
Tea type
Black Tea
Chinese Black Tea, Flavor
Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Honey, Marshmallow, Brown Sugar, Raisins, Sweet, Wood, Bitter, Molasses, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Tabby
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec 4 g 10 oz / 296 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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83 Tasting Notes View all

  • “EEEEEEH HE HEHEHE HEHE HEEEEEE I HAZ IT! I HAZ IT! I knew I’d seen it on the shelf. Went to my absolutely last hope this morning and there it was in a great big 250g tin! Yoink. What’s worse, the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I know by this time of day I usually move on to Greens, Whites, Rooibos, Minty, etc types but I can’t stop tasting the lovely teas AUGGY sent me! So…here’s another one! This doesn’t smell like...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m so excited to be drinking this for breakfast! I have come to really love this blend. I have been waiting to make any more tea orders/purchases until later this year and some of my stock goes...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! thanks to whatshesaid for letting me try this one. Still on the hunt for a perfect caramel tea but it was nice to cross this one off my list. It also confirms my suspicion that i’m not...” Read full tasting note

From Kusmi Tea

This tea has been discontinued.

With its delicious aroma, this black tea from China flavoured with caramel is the perfect drink to enjoy a quiet moment. It goes wonderfully with pastries.

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83 Tasting Notes

1353 tasting notes


I HAZ IT! I HAZ IT! I knew I’d seen it on the shelf. Went to my absolutely last hope this morning and there it was in a great big 250g tin!


What’s worse, the shop lady told me that they only make it ON ORDER so if I’d had to resort to the webshop it would have taken three weeks before I could get it. Three weeks! Not sure I would have survived that.

I’m boosting the rating on this one now. The sheer desperation with which I’ve searched for it and the awfulness of the prospect of having to wait nearly a whole month must surely be worth a handful of addtional points.

manic laughter


ahahaha you must have a lot tea not to know you got a big tin of your favorite one…

Meghann M

Glad your shop had it for you!


This is what I had this morning – such a tasty tea! Glad you found more of it!


Man this stuff must be like crack. I wish I could buy it around here.


HAHAHA! A TEAnie bit excited are we? This post made my morning:)


Ok, that does it. I’m breaking this one out today.


Aww — so happy that you found a tin! :D

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6768 tasting notes

I know by this time of day I usually move on to Greens, Whites, Rooibos, Minty, etc types but I can’t stop tasting the lovely teas AUGGY sent me! So…here’s another one!

This doesn’t smell like FAKE Caramel…that’s a plus. Not that I am a Caramel Pro by any means. Actually, I’m not really one to usually choose caramel flavored anything…but…there have been some teas I have had recently that have been quite good and they’ve contained Caramel! So…

This flavored tea is soothing and somewhat sweet. The black tea isn’t overpowering nor is it bitter. The Caramel isn’t too in-your-face and it seems to go with the Black tea perfectly. What a union! This is nice!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

This sounds divine! I love caramael!


whoops, I meant caramel.


Erin…Caramael just SOUNDS cooler!!!! :)


I would love to try this tea but I am trying to avoid paying $12 to the Kusmi company for shipping. Do you happen to know any stores that carry this tea?


@Stoo Kitchen Kapers i know carries it, there is also a kusmi store in NYC … hmm there were a few other high end kitchen stores i have seen this in as well


Thanks, AmazonV!

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541 tasting notes

I’m so excited to be drinking this for breakfast! I have come to really love this blend. I have been waiting to make any more tea orders/purchases until later this year and some of my stock goes down. When that time comes I may be getting this in my cupboard. I really loved it and am excited to try even more of Kusmi’s blends. Their tins are really pretty and I love the two that I’ve tried. Who could go wrong! I also saw recently that they have mini tin sets with an assortment of teas. SO CUTE!!! I couldn’t ask for a more gift-able product.
As for this tea, I love the base of this tea. It is apparent in the flavor of the tea without overwhelming it. I do not always enjoy plain black teas; but I love flavored blacks more than others for some reason. I think that certain blends have this hardy/strong base that helps improve the flavoring. This and 52 tea’s Pancake Breakfast are great examples of this.
Overall this is a great tea. I would recommend it wholeheartedly to any lover of dessert/flavored varieties.


I want to try this one! Would you like to swap for something in my cupboard? :-D


I only have a tiny bit left (maybe 4 cups?) but if you’d still like to I’ll look through your cupboard!


sure – but I wouldn’t want to take away your last bit of the tea. :)


psh! I got it as part of a package from Angrboda and I’d be happy to share! Besides, you probably do have something I’d like to steal! :p hehehe


My tentacles! They get everywhere! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! I mean, I’m so glad I can share by degrees. :D
Me, I’m a little concerned about this one. I’m out, and the shop where they have a whole lot of Kusmi haven’t had ANY of the caramel the last three times I checked. O.O They only have it in those large fill-a-bag containers, and since I don’t know what the turn over in those are or how many people have had their hands down the tin or whether or not those were clean hands… I’m not so keen. Lucky I got that Toffee from LPdT!


