Three Lemon Green (Organic)

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Herbal Rooibos Blend
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205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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32 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Hello old friend… A long standing favourite. Historically, it is my favourite lemon tea, but I don’t know where I stand on that now. I’ve only just realized it has green rooibos in it. That makes...” Read full tasting note
  • “Special thanks to SoftRevolution for this one! I really like that David’s used Green Rooibos here. The trio of lemony-goodness and the ratio they used of each was lovely! Not too over-powering. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “The dry tea smells lemony – an interesting combination of fresh lemon juice and sweet lemon candy. The green rooibos base was a good choice for this blend IMO as it already has a clean slightly...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got a pre-packaged pouch of this some months ago for $1 during a sale, and I’ve had it a few times now. The man of the house seems rather taken by it, having made it last night before bed and...” Read full tasting note


Love lemon? This organic green rooibos tea brings together lemongrass, lemon zest and lemon myrtle to create an over-the-top lemon extravaganza. It’s completely delicious when iced, and particularly soothing when drunk hot with a spoonful of honey. Plus you’ll find that the green rooibos adds a fresh, natural sweetness (and a ton of antioxidants) for a perfect lemonade twist.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

32 Tasting Notes

709 tasting notes

Hello old friend…

A long standing favourite. Historically, it is my favourite lemon tea, but I don’t know where I stand on that now. I’ve only just realized it has green rooibos in it. That makes three teas I own with green rooibos that I didn’t realize.

I just took a lemon meringue ppie out of the oven, and thought a pot of this would hold me over until it’s cool enough to properly enjoy. The dry smell is a rather sharp lemon, and it’s a beautiful tea to look at…if you like lemongrass, etc. It steeps up a fairly vivid yellow – This tea never lets you forget that it’s loaded with lemon. Much like 52Teas Lemolicious, but obviously without the guayusa taste.

The steeped smell is spot on lemon…But the tartness of lemon. I suppose it could be easily compared to lemon cleaners, but that’s an authentic lemon smell to me, so what can I say?

The actual lemon taste is not so tart as the smell would lead you to believe. I find this a nice smooth lemon tea, and a great precursor to my lemon meringue!

Boiling 8 min or more
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ambientqueenie 14 years ago

Interesting thought, to sneak some green rooibos into an essentially lemon tea. When did green rooibos hit the market, anyway? I’ve only recently heard of it, and I’m curious as to when it emerged. I will ask you instead of Google, because well, why not? :P

Uniquity 14 years ago

I really don’t know. I don’t know anythign about it, actually, other than that it seems like people who don’t like red rooibos often like or don’t mind green. I think KeenTeaThyme also doesn’t get headaches from green rooibos, but does from red. What a difference oxidization makes!

Muiriddin 14 years ago

Green rooibos is a recent addition for adagio it seems, or at least their green rooibos sampler pack is. It definitely has less wood to its taste and my wife who can’t stand red rooibos really likes a lot of the green rooibos teas. I’ve never had one with lemon that I can think of but I could see where the green rooibos would mix well with it. I would expect a malty undercurrent added to something that was pure lemon…

Michelle Butler Hallett 14 years ago

Green rooibos has a much cleaner and lighter taste than red roobios, and, if blended, does not dominate as red rooibos often does. Drinking them solo. the difference really is comparable to green vs black tea. I love green rooibos. I have less and less patience with red rooibos these days.

Uniquity 14 years ago

I really liked red rooibos. I think I still do…but I’m getting tired of it. I think I’m going through another tea cycle. : )

ambientqueenie 14 years ago

Ah, I see! Color me wary on red rooibos as well; I have tried it several times, and each time, flavored or not flavored, I am left thinking, in a word, “Yikes.” There’s a certain amount of guilt involved there, though, heh. I always feel like my palate isn’t developed or hardy enough when I admit to disliking the “tobacco underbelly” of rooibos. (Caveat: a dash of Adagio’s rooibos vanilla chai in a blend can be pretty darn tasty, but I suspect that’s because the chai spices cover up the malty/woodiness of the rooibos.)

