67 Tasting Notes


Still one of my favorites from Golden Moon Tea, hands down. The mellow sweetness of the pouchong along with the depth from the coconut make this an enjoyable treat.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Samurai Chai Maté by Teavana
67 tasting notes

Haven’t been doing too much tea drinking lately since I have been super busy and gearing up for a big client meeting next week. The samurai chai maté is my go-to tea for the morning, as well as for an afternoon pick-me-up. It’s spicy, sweet, and has a nice flavor.

I know, not super poetic, but I’m still working and sipping.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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This is still one of my favorite teas from Teavana’s line, mainly because of how easily it blends with so many other teas. If you want more maté flavor, try adding a lemon maté blend (it also helps accentuate the raspberry flavors). In the past I’ve added herbal teas like spearmint to it to give it a bit more depth and interest. Even on it’s own, it’s a great herbal maté blend with strong flavors of raspberry (and no harsh aftertaste).

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank White Ginger by Golden Moon Tea
67 tasting notes

I’m usually not a big fan of white teas unless they’re silver needle, but I found a whole tin of this while doing my tea cabinet clean.

It’s not big on ginger flavor — that would overpower the delicateness of the white tea — but you do get a little hint of it as an aftertaste. It’s just an OK, middle-of-the-road tea. I expected to like it, but it was just average for me.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Coconut Cream Pie by 52teas
67 tasting notes

I’m a big fan of coconut, and this tea does not disappoint at all. It’s even great to use when baking desserts for a punch of coconut flavor. This tea also goes to a whole ’nother level when you add coconut milk. Excellent dessert tea. Excellent.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon - AID by 52teas
67 tasting notes

I love lemon beverages — really any sweet lemon desserts — and this tea definitely brings you a huge punch of lemon flavor. It would be a great tea to take if you’re sick. Just sweeten with some honey and you’re good to go. Like some other reviews have mentioned, it’s good straight, but because it’s such an essential flavor, it would go great in a blend with any other type of tea where you want to bring that zing.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I’m not sure when I got this tea, but I found it in my cabinet after doing a recent cleaning.

Here’s what’s in this tea blend: cinnamon, fennel, ginger, rosemary, peppermint, cardamom, carob, damiana leaves, licorice, sage, black pepper, cloves, sarsaparilla roots.

So yeah, there’s a LOT going on.

Taste-wise, it resembles a mix between Samurai Chai Maté from Teavana and Comforting Tea from Aveda. STRONG notes of fennel and sarsaparilla overpower most of the other flavors in this blend, and there’s a slight aftertaste of the black pepper. This would be a great tea to have if you’re congested or feeling a bit under the weather. It could even serve as a good holiday tea.

Overall, it’s good, but not great. If I ran out of Samurai Chai Maté from Teavana, this could be a close replacement until I pick up more.

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 30 sec

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drank Comforting by Aveda
67 tasting notes

I had my eye on this tea for a while, but couldn’t just pull the trigger on spending $17 for 20 tea bags (or $27.50 for 4.9 oz). I just decided to splurge and get it and it’s been a good choice so far.

I will say this — if you don’t like anise or mint, this tea is not for you. The blend is comprised of peppermint, liquorice root, and fennel and is quite sweet on its own without any added sugar.

I usually have this on a rainy evening or after a long day because it is very relaxing. It’s good, but not an every day tea. If it’s too sweet for you, dilute it with a little water.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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OK, so this isn’t a tea, but it is what I use to heat water for tea (as well as other things which require hot water). It’s a bit on the pricey side (~$100), but the auto-timer, four different temperature settings, and HUGE capacity make it well worth the investment if you’re an avid tea drinker.

Garret 13 years ago

One of my zojirushi kettles is over 8 years old, another one over 6 and my youngest is 5 yrs old. They are used and abused here at our tea shop and the coffee/tea houses that we sell these to are quite happy with them. They are workhorses and my life has not been the same since getting my first one :)

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drank Citrus PILEDRIVER by 52teas
67 tasting notes

If the guayusa, green yerba mate, and roasted yerba mate don’t get you going, the harmonious mix of orange peel, lemon peel, lemon myrtle, and lemongrass will definitely give you a much needed jolt.

I’d say it’s more of a morning tea, but I had a cup iced this afternoon for an after-lunch pick-me-up. It’s great hot also, but iced, it really shines as a sweet refreshing beverage. It’s good straight, but try it with a touch of agave nectar to boost the flavors.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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OG blogger (c. 1997), web designer, tech entrepreneur, early adopter, tea aficionado, live event and TV show master tweeter.


Atlanta, GA



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