I am tempted to buy some from Kusmi but they need to offer cheaper shipping…


:p I love that many of the teas I’ve had have traveled! It makes it more special :3. I almost ran and got that toffee one after your review Angrboda! It sounds wonderful. How much is the Kusmi shipping exactly?


I thought it was around $8 or $10 from what I recall. They send everything via Fed ex ground.


huh I guess I haven’t ordered from anyone in a long time! It doesn’t sound too bad but I guess that depends on how much I want to buy.
Amy, wasn’t it you who was jonesing for some Hashiri Sencha?


no, it wasn’t me and the Sencha. And I usually try to stick to places that charge me $5 or less. :)


lolol How can I ever keep people straight?! The shipping thing is exactly why I was so excited when David’s said they were offering $5 shipping for the US. I still haven’t put in my order, but I’m dying to!

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15267 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! thanks to whatshesaid for letting me try this one. Still on the hunt for a perfect caramel tea but it was nice to cross this one off my list. It also confirms my suspicion that i’m not a huge fan of kusmi tea bases since most of their teas that i’ve tried i’ve been feeling pretty “meh” about.


I feel the same about Kusmi. And it’s such a shame, esp. as they have the cutest tins…


thanks girls for confirming what I think of Kusmi’s blends even if to be fair they always provide a decent blend.The disappointment often comes from the difference between the dry leaf scent and the taste after brewing.


Never really thought about the why and how, but you may be right. The meh-feeling is also partly due to other brands (Theodor, Marriage Freres, etc) just being that much better.


I agree! Not bad tea, but there is better out there, so why bother :)

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6107 tasting notes

I’ve heard about this tea so many times on Steepster that I have been dying to try a sample for a while, and whatshesaid indulged me :)

Unfortunately, however, consumed in the presence of other caramelly teas, I’m finding this one to be lacking and almost flavourless. I also may have understeeped, so it’s a good thing that I was given enough to make a second cup! I’ll give it another shot sometime in the future, and write a better tasting note then!

Thanks for the sample, whatshesaid!

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

That’s what I thought too, it’s quite subtle and I only started enjoying it for what it was (which I guess is a good China black tea with a hint of caramel flavour) once I stopped comparing it to Della Terra super flavored teas and the like. I understand your reaction 100% because it was the same as mine!

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652 tasting notes

Drank this again, it’s growing on me! It’s a subtle caramel taste but the tea base is pretty nice so I do appreciate what they did here. I am starting to enjoy the fact that it’s not overwhelmingly sweet, so I could drink it alongside actual dessert without having a sugar coma.

Maaaayybe I will just have to bump my rating up!

Back to Doctor Who now. “You are superior in one respect….you are better at dying!”

I’m almost done Season 2 (decided to watch this because everyone seems to be nuts over it) and trying to decide if I should continue along with S3 immediately or watch every season of Buffy over again instead. (Diehard, lifelong Buffy fan)


um doctor who.


Dr. Who! And… is that a dalek quote? I’m terrible at such things (i.e. remembering quotes).


Yes it is :)

I want to love it but so far it’s pretty cheese. The effects and stuff i mean. A bit hard to overlook. I suspect it will only get better though so I plan to stick it out. Early Buffy is pure cheese too but the fond nostalgic memories make it all ok


the first couple seasons ARE pure cheese…esp the first one. it’s kinda like watching harry potter movies… they just get darker and darker

…also i need to try this tea now that it’s here!


Well I DO love HP….. Yeah I want to know what you think of it!


Oh gawd. Idek if I could manage starting at Series 1 again (of the reboot). It was pretty terrible in comparison to what was coming later. My friend told me to start with the 11th Doctor, and now that I’m caught up I can see why. If you can’t stick with it, try jumping right to him before you give up completely. (Although you’ll miss t he best of Ten if you do that… <3)

Oh, also FINISH Season 2! :O :O :O


:| I wish I had Doctor Who eps to watch right now. And people to watch them with. I figure I’ve got about 5 years before I can make my kid watch them, but she’d probably appreciate Series 1 for all its fart jokes.


I finished S2 last night, sucks about Billie Piper. I will keep chugging through them because I expect good things, I won’t skip any because the OCD in me needs to watch them all in order! I don’t have a problem with this Doctor, though apparently the next one is even better, I feel like I have a LOT to get through though!


The next one is WAY BETTER, but I sorta fell for 10 and adored every moment (mostly) that I had with him. Oh… fandoms…

I know what you mean about it feeling like a lot. I think it took me a year and a half before I finally caught up so tomorrow I can watch the new eps with everyone else. No more spoilers!


option #3: you could always change things up by starting to watch Torchwood. (trivia: Torchwood is the same letters as docTorwho.)


i need more SPACE! spacespacespace


I’m trying to limit my exposure to the next Doctor (after David Tennant…I really really love him, why’d they have to get a new guy?! :( )….