Is green rooibos just an Adagio thing? That’s where I first heard of it, too, but I wonder if this new infusion comes from a new-fangled plant (i.e., one that was bred to produce this tea recently) or … uh, an old-fangled one (i.e., one that has been producing green rooibos for many moons, but we just haven’t heard of it before). Maybe green rooibos should be next on my trial list, since everyone is in agreement about its marked difference!

Thanks for the food (drink?) for thought!

Uniquity 14 years ago

Green rooibos is a global thing…my green rooibos teas are from david’s tea, they’ve got a surprising number of them. From what I understand it’s from the same plant as red, but dealt with in a different way. Lezz oxidization? more? Something like that!

Muiriddin 14 years ago

I believe it is less oxidization based upon what I’ve read somewhere. That being said in a quick search I can’t find the “somewhere” that I read it!

Michelle Butler Hallett 14 years ago

Here’s what says about green rooibos:

“When South African rooibos is quickly withered and steamed to prevent oxidation, it retains its green colour. The benefit? Studies are showing that green rooibos has more antioxidants – making it comparable to green tea. So it may be better at preventing cancer, slowing the aging process and all those other great things that red rooibos is known for. Plus it has a light, fresh taste all its own.” (, accessed 16 March 2011.)

Uniquity 14 years ago

That’s interesting, since there seems to be constant debate about whether red rooibos or green tea have more antioxidants…If green rooibos has more than red rooibos, then it would presumably have more than green tea!

Uniquity 14 years ago

Of course, but then I find a website claiming that white teas has the most with up to five times as much as green tea. Gah. (—-Foods-High-In-Antioxidants-Include-Loose-Leaf-Tea&id=757228)

Muiriddin 14 years ago

We need more scientific studies! I have seen something quoted that claimed white had more antioxidants than green tea as well. No idea who funded that study, if it happened to be white tea growers…

Uniquity 14 years ago

I guess the only consensus is that black doesn’t have the most..

Michelle Butler Hallett 14 years ago

But hey, it’s all good in the end. Even a cup of Tetley (blech!) doses you up with good stuff.

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6768 tasting notes

Special thanks to SoftRevolution for this one!

I really like that David’s used Green Rooibos here. The trio of lemony-goodness and the ratio they used of each was lovely! Not too over-powering. It’s soothing and comforting. This is lemony but not puckery and not really sour. It’s sweet and slightly creamy in the middle of the sip – more specifically.

This is really lovely!

softrevolution 13 years ago

So glad you’re enjoying it!

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1908 tasting notes

The dry tea smells lemony – an interesting combination of fresh lemon juice and sweet lemon candy. The green rooibos base was a good choice for this blend IMO as it already has a clean slightly citrus flavour that enhances the lemoniness. It’s maybe a little bit dull hot, but I bet it would be great iced – it’s next on my list when I make up a jug.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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658 tasting notes

I got a pre-packaged pouch of this some months ago for $1 during a sale, and I’ve had it a few times now. The man of the house seems rather taken by it, having made it last night before bed and then again for me when I got home from work today. I’m not complaining when tea is being made for me (and having him prepare tea means some of the non-faves that are lingering in the chaotic tea corner get used up), but I find it exceedingly dull. That’s about it. It’s lemony. It’s herbal-tasting. I think I’m starting to stray away from lemongrass. It’s too overbearing these days.

De 13 years ago

I agree about this tea. It was just okay. It was lemony. Tastyish. Just kinda meh.

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618 tasting notes

I wish I knew why I have such a strong attraction to lemon teas. They just really hit the spot! Lately I’ve been drinking a lot of lemon myrtle and lemon meringue teas, but I thought that I would try this one tonight. I’ve noticed that the dry leaf smells very lemony, earthy and much less sweet than any lemon dessert teas. Hm.. this might be a nice change!

After water has been added, the scent is much more earthy and a lot less lemony. I’m not sure how I feel about that… It reminds me a lot of plain lemon myrtle without rooibos, lemon grass or lemon peel.

