s Teas blend (aka our Permanent Collection) – if for no other reason than to reduce the size of the descriptions!

Oh, and YES! It’s VEGAN, gluten free & allergen free!

ingredients: black tea, organic black teas, organic blueberries, organic cornflowers, organic calendula petals & organic natural flavors

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

250 Tasting Notes

279 tasting notes

On the 5th Day of Christmas . . . I’m a little behind as I haven’t yet posted my review for the 4th day of Christmas – but it kind of works out for me since that tea is a caffeine free selection and I’m really in need of some caffeine now – then in a bit, I’ll write a note for the 4th tea. A little backward, of course – but it works for me.

Anyway, this tea! I was happy this tea earned the votes to be reblended because a) I’ve gotten so many requests for it to be reblended; and b) I love it.

Big Blueberry flavor, hints of danish and a touch of smooth, creamy cream cheese. YUM!

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1805 tasting notes

12 days of tea day 5! I think it’s day 5. Anyway, I don’t normally care for blueberry teas. But, I was absolutely taken aback once I opened the pouch. It’s bursting with a wonderful blueberry pastry aroma. It’s incredibly strong, and I was so excited to brew this up. I added a bit of rock sugar and some oat milk, and sipped it with my morning stollen. Wow. Decadent and wonderful. It’s bursting with a very jam-like blueberry flavor. The pastry note is more subdued flavor-wise. But, it’s so yummy.

Flavors: Blueberry, Cream, Pastries

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2170 tasting notes

Possibly my last caffeinated tea for the day so I wanted to make it a good one. There are giant blueberries in the mix, plus long and twisty leaves. It’s a beautiful blend really. I steeped like I normally would for a black tea – cool for one minute, steep for seven. I’m drinking this with almond milk, but unfortunately I’ve added too much – the flavor is too light. I’ll try this one again, with a splash of cream instead, and will hold my rating until then. I think this is probably amazing when done right.

Flavors: Blueberry

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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15755 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (1327)!

Very refreshing brisk black tea with some floral and malt notes to it – but of course the star of this blend is rightfully the blueberry. Full bodied, “cooked” blueberry without the sticky sweetness of a blueberry jam/reduction. Still feels well rounded on the palate, but with an appropriate heaviness and thickness. Y’all know I’m a forever slut when it comes to a nice blueberry black tea, so this is righttttt up my alley.

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2958 tasting notes

Another sipdown of a delicious tea I should have finished a while ago. I think this one is 2 years old.

I love the malty black base and the blueberry comes through as natural but flavourful. I added a bit of soy milk, however I still didn’t get the pastry or cream cheese notes I would like. If I didn’t know what this tea was called, I would think it was a plain blueberry black tea. Still tasty (esp. because I love blueberries), however the desserty aspect of the name is what drew me to it. I even tried steeping a long time (over an hour) starting with boiling water.

Flavors: Blueberry, Fruity, Malt

195 °F / 90 °C 8 min or more

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1403 tasting notes

Add a bit of cream to your cup and from time to time, you will have a sip of vanilla blueberry swirl ice cream. I could do with more vanilla and more blueberry, but really, I like it as is even though the flavours are mellow and mild. Delicious.

Thank you for this, VariaTEA.

Flavors: Blueberry, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

UHMMMM can’t wait to have this again! yum

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672 tasting notes

So thrilled to have won the 52Teas May giveaway box! It came in the mail today and it’s brimful of exciting flavors :) Many thanks to Anne and Amethyst!

I decided to try this one first because I was curious to see just how much it could taste like blueberry danish, and the answer is VERY. It smells and tastes spot on, right down to those sort of jelly notes from the filling. The base tea provides good support, but doesn’t distract from the blueberry, which is very clearly the star of the show. I don’t get much cream cheese, but I feel like when I’ve eaten blueberry danish, I didn’t get much cream cheese there either — like it’s just a little smear usually to keep the blueberry from soaking into the pastry. So overall, the flavor balance seems incredibly accurate. Usually when I get flavored teas they just sort of vaguely taste like whatever they’re named after. I want to know what kind of alchemy is going on here!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

LOL – now everyone knows what the Retro tea is this month! :)


PS: Congrats on winning – we’re very glad that you’re enjoying the package!


Hype! This is one of my old favourites :P

Also, congratulations!


@52Teas Whoops! Sorry if I let the cat out of the bag, I wasn’t even thinking about that :/ But it is amazing! Thank you!


Thanks for the congrats @CrowKettle, definitely hyped to be exploring more of 52Teas offerings, I’ve read so many mouth-watering reviews about them here :)


Not a big deal – although – this was an extremely limited reblend because I had a very limited supply of the Fujian black tea that I used in the blend. That is to say that I have a feeling that I’m going to have some disappointed individuals because the tea will sell out very fast due to the limited supply. :(


On the other hand, I’m very happy to hear that you enjoyed the tea!


