Not sure what to think of this one. I have left my tsac in so that might be contributing to the strange flavour I am getting. Or it could be the Rooibos. I am enjoying it but think I may enjoy it better if I drank it hot since I have left this one for about 20 minutes. Still good but I can’t get over the strange flavour. I will repost next time I have it when it is hot.
I forgot to mention that I did get some real lemon taste to this. I am not sorry I bought it and I think it may be good for when I am feeling under the weather. And since I am no longer able to use cough medicine (stupid high blood pressure) I am looking for things to make me feel better when I get a cold.
I forgot to mention that I did get some real lemon taste to this. I am not sorry I bought it and I think it may be good for when I am feeling under the weather. And since I am no longer able to use cough medicine (stupid high blood pressure) I am looking for things to make me feel better when I get a cold.
Congee!! that’s what I turn to (the asian version of chicken soup- with preserved egg in it! yummmm)
Finally getting my stuff together to send you that sleepy tea!