I got 50g of this tea for free off a DavidsTea newsletter/promo thing. Pretty cool! I think a few months back I was wanting to buy this tea in the store, but couldn’t get it as they moved it to online only.
DRY: strong, sweet, lemon. Totally like lemon curd. I see lots of lemongrass chunks, oh my!
STEEPED: brown-gold. Hint of lemon smell..rooibosy for sure
TASTE (HOT TEA): Lemongrass comes out a lot with some other lemon flavours coming out like the lemon peel. Not sweet unlike the smell. Rooibos comes out. In the end, lemony without the tart but a little bitter from something – the lots of lemongrass or roobios.
Sweetened with honey: very mellow lemony – like a weak lemonaide. Still can taste the lemongrass.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Lemongrass lovers. Maybe rooibos drinkers. People who like to sweeten their tea. You like lemon, but dislike tartyness of other brands of tea.
COMMENTS: I had to sweeten this tea or this woulda been a pour out. I love lemongrass, but not this much. I wish it was more lemony like the smell of the dry leaves. With honey (and i’d love to add a lemon slice to this) the tea tastes good and mellow – not bitter.
I think this would be better iced – if I get around to it, I’ll review it again iced. But hot, I’d give Three Lemon Green a 60 rating.
I prepared this tea iced with honey and dropped thin lemon slices into the pitcher.
Very good for iced tea, much better than hot, especially with the lemon slices. Lemony with lots of dimension with the lemongrass flavor – no tartness. Very refreshing with the rooibos flavour.
Very different than the typical black tea lemon ice tea – no caffeine and no bitterness.
IMO, I would stick to this tea cold, it is very good. I don’t know if I’d buy again since I’m more of a hot tea drinker, but this is pretty good. 70 rating for Iced