Blueberry Crumble

Tea type
Black Fruit Green Blend
Black Tea, Blueberry, Cinnamon, Green Tea, Safflower, Sugar Sprinkles
Blueberry, Cinnamon, Maple, Pancake Syrup, Cake, Caramel, Smooth, Pastries, Sugar, Berries, Bread, Butter
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Pyroxy
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 9 oz / 280 ml

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76 Tasting Notes View all

From Della Terra Teas

Our Blueberry Crumble has the delicious taste of blueberry and rich, warm crumb cake! Black and green tea combined with blueberry, cake and cinnamon. It’ll seem like you have a slice of that crumble, warm, crumbly cake right in your own cup. You can almost taste the crisp cinnamon and sugar on top!

Amount: 1 tsp per 8oz
Temp: Boiling
Steep: 3-5 min

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76 Tasting Notes

615 tasting notes

I got some of this in a trade from jessiwrites (thank you!) and I’m really glad I got a chance to try it.

The dry leaf smells amazingly sweet and cake-y, with hints of cinnamon and something almost maple syrup-y. Yum!

Once brewed the tea takes on a life of it’s own and the little silver shards you see in the dry leaf make my tea shimmer in direct light! I feel like I’m drinking fairy water or something.

The taste is very crumbly cake with less blueberry. It’s definitely captured the essence of a coffeecake, but I feel it’s lacking blueberry. There’s a whisper of it on each sip, but it doesn’t ever seem to be fully realised. The base blend is fair and down’t really obscure or enhance the flavors in any way.

I think next cup, I’m gonna go halfway with some Blueberry Syrup tea from California Tea House and see if we can’t make some blueberry cakey magic. But until then, it’s still a pretty awesome crumb cake cuppa.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I just ordered some of this earlier today, hoping for some BLUEBERRY! I hope I find more of it than you did :p Or I can add some Butiki Blueberry tea and remind myself that there is no substitute for a superior tea from Butiki (even if I was hoping for some cake with my blueberry. . .)

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390 tasting notes

hmmm. bluberries i get, and a warm something….. is it cake though? no, not in this steep. i will try again, i do have enough in my lovely sample thanks to ShortSorceress.

this is definitely not the worst tea i’ve had. it’s not even bad…. i’m finding myself wishing for more commitment to the blend. i have the blueberries, but not strongly enough. and i’m not getting any of the spices incorporated for the crumb cake at all. blueberry-ish + a vague warmth does not a blueberry crumble make.

i will resteep. maybe a cold steep? however, i will at this point admit something uncomfortable: david’s teas ‘blueberry jam’ was infinitely better right out of the starting gate. i’m not a fan of david’s for the most part— i have food allergies and i don’t find them trustworthy. but ‘blueberry jam’ is a tea that i adore and that this one doesn’t even compare to.

i will review my number after another steep, but at the moment it reflects the fact that i had expected a great deal more than i got.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

It must be hard picking out teas sometimes while having allergies. Do you worry of cross-contamination of teas or just the additions/flavouring of the teas themselves?


i don’t buy unless i trust the company to list ingredients consistently (which david’s does not which is why i don’t buy there anymore). this issue is how steepster came to my attention, actually! i began looking for reviews /ingredients list and i kept getting routed here, lol. i made friends, whom i trust, i became friends with some vendore on here, whom i also trust… now if i have an ingredients problem i have recourse and am not quiet about it (ask anyone, lol). i trust the information i find on here.


That’s interesting about davids. I found steepster in a similar way although it was researching teavana, and found most links came to here as well! This really seems like the best place to be for all tea lovers.

Short Sorceress

It reminds me more of blueberry pancakes than blueberry crumble, but thats ok with me. This is my new go-to tea for our pancake breakfast every other week. I haven’t tried cold steeping this yet, but I should, I don’t know why I never thought about it.

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230 tasting notes

This tea is SO GOOD. I got this sample out of the “Considering Another Traveling Teabox” tea box. I also JUST placed a Della Terra order. I wish I had added this. I can taste the blueberry, the crumble, the sugar, caramel ,brown sugar, baked goods and just bliss.

Such a yum!

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618 tasting notes

I’m really impressed with the scent of this tea. I am smelling blueberries, green tea, cinnamon and the sugary crumble that is often sprinkled with a heavy hand on top of baked goods. If this tea tastes exactly the way it smells… well, I’ll be in blueberry crumble bliss!

