Three Lemon Green (Organic)

Tea type
Herbal Rooibos Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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32 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Hello old friend… A long standing favourite. Historically, it is my favourite lemon tea, but I don’t know where I stand on that now. I’ve only just realized it has green rooibos in it. That makes...” Read full tasting note
  • “Special thanks to SoftRevolution for this one! I really like that David’s used Green Rooibos here. The trio of lemony-goodness and the ratio they used of each was lovely! Not too over-powering. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “The dry tea smells lemony – an interesting combination of fresh lemon juice and sweet lemon candy. The green rooibos base was a good choice for this blend IMO as it already has a clean slightly...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got a pre-packaged pouch of this some months ago for $1 during a sale, and I’ve had it a few times now. The man of the house seems rather taken by it, having made it last night before bed and...” Read full tasting note


Love lemon? This organic green rooibos tea brings together lemongrass, lemon zest and lemon myrtle to create an over-the-top lemon extravaganza. It’s completely delicious when iced, and particularly soothing when drunk hot with a spoonful of honey. Plus you’ll find that the green rooibos adds a fresh, natural sweetness (and a ton of antioxidants) for a perfect lemonade twist.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

32 Tasting Notes

814 tasting notes

what else would a Green Arrow fan drink while she watches the new episode of Arrow?!

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230 tasting notes

ummm, Lemon grass, need I say more?

I love all things citrus, but lemon grass, a no! a thank-you! I should have paid more attention when I purchased 10g of this, but I am glad that it is only 10g and not a whole bag or whole tin.

But all is not lost, mixed with a little “green and fruity” and it is saved.

5 min, 0 sec

This is why I love living near a DavidsTea, you can just purchase 10g of the teas you’re curious about.


Exactly, and now that we have a DAVIDs where people can sit and sip, it’s wonderful to pop in on my days off with Kobo in hand.

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94 tasting notes

Not sure what to think of this one. I have left my tsac in so that might be contributing to the strange flavour I am getting. Or it could be the Rooibos. I am enjoying it but think I may enjoy it better if I drank it hot since I have left this one for about 20 minutes. Still good but I can’t get over the strange flavour. I will repost next time I have it when it is hot.


I forgot to mention that I did get some real lemon taste to this. I am not sorry I bought it and I think it may be good for when I am feeling under the weather. And since I am no longer able to use cough medicine (stupid high blood pressure) I am looking for things to make me feel better when I get a cold.


Congee!! that’s what I turn to (the asian version of chicken soup- with preserved egg in it! yummmm)
Finally getting my stuff together to send you that sleepy tea!

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6119 tasting notes

Not overly enchanted….

The dry leaf smells promising, lemony and tangy; as I like my lemons sour, that’s good! Unfortunately, steeped it just isn’t what I was hoping for, although it is kind of what I expected. I’ve found that lemongrass can be an odd flavour in teas, and I’m getting it here, along with lemon zest and lemon peel which give me more of a lemon-scented cleaner taste as opposed to a lemon juice flavour. It’s a little sweet, and not objectionable, but I can’t see myself brewing this up again for myself. Maybe it would be tasty with some honey and lemon juice, but I suspect those flavours would overwhelm it and defeat the purpose of it tasting lemony in the first place!

Ah well, not too disappointed. A(n expected, for me) miss in the plethora of delicious teas from DT.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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307 tasting notes

Day 83 of my 101 days of DAVIDsTEA challenge.

1.5tsp in my tea ball, brewed in-cup.

This tea smells AMAZING. Just like lemon curd, I was so excited to drink it. Unfortunately, the taste was not quite as good as the smell suggests. I totally wish I could bottle up the scent and turn that into a beverage! Now THAT would be amazing.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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12 tasting notes

Mmm, Christmas tea! :) My partner put this in my stocking. She’s done pretty well to find teas for me that I enjoy, and you generally can’t go wrong with lemon.

I don’t find this as strong as some lemon tea I’ve had (I recently tried David’s Teas La La Lemon in store, which is lemon with black, and found that had a much stronger lemon flavour, and I also have a terrible habit of adding dollar store lemon tisanes to other teas) but combined with the green rooibos I find this a really soothing anytime tea, since there’s no caffiene.

I do think that I need to get my hands on some rooibos that isn’t mixed with anything else, though, since this is the second green rooibos-based tea that I’ve really enjoyed – the red rooibos I’ve tried hasn’t been nearly as appetizing to me, although I don’t know if it’s just due to the blends I’ve tasted it in.

The green rooibos is what I believe gives this tea its “fresh” aftertaste (I’m not sure how else to describe it), which really makes this tea different from other lemony teas for me. This is probably one that’s going to turn into a regular for me.

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48 tasting notes

I usually bypass the rooibos section altogether, because there’s just something that I don’t like about the flavour of red rooibos. Fair enough.

But green rooibos? Oh hello!

The clerk at Davids convinced me to give this one a go, since I do enjoy lemongrass and citrus teas, and I couldn’t detect a rooibos scent from the tin at all, so I figured, why not.

And you know what? It’s lovely!

I’ve had it hot in the past, and it’s good. But I just poured myself a glass of this bright yellow iced brew, and it’s absolutely delicious. There’s a nice sweetness to it, and the lemon isn’t too tart. You can definitely taste the different layers of lemon flavour as well. Floral and fruity and all-around nice.

If I think about it, I can taste the rooibos note, but it’s definitely not the same flavour as red rooibos. Much gentler, with no aftertaste. I think I might just be a fan.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

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440 tasting notes

I’m not sure what to say that hasn’t already been said by others. It’s a pretty standard lemon flavour, if a tad weaker than I’ve found in some others. Inoffensive and mild, this is one that I like but don’t love.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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46 tasting notes

This is the second “love at first taste” i found at Davidstea. I got to say that i LOVE every lemon things. And when i smelled that tea, i was like, OMG, it can’t be disgusting! Comfort food exists but comfort teas too and Three Lemon Green is one of my comfort teas. Most of the time, i drink it as a hot tea (in fact i don’t remember if i ever taste it as an iced tea…).
I bought a large quantity of it when one night, Davidstea Facebook page added a big online promotion….1$ for 40g for a limited time (but all the bags you want). The next morning, there was no bag available so i was lucky!

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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137 tasting notes

I bought this the other day along with raspberry nectar and green and fruity as part of a promotion that DT had on for iced teas. I actually thought I’d like this the least out of the three, but it has turned out to be my favorite.

I’m sipping it iced right now at work, and it has a lovely bright and fresh lemon scent and flavour that’s not the slightest bit bitter or overly tart. The lemongrass comes out the most for me, and is delicious with the green rooibos. I can’t wait to try this hot with a bit of honey, I’m sure it’ll be fantastic. Iced though, it’s perfectly refreshing for summer. I think I’ll be reaching for this one quite often.

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