Blueberry Crumble

Tea type
Black Fruit Green Blend
Black Tea, Blueberry, Cinnamon, Green Tea, Safflower, Sugar Sprinkles
Blueberry, Cinnamon, Maple, Pancake Syrup, Cake, Caramel, Smooth, Pastries, Sugar, Berries, Bread, Butter
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Pyroxy
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 9 oz / 280 ml

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From Della Terra Teas

Our Blueberry Crumble has the delicious taste of blueberry and rich, warm crumb cake! Black and green tea combined with blueberry, cake and cinnamon. It’ll seem like you have a slice of that crumble, warm, crumbly cake right in your own cup. You can almost taste the crisp cinnamon and sugar on top!

Amount: 1 tsp per 8oz
Temp: Boiling
Steep: 3-5 min

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76 Tasting Notes

103 tasting notes

I had high expectations for this tea. I love blueberry teas. And blueberry crumble? YUM! However, for me, this tea failed to deliver. It had a pleasant scent when brewed. I sweetened it and drank it at my normal temperature but for the whole cup, all I got was a pleasant, slightly cinnamony tea. Not a note of blueberry at all, ever. No cake or crumble. Nothing to write home about.

I even left it in my closed Breville overnight by accident, and when I opened it up the next day, I didn’t get any blueberry OR cake smell at all. The only time I got a scent out of it is when I smelled the wet leaf, then I got the cake scent. Normally if I leave a tea sitting in the Breville I have to rinse and rinse to get the smell out. I didn’t have to do that in this case.

I don’t know what to say, except those who like this specific tea should keep an eye on my swap list. ;-)


Strange that you didn’t get any blueberry. It’s certainly not a major player here, but I’m definitely picking it up, like a hot blueberry-in-a-crisp sort of flavour. Less artificial than some I’ve tasted, even.

Rachel Sincere

Kittena, what’s even weirder is that one of the people I swapped it to told me that it had a weird artificial flavor and she could only take two sips before dumping out the cup! She thought it might be rancid. It was a brand new bag. I’m wondering if I got a bad batch somehow.


Weird. Did you message Della Terra about it?

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1347 tasting notes

Thanks jessiwrites :)

This one is definitely what made all my other teas smell maple-y.

I suppose I could say this is more “crumbly” than “blueberry”, but really when I think of crumble I think of cake, not maple syrup. I’m not getting too much blueberry, perhaps a bit in the background but the maple flavour is much too overwhelming for me.

The second steep was more tolerable, but I still don’t think it does the name “Blueberry Crumble” justice.

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226 tasting notes

Smell wise: OMG. I could smell this all day and not get tired of it. I could wear it like a perfume on my date thursday with my sweetie…and he probably would not leave me alone. Giggles
Wet smell: pretty much the same
Taste: Ahh. it seemed to good to last. It’s good, pleasant. I taste the crumble-y part. And a hint of blueberries. a bare hint. Generally I am not a huge fan of blueberries, though I do like eating them on occasion. But I do love artificial blueberry. The idea of blueberry tea intrigues me, I guess because it’s a hard taste to deliver. I wanted to sprinkle some Cinnamon sugar in this, hoping to get the flavors to jump a little more, unfortunately, accidently added to much, but it’s still drinkable.
On my package there wasn’t directions in how to brew this, so I went with the green tea setting on my kettle (175 f) only just now looked at the website and it suggested 210. Hmm. It struck me as odd because everything I heard about teas that are blended with different types you go with whichever is the lowest, which makes perfect sense to me. But because I want to give this as fair of a shot as I can…I will try that next time, though I might be tempted to add a splash of blueberry flavored syrup or dried blueberries.
Would I get this again: Leaning towards no. But I just might get this again as a sample. And plan on trying this cold too. I think I’ll have enough if I just do it by individual cup.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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523 tasting notes

I don’t like this one so much. The blueberry is there, but it hardly compares to the blueberry purple tea that I love from Butiki.

I can see how it is supposed to resemble a crumb cake, but it just doesn’t work for me.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Lariel of Lórien

Some of their fruity dessert teas are better iced.


Maybe, but I’m not much of an iced-tea drinker. I like iced hibiscus, but that’s about it.

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92 tasting notes

This is really light and lovely the way I brewed it. Still a little hot to drink fast but very good. Surprised its been hiding in my stash as long as it has.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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612 tasting notes

So out of the blue a wonderful friend sent me a bunch of teas (none of which I’ve tried before, yay! Buncha Harney goodies!) and a beautiful hand-watercolored card with a lovely letter, just ‘cause she knows my husband went back to work last week and this school year’s going to be stressful for lots of ugly reasons (county and city districts have merged and a lot of things are changing, including an effective pay cut, noticeably higher health insurance costs, longer hours—we are now getting up at 4:45 in the morning—and a bunch of things like having a Master’s no longer meaning a pay raise, etc., etc., along with the fact my husband nearly lost his job this spring based on scoring that had nothing to do with him, bureacratic nightmare stuff like that). Now I’m drinking this, part of the care package, and feeling whisked away to, oh say sunny Sunday brunch just when you’re about to break into the homemade coffee cake, complete with streusel topping. Tea friends and getting surprises in the mail are the BEST. Suddenly my ho-hum day has been made. <3

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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431 tasting notes

Backlogging from atleast a few days or more. Lost track about that. I honestly thought this was a cool combo of ingredients. And glad I got to try it but, I don’t know if I added too much sugar but there was a cloying maple taste with the blueberry which was too much. I was hoping to taste blueberry and cinnamon. I have some left may try again with less sugar and a shorter steep time.

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687 tasting notes

I love the smell of blueberries in the morning. The flavour does remind me of blueberry pastries. Though the berry flavour is a bit too mild. Cinnamon makes a nice addition.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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181 tasting notes

Okay, so this tea fascinated me as soon as I opened the packet – it smells a little like a blueberry crumble candle (but without the artificial, chemical notes) and I was terribly curious to see how it’d brew up.

The notes say boiling water for 3-5 minutes and I stayed mostly within those guidelines. My first steep of the day was 4 min, this second steep was closer to 5:30 since I got distracted doing the dishes.

As it steeps the aroma really opens up – you can pick up the cinnamon yeasty notes of the crumble layered in with the subtler fruity notes of well-baked blueberries…I would happily wear this as a perfume if that were an option.

The only minor gripe I had with the steeping is that they put something in the mix that adds a shimmer to the tea…and call me weird, but I find that a little unpalatable. It didn’t affect the taste, though, so I’m sure the aversion was all in my head.

As to the taste…well, it’s softly fruity (in a way that really picks up notes of ripe blueberry) and still holds the bread-like crumble notes that make it feel so very warming and comforting.

It held up well to two steeps and I’m contemplating trying another after my run tonight…I’m absolutely enchanted with this tea. Two thumbs right up. :D

(and whenever it warms up I may give this a try iced as well…I think it’ll have a delightful flavour while cold, also)

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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353 tasting notes

This is tasty. I definitely can taste the blueberry, and the cinnamon is reminiscent of the crumble topping. The flavor was missing some oomph, though, and was more subtle than what I wanted.

Maybe something to make it a bit creamy? Because I love ice cream or whipped cream on my blueberry crumble.

3 min, 0 sec

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