Just watched the first episode of S3 last night, I can happily report I really like the new sidekick Martha, and I was worried it was going to be the bride from the Christmas episode after S2, she was only ok.

But I’m not going to give up! I’m in a drawing contest (haha) with a friend of my husband and our three subjects are as follows:
1)Angelus (evil) vampire
2) Ash from Evil Dead
3) Darryl from TWD with Bub the Zombie from Dawn of the Dead

I used to draw and paint a lot but stopped for a few years, I’m trying to get back into it as is he, plus I’m competitive as hell so this is a good push. (we like our horror)… This has nothing to do with Doctor Who but that I was working on my Angelus drawing last night thinking I will have to David Tennant as the Doctor sometime soon.

Also that I still want to watch all of Buffy/Angel over again but I will finish Doctor Who first.

I wouldn’t want to watch Torchwood now because wouldn’t they reference a bunch of stuff I haven’t seen yet, seeing how I only started S3??? I like that trivia fact though!


*draw David Tennant…. I was drawing Angelus while watching Doctor Who


soooo i love the tenth doctor…i was sooooo upset when they changed to matt smith. But i can say that after watching enough matt smith, i don’t hate him like i used to. He’ll never be the tenth doctor that i love but he too has a fond place in my heart. :)


Yeah I really really like him. Which season does the eleventh Doctor start?


telling you would be spoiling the fun! :)


boooo :) I will just have to cherish him while he’s still here (for me, because I’m like 7 years behind, haha)


obviously not important, but i thought it was cute someone went through the trouble to organize doctor who/torchwood/sarah jane in viewing order so neatly… nerds unite! (of course lots of nerd quibbling over said order in the comments) (oh comments)


I was worried I wouldn’t like 11 after 10 but I do…mm It’s a completely different kind of love.

Martha is SO awesome too! To be fair, I like all the companions, even though I thought the bride was terrible and abrasive.


I wish I’d have started watching sooner solid be up to date for whatever is happening on the 50th anniversary when everyone comes back!


whatshesaid – 50th anniversary is supposed to be in november. that’s PLENTY of time to catch up. :)

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2201 tasting notes

Drinking this tea almost back-to-back with Talbott’s Chocolate Almond Allure really makes me appreciate how much caramel is in that tea. Anyway, this is a tasting note for this tea, not for that one! I really enjoy this tea and it’s super delicious caramel flavor. It’s kind of one of those teas that I like a lot but I don’t know if I would need to keep it around all the time. Of course, I really don’t think I’m ever going to get down to some hypothetical pared-down cupboard of only essentials, and if I was in the Kusmi store in NYC I might pick up some more of this anyway. It really is a lovely tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Hmmmm. I wonder if they have the Talbott’s at my Dillards?


(Not looking for a sample, but needing a treat to get me through a Girl Scout overnight at the mall….. ;) )


I totally understand! Best of luck with that… :D

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1040 tasting notes

I need to get motivated. I’m sitting here with tea scattered all around me (is there anything better than that generic “tea” smell when you have tons of different ones within sniffing distance?), and I need to leave for work in less than an hour. I’m back to thinking about winning the lottery so I don’t have to go and deal with this work thing… Oh well at least it’s not that cold today – only -29C with the windchill.

This lovely caramel tea courtesy of ifjuly has been my choice this morning. I like it, it’s not over the top sweet, but it’s nice and caramely with just a hint of the black base shining though.


yeah it’s -33 with windchill here… which is EFFING INSANE for toronto…


You know it’s been cold when -30 doesn’t seem too bad out. LOL
Stay warm!!


So true Dexter. -33 makes me laugh when we were -51 yesterday. On Canada AM this morning they were complaining about the cold temps in toronto, then the news anchor said everyone from the prairies is probably just laughing at us. :)


OMG at only -29!!! This is like when the gas went over $1, ever since we go «oh, gas is so cheap today, go fill up, it’s only $1.27» What the…???


We’re at -35C today, which is a pleasant change from yesterday when it peaked (or bottomed I suppose) at -46C. And it’s supposed to get up to -6 this weekend! At least Fiance and I got to throw boiling water out of our patio window to make snow. (Highly recommended. It’s pretty awesome.) Stay warm!


It was -52C the other morning – yesterday with windchill it was hovering around -40 – will be in the low -40’s tonight then YES just as moraiwe said is to be up to about -7ish on Friday. It’s going to warm up 40 degrees…. crazy. I know but Toronto isn’t used to these temps. -30 is pretty “normal” for us – -50 on the other hand is COLD. It’s all what you are used to….