Congratulations! That is so exciting.

And OMG, I need more of this in my life. My absolute favourite 52teas blend!


@52Teas I can see it now — instead of the Hunger Games, we’ll have the Tea Games, everyone dueling for the last cup of this. I am not terribly literate about black tea bases, but I have seen ‘Fujian’ popping up in a lot of my favorite flavored teas. Must be an important part of the magic in this batch. Hopefully Fujian has a good crop this year and you can get more in :)


Thanks @Fjellrev! I hope you can get some of this batch, the blueberries are huge! It’s been so fun trying this box, I’ve tried the cucumber one now too, and as weird as the flavor sounds, it’s delicious :)

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217 tasting notes

I’ve sipped this tea a couple of times now and have been happy with it but not blown away, most likely because although I get the blueberry I really dont taste any cream cheese danish which is what really intrigued me. Overall its been a pretty blah tea for me…. until now…. So for christmas, I was spoiled, and when I say spoiled, I mean big time!! Hubby bought me a Breville one touch tea maker!!!! No longer do I have to guestimate my water temperature or brewing times and suddenly (seriously) tea tastes sooooo much better!!!! Finally I’m getting some cream cheese and major buttery pastry notes out of this tea which makes me deliriously happy!!! Unfortunately its such a touchy tea that you really do have to baby the steeping parameters… if its not perfect, all you’ll get is overwhelming blueberry which drops my overall rating.


I remember this one was better at 185 degrees. :)


ooo I’ll have to try it that little bit cooler and see if that brings out the flavors more… thanks Tealizzy!!

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921 tasting notes

So, I realized I have developed a bit of a backlog with tea tasting notes, since I only review one tea a day…and I drink a lot more, well it makes sense that my notebooks are filled with older notes. I do not want to neglect these teas, but the teas I am sent to review take precedent over teas I receive as gifts, buy for myself, or get in trades, it just seems polite. So, once a week I am cracking open the ‘vault’ and reviewing a tea from my older notebooks, sadly this does mean some of the photos are not the best. So glad I finally discovered the sweet spot for taking tea pictures, who knew I would have to rely on flash photography!

Today we are taking a look at 52Teas’s Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish Black Tea, no this tea is not exactly from 2010, I got my sample when I supported their Indiegogo campaign last year. I had heard a lot about 52Teas on Steepster and wanted to try a lot of their teas, but since Frank creates a new tea every week, usually once they are gone they are gone (unless you can trade for them on Steepster or get them from traveling tea boxes) so this was a perfect opportunity to crack into twelve of their most popular blends, and this was the one I tried first. The aroma is really sweet, it smells just like one of those vending machine danishes (I don’t think I have ever had any other kind of danish actually) there is intense blueberry notes with a hint of cream cheese and a touch of yeastiness like pastry. Add a touch of malty tea and it reminds me of drinking tea and having a vending machine pastry while waiting for my train. Very specific memory there, the Pittsburgh train station to be exact.

Once I give the tea a steeping the aroma of the leaves is really quite brisk, you can certainly tell it is an Indian black tea because of that distinct oak wood, malty, briskness that always comes to mind (at least for me) when sniffing it. There is also a nice burst of blueberries and a tiny hint of the other flavors present in the dry leaves. The liquid is rich and sweet, a nice brisk blend of malt and blueberry with a tiny hint of yeasty pastry at the finish.

The taste is fairly mild, a bit of malt and oak wood (like one expects from an Indian black tea) and a bit of sweet and slightly tart blueberries, much like blueberry jam. I decided to give this tea a try with some cream and sugar to see if it made any of the flavors pop, I can detect a bit of creaminess and a touch of a pastry like taste, but really this tea left me a tad bit underwhelmed. It is by no means bad, just did not knock my socks off as I had hoped. I guess the same can be said about the danishes I have had as well, maybe a real not from a vending machine danish is mild too. But even though this tea left me going ‘meh’ Frank’s imagination and blends always make me smile, especially the geeky reference teas.

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181 tasting notes

T&C TTB Rd 2

This one smells heavenly! I was salivating as I prepped the cup to steep…and then I burned my tongue because I was too excited about getting a taste. :/

In any case, this one brews up to a purplish-dark liquid that’s clearly influenced by the whole – and yes, they are WHOLE and huge – blueberries tossed into the blend. I wound up muting it somewhat with whole milk because I wanted to try and bring out the “cream cheese” notes, but even with that the black tea and blueberries definitely pushed their way to the front of the flavour profile.

With that said, this wasn’t a tea that really impressed me. It was good, yes, but not one that I would want to have again in the future.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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