Sipping… wow, I’m tasting cinnamon and that burnt sugar crumble flavor. Tasty! The blueberries aren’t terribly strong, but I’m really concentrating on that sugary pastry flavor. The more I sip, the more I enjoy this tea. The green/black tea base is well hidden – I don’t know if I can even taste it at all. I’m glad that there isn’t a bitter note that could potentially ruin the cup.

Even though I do get a sense of something artificial, I’m still thrilled to be getting such great crumble flavor in a tea. So far this is the only tea from Della Terra that hasn’t left me somewhat disappointed. Will definitely repurchase this one!

Short Sorceress

I’m a bit addicted to this one, it goes really good with blueberry pancakes :)

Lariel of Lórien

I’m saying mine for blueberry scones.


I will have to try this with blueberry foods! (love both blueberry scones and blueberry pancakes)~

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652 tasting notes

Another “retry all of my old favorites” entry.

Basically a slightly different version of Pineapple Upside Down Cake, replacing the pineapple with blueberries.

I didn’t notice any tartness lingering in the background with this one, (likely due to the lack of pineapple flavoring), so this was even sweeter if that’s possible.

It didn’t make the cut, I’m no longer in love.
Toooo sweet for my newly morphed tastebuds. Great for a lover of dessert teas!

Adjusting my previous rating of 88 accordingly.

So long and thanks for a good time!

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292 tasting notes

This is one of the prettiest teas I’ve ever seen, with green and black tea leaves, blue and pink flowery bits, and little silvery sugar sprinkles. So lovely!

I was a bit worried that with the sprinkles, it might be too sweet, but I don’t think it is. It has a very subtle, warm blueberry flavor, with a thicker kind of cinnamon-y taste that is absolutely fantastic. It really delivers what the name implies.

I am definitely going to enjoy drinking my 1oz packet, and this could possibly end up on a reorder list, depending on how I feel about Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish (whenever that gets here).

2 min, 30 sec

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76 tasting notes

I was worried, but now I’m not. This tea is amazing. I’ve been concerned about trying this because I haven’t traditionally been a fan of flavored teas. However, since I discovered companies like Della Terra I’ve learned that some flavored teas can be really well done. That is to say they can still maintain the flavor complexity and texture that is the reason I love tea in the first place.

I just want to say, that the steam coming off of this cup smells to me like fog machine smoke with blueberry muffins in the background. The tea has a nice thick texture with no astringency and actual blueberry flavor on the back of the tongue.

My ability to write a more concise tasting note may be hindered by the nag champa aroma currently wafting through my apartment.

Terri HarpLady

I tend to go mostly with straight blacks, greens, oolongs, etc, but I enjoy some flavored teas now as well. :)

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42 tasting notes

Upon first sip… Yumyumyumyumyum! Blueberry is definitely there. Maybe some other reviewers are drinking tea from a different batch because the tea I’m drinking absolutely tastes like blueberry. It doesn’t have the tartness of blueberries, but for the sake of the flavor being “blueberry crumble,” it doesn’t need the sour, juiciness. (That would be more appropriate for a fruity tea. This is a breakfast/dessert tea.) It has a cakey taste, too. And I get what some people referred to as a maple syrup flavor. To me, it’s more like artificial pancake syrup, not a true maple flavor. It reminds me of a blueberry waffle! No complaints here! :)

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

This sounds delicious!

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1186 tasting notes

Backlog – my friend finally came over to pick up her Della Terra order at my place yesterday and to meet my new kitty, so she made a cup of Pineapple upside down cake and I tried a cup of her blueberry crumble. Oh my goodness, it was soooo good. I definitely need to order some. Like brown sugar crumble with blueberries, so sweet and delicious. I want some. I’m jealous she took it haha, even though it is her tea :D when I can finally order tea again, that one is definitely on the list!

Aimee Popovacki

that sounds good.. I’ve been going through a blueberry phase.. I really like teasy’s blueberry muffin mix.. it tastes just like a muffin with dutch streusel topping.. so nice.. but if it steeps too long (and I love to cold steep) it gets too tart!

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4239 tasting notes

Additional notes: Sipping this one now, trying to figure out what to put in the teabox. This one is on a few wishlists (yes, I check.) I tried this one after the boiled water cooled for 10 minutes. It seems like it tasted exactly the same as last time. This is an odd tea – the leaves are supposedly half green/half black, but the green tea itself is very dark. It isn’t hojicha. There are twigs in it that could be kukicha. Then I thought maybe it is just black tea and kukicha which was a light bulb in the brain BUT then the brew itself is super light colored, like it is a green tea. I wish when tea companies said “green tea” they would specify which type. It’s still a mystery, but it’s a delicious one. This is definitely a dessert tea. But maybe it could have been called blueberry maple pancakes!

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