Gas was 1.06 here last time I looked – so OMG $1.27 is cheap?!? I thought is was insane at my parent at 1.12 over Christmas….


We’re still a bit colder than usual (-25 to -35 being pretty normal for us), so I’ll take a bit more heat yet haha! We keep our apartment at about 21, and it was -46 last night. It was mindblowing to realize that was a difference of over 100 degrees in Fahrenheit. (70F to -51F)


Dexter, yep, sadly, gas in quebec is cheap at $1.27…pure corruption if you ask me, but let’s not get into that :-((

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330 tasting notes

I got my spinning wheel! happy dancing
It needs some work – the wood was never finished, and it’s fairly dry. I woke up to rain though, so I can’t sit outside and do the feed-n-wax treatment I was wanting to do. The feed-n-wax doesn’t seem that stinky, but it has Dire Warnings on it that say to be in a ventilated area. Maybe I’ll pull hubby’s truck out and sit in the garage.

Now I am sitting with a mug of Kusmi Caramel frothed up with half&half and sugar. Nummy. And I’m off to do some wheel repair research. The thing that moves the mother-of-all up and down to adjust the drive wheel band tension is missing altogether, and the 1 bobbin it came with needs an end glued back on. I am wondering if I should order a new tension thingy or if I can find a bolt to use at the hardware store. And I am not sure if I should put some feed-n-wax on the bobbin first and then glue it, or glue and then feed-n-wax. It’s very dry, and I don’t know how it will affect things.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

That’s so awesome that you got your wheel! What kind is it? If it’s an ashford or another one of the major brands, somewhere like Paradise Fibers should have decently priced replacement parts. For the bobbin (is completely unsolicited advice okay?) If you put some wood glue at the join and sandwich that in a vice (if you put some cardboard on either end it won’t dent the wood), it will dry just fine. My wheel was from the 80s and I had the same problem with my bobbins.
On your mother of all adjustment, is yours just raised by twisting a knob-like screw? I would think your bolt idea would work fine.


It’s an Ashford Traditional. Any unsolicited advice is welcome :D I picked up wood glue at the hardware store along with the feed-n-wax last night.

I have to order some more bobbins anyway, so I could get a driveband tension knob at the same time, but I figured a bolt from the hardware store with some sort of drawerpull on it might give me an opportunity to do a fun personalization. But yes, it’s basically a screw with a knob on it.


I love my ashford traditional. It’s from the 80s (I think 1986) and I really beat up on it (I have to tighten the screws every so often), but it puts up with everything I throw at it. I just looked around and The Woolery has the tension knob for around $7 –
What is feed-n-wax?


Thanks! I didn’t think they had the driveband knob, I missed it before! I can’t wait to get it all waxed up and ready to spin :)

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911 tasting notes

I’m giving a bump up to the rating of this one. I keep thinking, “Ah yes, a nice caramel tea.” But no, it’s not. It’s really a great caramel tea. The smell is fantastic – thick and silky and just guh. Like those candy commercials where they have caramel flowing into caramel-colored silk? Yeah, it smells like that.

But if a tea tastes like dirty socks I’m not going to fall in love with it, silky rich smell or not. Thankfully, no dirty socks here. On the first sip of this tea I’m always reminded of Lupicia’s English Caramel because this is surprisingly unsweet. Unlike English Caramel, however, it thankfully goes nowhere near bittersweet. Instead, it’s silky (but not too heavy) straight caramel chew that somehow manages to be candy but not be sugary-sweet.

Then the sip ends and that’s where the sweet seems to really hit me – it expands in my mouth and suddenly I feel like I’ve been sucking on caramel-flavored nectar. When I had finished with my 12oz I actually felt like it had coated my mouth with a post-caramel-chew flavor/feeling.

It’s just an all around delightful tea, thus the rating bump. I think it’s a grand feat for a tea to manage such smooth, silky dessert-tea-ness, especially without sugar or milk. I’m already dreading the day I run out.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Okay, I’m sold. I’ve been contemplating a Kusmi order for ages, for several reasons but most specifically this tea, and I think this is going to be the final nail in the coffin.


Hee, I went and got the biggest tin I could find. :D And I’m half way through that.


sophistre, I know I’ve said it before, but I didn’t expect great things from Kusmi. I really think it’s because their tins are kind of gaudy. But they do lovely French-style flavored teas that I’ve really enjoyed. Well, I wasn’t big on the Bouquet of Flowers thing at all, but otherwise…
Angrboda, their tins seem so huge! Well, not the little sampler ones but the 4oz ones. I just feel that it is massive. Kind of makes me scared to order untried flavors!


Totally agree on this tea. It’s the best Kusmi I’ve had so far.


I’m just grinning at the concept of dirty-sock tea :o)


St. Petersburg is another super-tasty one, too, but then it’s got caramel in it, too!

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