Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish

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Black Tea
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175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 30 sec

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9 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This really nicely captures all the elements of a blueberry cream cheese danish. Juicy blueberry taste, hint of a cream cheese tang, and a nice pastry flavor. All of it comes together wonderfully...” Read full tasting note
  • “On the Second Day of Christmas, SBT sent me this Tea! A really yummy iced tea. Sweet-tart blueberry flavor with a hint of tangy cream cheese. I don’t get a lot of crust notes in the cold-brewed...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlogging. So. Much. Blueberry. I really enjoyed the sweetness of the berries combined with the tangy cream cheese note. There weren’t any pastry flavors that I could detect, but the great...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have just been crazy-impressed by just about everything I’ve ordered from This one was very tasty, and pretty true-to-flavor. I brewed it yesterday before Casey and I (who are...” Read full tasting note

From Southern Boy Iced Teas

Premium Organic black tea with organic flavors. Each 14g teabag will make one 2-quart pitcher of DELICIOUS iced tea. Re-steep the teabag and you can get a full gallon out of each one. Steep in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. (3 minutes MAX.) Then combine with ice and water to make a 2-quart pitcher. It couldn’t be simpler – OR more delicious!

About Southern Boy Iced Teas View company

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9 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

This really nicely captures all the elements of a blueberry cream cheese danish. Juicy blueberry taste, hint of a cream cheese tang, and a nice pastry flavor. All of it comes together wonderfully on the smooth black tea base. MMmmm…

And with this tea tried, I can now place my 52 teas order.

Iced 8 min or more

Shopping list!


Woot tea order!


Last night I was discussing it with OMGsrsly and MissB and I think it ended up being like $80 after I added all the 52 teas and SBTs I thought might be tasty. I think I might have to trim that down a bit :P.


$80? Oh my.


Hahaha oh my. Perhaps. I find I can trim when I make up for it in other orders. Which isn’t really trimming. :P


dying to try this one…it sounds exquisite!!


haha. It was for a fair bit of tea and I have a pay pal balance so I am not concerned. I just have a lot of tea already so I want to make sure I only get stuff I really want.


I am waiting for my brother to place the order because he will drink the iced teas with me in the summer. That could either make the order a whole lot bigger or help trim it down. We will see how it goes.


Good luck! I say to get them all!!! :)

carol who

I’ve always wondered… how do they get that “pastry” taste. I’ve sensed it also but how do they make it? Oh the questions that occur to me…


Magic, carol who. Pure magic.

carol who

That must be it! :)

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4843 tasting notes

On the Second Day of Christmas, SBT sent me this Tea!

A really yummy iced tea. Sweet-tart blueberry flavor with a hint of tangy cream cheese. I don’t get a lot of crust notes in the cold-brewed tea. I don’t know if hot-brewing will result in more flavors. If I really focus on the flavors, I can taste hints of buttery pastry but it’s not a strong presence.

Overall, a good iced tea. Here’s my full-length article:

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1118 tasting notes


So. Much. Blueberry. I really enjoyed the sweetness of the berries combined with the tangy cream cheese note. There weren’t any pastry flavors that I could detect, but the great blueberry flavor more than made up for it. I hot brewed my tea and then let it cool in the fridge. Next time I’ll try cold brewing it to see how it changes the flavors.

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417 tasting notes

I have just been crazy-impressed by just about everything I’ve ordered from This one was very tasty, and pretty true-to-flavor. I brewed it yesterday before Casey and I (who are normally hermits/home bodies) went out to San Francisco for the day. I am enjoying this now while trying to catch up on others’ tasting notes!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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525 tasting notes

Had a pitcher of this cold brewed. Not all that impressed actually, but I’m not sure if this has more to do with the actual tea or my not following directions. The key lime one was so tasty cold brewed though.
I just didn’t get much blueberry flavor from this. It was just vaguely fruity. Mildly pastry buttery thing going on. If I ever get this again, I’ll have to see if hot brewing makes it better.

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4346 tasting notes

Thank you for the sale CHAroma! I immediately stopped following the sale thread as there have been too many awesome sales lately. :D I cut the teabag of this one open and hot steeped a teaspoon for 45 seconds: I’ve tried two other blends of this flavor and the flavor stays pretty consistent. Blueberry but not so much danish or cream cheese. I just realized I like the CTC black tea from the iced tea teabags way more than the black tea from the typical black blends. Though this cup kind of tasted a bit like iron.. maybe it was the cream cheese this time. The second cup was just as tasty, just as much flavor. I think I prefer my old pouch with the twisty leaves though. :D
Steep #1 // 1 tsp // few minutes after boiling // 45 second steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 2 min


Yay! Glad you liked it! (Minus the iron bit, yuck.)

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2238 tasting notes

Today’s iced tea for work. This had the usual SBT treatment (which I’ll refrain from outlining again). I’m currently working my way through a pouch of the 52 Teas version of this one, and I’ve been impressed with the strength of the blueberry in that one. Sometimes I get cream cheese/pastry from it, but it can be a bit hit and miss.

I’m pleased to report that the SBT is similarly blueberry-centric. It’s the first flavour to develop upon taking a sip, and it’s deliciously juicy and true-to-life. Sweet, slightly tangy, blueberry amazingness. There’s also a distinctive cream cheese flavour that comes in second and offsets the fruity sweetness nicely, and, then, right at the end, a fleeting hint of buttery, flaky pastry. It’s a really nice combination, and it’s wonderful to taste all of the elements of this one — together they make a great combination! Drinking this has actually made me feel hungry, that’s how spot on danish pastry it really is. Another awesome SBT.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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53 tasting notes

I feel like I’m drinking blueberry juice!! With maybe a slight tang of the cream cheese flavor. Excellent! I only ordered one of each of the new SBT flavors on black friday and this one is on my reorder list.

Cold steeped in a gallon of h2o in fridge for two days.

Iced 8 min or more

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