Sipping… I’m glad that the flavor is not as earthy as the scent. It’s definitely not sweet and desserty, but more savory. The general flavor is something like a blend of herbs.. Not very specific.. but a bit like Celestial Seasoning’s Sleepy Time tea. I can’t pick out much anything in particular, but I seem to taste a bit of a jumble. My tongue tastes chamomile, lemon and hay.

This tea, while not my favorite, feels appropriate for night time — it’s very soothing and relaxing.

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Don’t worry, I share your lemon tea addiction! :D

QueenOfTarts 12 years ago

Indigobloom, What’s your most favorite lemon tea you’ve had? Always like to see what fellow lemon tea drinkers enjoy!

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806 tasting notes

A very good lemon tea! It’s like eating a lemon but without feeling like you have to pucker lips. It will be great the next time I have a cold/flu. It will replace the Stash meyer lemon in my cupboard, something I didn’t think possible! Also it’s caffiene free.

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

mm love this one – it’s so flavourful!

Autistic Goblin 13 years ago

Me too, just hits the right lemony spot.

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606 tasting notes

This tea is the prime example for me of how hoarding tea isn’t always the best thing to do.

I loved this tea when it was in its prime, but I hoarded it so long that now it’s definitely past its prime and it doesn’t taste good at all. I found that it went to an almost powdery or dusty taste to it. This again isn’t the tea itself doing this, it’s the fact that I held onto it for too long.

So, I shall keep my rating as is, ‘cause it was a great tea that I will miss. And from here on out, it is my job to drink as much tea up as possible before letting anything go bad. I’m working on it, and hopefully I won’t let any other teas go to waste again, as I had to throw out what I had left.

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Kristal 10 years ago

So disappointing! :( This must be quite an old tea because I’ve been shopping at DAVID’s for nearly 3 years and I

Kristal 10 years ago

…don’t recall this one at all. It sounds awesome too.

TheKesser 10 years ago

Yeah I went looking after seeing your comment and I think it was about 4 years old… I had no idea it was around that long… makes me think I REALLY need to take some time and go through my cupboard and see what else is needing to be tossed.

Kristal 10 years ago

Organizing the tea cupboard is one of my favourite chores! I hope you won’t have to throw out too much.

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2238 tasting notes

I’ve liked most of the Davids Teas I’ve tried so far, but this one maybe isn’t for me. I love lemon, but there’s not nearly enough flavour here to really satisfy my tastebuds.

There’s plenty of lemongrass in the dry mix, with lemon myrtle and pieces of lemon zest, too. Green rooibos as a base. I can taste lemon in the finished cup, but it’s just lacking some of the oomph I expected. I’m used to my lemon strong. It’s odd, because it smells of lemon, almost like lemon curd, it just doesn’t seem to translate all that well. It’s on the sweet side, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing where lemon is concerned.

I can taste lemongrass primarily, which is smooth and hay-like, and goes really well with the green rooibos base, which is similarly mellow and herbal-tasting. It’s by no means a bad tea, just not quite what I was expecting. Probably my fault for building it up in my head, but come on — anything called Three Lemon should be screaming lemon in my book. It’s pleasant, but it doesn’t stand out enough to become a favourite, sadly. Still, thanks to Queen of Tarts for sharing this with me!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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144 tasting notes

I really expected to hate this because of the green rooibos and the lemongrass, but it’s actually pretty good. The green rooibos just barely comes through in the background for me, and not in the mildew-y way that I find it tends to appear in other teas. I think this is mostly because the lemongrass is so overpowering and covers it up. But yeah, just a pretty simple lemon tea. It seems to me like it could be really versatile, like you could mix it with loads of other teas or have it iced or sweetened… I don’t know if I would do it as a latte though. But maybe!!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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836 tasting notes

The primary taste that I am getting out of this tisane is that of artificial lemon flavour. It is missing that zing that I associate with a freshly squeezed lemon. I’m finding that I am associating the flavour with candle wax. There is a mild sweet touch on the aftertaste. I can detect somewhat of a minty feel near the end of the sip.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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