217 Tasting Notes

Another older sip down and Im not getting much pineapple but there is some good mango notes. This would be pretty amazing iced on a hot summers day.

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This has a little too much nutmeg in it for my liking and I’m not getting much of a carrot flavor… Not something I’ll be drinking again so if anyone would like my left over leaf let me know, I’d be happy to share it with someone who may enjoy it more than I did.

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The weather here has finally started to get a little bit cooler and I’m really starting to crave some good fall weather so I can start drinking down my tea stash again without overheating myself. I’ve been hearing thunder on and off all afternoon today and the dark clouds have been ominously threatening but have yet to release a single drop of rain although I think that may change in the next hour or so. Its the perfect afternoon for a book and a cup of tea and I decided to give this a try. It came as a free sample with my order of Smith’s latest Makers Series and since it was sitting my my kitchen counter it wins the sip down lottery this afternoon. Its a decent tea, I could see myself drinking it in the morning with milk and sugar but its nothing so special that I’m going to run out to buy a box of it… If your looking for a good breakfast tea give this a try… it hits the spot.

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drank Caramel Pop by T2
217 tasting notes

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I think I’ve left this tea for too long which is very disappointing as it sounded so amazing but in the end smells fishy, tastes bitter and leaves an aftertaste of cigarette butts in my mouth… I seriously think this is my fault not the tea’s as the leaf I have is probably about 12 months old now… ok, next time I get my hands on some Sikkim I need to drink it immediately so I do the tea justice.

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drank Blueberry Muffin by DAVIDsTEA
217 tasting notes

I guess I may be one of the only people that actually doesn’t mind this tea. It’s definitely the best of the 2016 fall blends in my personal opinion. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not planning to run out and by a whole heap more but I will enjoy the 25g that came in my fall sampler box… the granola tea not so much but that’s another story.

This doesn’t taste like muffin… but I do get the blueberry flavor and what feels a little bit like cream or yogurt. I’ve been drinking this as a late morning tea at work and its been satisfying my craving for something sweet.

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I’ve been drinking through my current stash of teas and have really missed drinking a good straight black as its seems I hoard flavors not straights… I should really take this into consideration when I order teas, it’s good insight into my preferred drinking habits… This is a touch savory and a touch sweet. A little bit of chocolate, malt and sweet potato, its darn delicious with milk! I’m glad I picked up a bit of this in my last order from Yunnan Sourcing and may have to consider another quick and sneaky order so I don’t run out.

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Another tea I found while moving and I have to admit, since first tasting it last week I have drunk nothing else and have managed to sip through the entire bag… I need more of this in my life immediately!! I’m really hoping the 2015 is just as tasty as that seems to be all I can get hold of now.. and get hold of it I will!! This tea smells like the most chocolately deliciousness I have ever smelt and tastes like chocolate malty amazingness… Yes, it really is that darn good!!

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Nicole 9 years ago

I haven’t had the 2015 but the 2014 and 2013 were excellent. Somehow I missed putting this on my last order.

beelicious 9 years ago

I can share some with you when it arrives :)

Nicole 9 years ago

Ooo… that would be awesome. When it comes in, I’ll let you know what I have from them as well since I am expecting an order. :)

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Another sip down!

This tea is quite delicious! Again, its a little on the older side so I’m not sure what it was like fresh but its darn delicious right now! The jasmine is present in the exact perfect amount, not too subtle, not too in your face. I wasn’t sure about a Jasmine tea but the scent and flavor of this is delicious… feels like I’m drinking something delicate and exotic!

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Wife, hiker, backcountry explorer, snowboarder, scuba diver, reader, amateur photographer, wine snob, traveller, student, workaholic and tea addict….

I’m partial to straight oolongs and strong blacks but will drink almost anything if it’s good! I’m also a sucker for coconut, pineapple, passionfruit, mango, raspberry and chocolate flavors and I’m starting to dabble in pu’erh but haven’t found my feet yet….

I’m a displaced Aussie who loves a good cuppa!


Houston, TX

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