53 Tasting Notes


Love this. I really like root beer but try to avoid soft drinks ( although not always successfully as I have a thing for diet pepsi).

This is a fab way todo root beer without the fizz. Nice and cool, refreshing, will happily sip down the gallon. I’d like a better base ( yes, I’m a tea snob), but other than that, tis is a winner!

205 °F / 96 °C

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Love this. We drank this coming home from the mall, steeped in two to-go cups of hot water that the Marche kindly gave us with our baguette. Not very civilized, but far better than what was offered in the mall, even if lacking in style of serving vessel!

My husband thought it was very seaweedy. I found this fresh, and lovely. The liqour is a light grey green, the smell fresh, spring like and green.

4 min, 0 sec

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drank Kiwi Lime Ginger by Tea Forte
53 tasting notes

I might have a migraine – things smell to strong when I do. This smells like cleaner to me…and I could only manage a sip with that image in my head. It may be better iced…Or maybe I’m just picky. I’m not terribly fond of infusions as it is.

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Life is good again. My three pouches of the reblend came yesterday. Heaven and joy!

I had this hot while making pancakes and cold while making lunch. It was blissful both ways. Banana with a hint of nuts, and a great nilgiri base. This tea is officially my all time favorite.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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Very nice. I’ve learned that I don’t love tisanes, but this one is good as they go. Really lovely, sweet, just minty enough goodness. I tried it hot and cold, and definitely prefer it hot. What a nice variation on mint and honey bush, all rolled into one!

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec

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drank Blueberry Amore by Teaopia
53 tasting notes

Meh. Drank a cup today. Hate to waste tea. But really. Anyone want to swap?

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Vry nice iced with a touch of sugar. Honey notes come out nicely.

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I sipped down the last of this today. I enjoyed the slightly smokey notes, its bold “I’m here” presence, and its warming cup. The afternoon went by more quickly accompanied by this pleasing keen. The dry leaves had a particularly wirey appearance.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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Oh lovely tea I could write poems about you. Beautiful to the eye, nose and mouth. Refreshing and sweet, welcoming spring. I have one more sample left. I’m saving you for a special day.

1 min, 45 sec

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drank Peanut Butter Toast by 52teas
53 tasting notes

I didn’t get the peanut very much, but I like the way this tea was overall. I think I caught a touch of nuttiness, and the faint lapsang souchong was just right. I want to try a longer steep tomorrow at work, with a touch of sugar, which may move it from health food store nut butter to Kraft PB goodness!

205 °F / 96 °C

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Math geek, experimental psychologist, loves to make bread, drink tea, spin wool and knit.


Ottawa, Ontario

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