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Got a sample in my Birthday gift, steep it and fall in love! I can’t wait to receive my order from Teavana, :)
It’s an orange flavour, this iced tea is soooo good Come on mail man…!!
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It’s a pretty good tea :) Spicy and lemon Watch out with your steeper and tea stuff bc they’re gonna turn yellow!!
buy more soon!!
WOW… It’s delicious! and I need to buy more and more… !!
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It’s my morning treat Comfort chocolate tea for celebrate friday!!
Yesterday afternoon it was in my cup.. I’m a little bit depress theses days… I need my comfort tea..
It’s the 1 the I bought a year don’t remember when.. it’s was for doing a chaï latté! I try it without milk and it’s ok but will be better in latté with some honey I think!
I’ll try to do it in latté when winter come!!
It’s my treat on this sunday nigth after a too big meal!!
I’m a tea maniac! I buy tea at least once a week!! I drink tea 2 or 3 time a day! Fruity lover! Chocolate lover…Bah TEA LOVER
Quiébec, Canada