
Tea type
Black Tea
Chinese Black Tea, Flavor
Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Honey, Marshmallow, Brown Sugar, Raisins, Sweet, Wood, Bitter, Molasses, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Tabby
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec 4 g 10 oz / 296 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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83 Tasting Notes View all

  • “EEEEEEH HE HEHEHE HEHE HEEEEEE I HAZ IT! I HAZ IT! I knew I’d seen it on the shelf. Went to my absolutely last hope this morning and there it was in a great big 250g tin! Yoink. What’s worse, the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I know by this time of day I usually move on to Greens, Whites, Rooibos, Minty, etc types but I can’t stop tasting the lovely teas AUGGY sent me! So…here’s another one! This doesn’t smell like...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m so excited to be drinking this for breakfast! I have come to really love this blend. I have been waiting to make any more tea orders/purchases until later this year and some of my stock goes...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! thanks to whatshesaid for letting me try this one. Still on the hunt for a perfect caramel tea but it was nice to cross this one off my list. It also confirms my suspicion that i’m not...” Read full tasting note

From Kusmi Tea

This tea has been discontinued.

With its delicious aroma, this black tea from China flavoured with caramel is the perfect drink to enjoy a quiet moment. It goes wonderfully with pastries.

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83 Tasting Notes

813 tasting notes

goddamn it i can’t believe i just steeped this for 9 min :(

am i right that it would be kinda respectable to dump some out and add water until it’s not bitter? that’s a thing that people do?

…. WAIT WAIT wait. how is it possible that this tea isn’t horribly bitter?!?!?!
i didn’t add water or anything and sure it may not be the best steep of this tea but i swear i am amazed that i can drink it and it’s only slightly more potent than i would like. after 9 minutes!!! how is that even possible?!

this accidental power steep has kinda given me a whole new level of appreciation for this tea. grace under pressure. i’m gonna drink much more of you caramel! cuz now that i’ve seen your inner beauty, i understand you much more.


I want to like that one more


i know what you mean whatshesaid. i bought a big tin of it and was like ‘meh’ and gave most of the tin away slowly. but today something clicked! and i’m glad it finally did. now i will appreciate it with a new perspective.
interesting how illusive tea can be sometimes! such a tease.


It didn’t turn horridly bitter because the base is Chinese, and the rule of thumb for the majority of Chinese blacks is that you have to really go out of your way to ruin them. They have very little bitterness and astringency in them.


Good to know!! How can a person tell if the base is Chinese?


it says in the description of all their teas really basically “Chinese black tea flavored with caramel”. i just don’t know the differences between teas, but now i’m sure i will remember chinese blacks. and how they like to be abused. ;)
i plan to read some books on tea eventually. so i can learn more. just haven’t quite gotten there yet.
thanks Angrboda


Whatshesaid, you can’t. Not unless they tell you. But if you get an experience like this one where something extremely oversteeped stands up to it and remains drinkable you can make an educated guess that it might be Chinese. :) It seems that most often your average flavoured black has a Ceylon base or some sort of blended base.

Shmiracles, this is one of the major reasons that I prefer Chinese over Indian blacks. Indian teas in particular are often terribly finicky and demanding, whereas I find I can get away with most things when brewing Chinese. Chinese blacks just suit me better. :)
As for really being able to tell the different characteristics between regions, I’m afraid that’s largely a question of experience. Books will help, certainly, because they can give you an idea of what to keep an eye out for, but most of it is paying attention while drinking. (Non-flavoured, obviously, because flavouring can hide the base quite effectively)

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612 tasting notes

Steepsters are right; this is by far the best flavored Kusmi I’ve had. The only one I’ve tried so far I’d consider buying again. Still, it’s not blow-my-socks-off great; I’ve a feeling there are other caramel teas I could find I’d like better. But it has a better flavor than most, one that integrates well with the usual gentle tea base. It hit the spot nicely for afternoon tea on this bitterly cold day.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

My favorite among flavored teas


It’s quite nice! I like how Kusmi’s trademark softness works well here.

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639 tasting notes

My first Kusmi tea thanks to Shmiracles!! The dry leaf aroma is caramel but not in an overly sweet, sugary manner. The brewed tea aroma is much more tea heavy than I would have thought. The taste is more tea and less caramel as well. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. But if you’re in the mood for a dessert tea, this may not hit the spot.

The caramel flavor is light and tastes almost syrup-y. Yes, that’s it. It tastes like caramel syrup. The base tea flavor dominates the sip. The aftertaste is where the caramel shines. With sweetener added, there’s much more caramel flavor noticeable in the sip rather than exclusively in the aftertaste. Now this is more to my liking!

I can understand the caramel chew similarity now. This does have an interesting mouthfeel. The base is really a lovely complement to the added flavoring. There’s just the tiniest hint of malt, which I’m really digging. This is a wonderful tea and one that grows on you the more you sip it. Thanks Shmiracles for sending a sample my way!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Second steep for 4 minutes was a little watery but still good.


This one is my most favourite caramel flavoured black. :D

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1112 tasting notes

Angrboda was kind enough to send me some of this tea! It was quite a surprise too! I’m still feeling amazed and so grateful!! :) It was sure a delicious surprise. I l-o-o-o-o-v-e caramel and I love Kusmi, so I did not waste a second and hurried to the kitchen to make a pot of this for my husband and I. It smelled so. good. in the package!!

The first thing that struck me was how multidimensional the caramel was. It was smooth, chewy, that under layer of burnt richness yet somehow sweet. The second thing that struck me was how wonderfully it interacted with the tea base. Again, smooth kept coming to mind. Even my husband said “Gosh this tea is good!”

Totally my favorite caramel I’ve tried so far. Kusmi nailed this one. I wouldn’t change a thing.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Oh, this tea is now definitely going to be a priority purchase after I get through my lockdown. :)

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2036 tasting notes

I’ve been wanting to try this one for a while now and today seemed like the day. This is also my first Kusmi, so I’m excited.

The dry leaves smell wonderful, but surprisingly it’s not just any old caramel I’m smelling. It’s buttery and nutty and… just yum. It must be that French thing. They can make anything elegant. That’s what this smell is: elegant. This isn’t your Halloween candy caramel. It’s a caramel from a very high end box of candies, indeed.

The tea’s aroma is mostly that same, very buttery and nutty caramel with a vanilla note. It steeps to a lighter color than I’d thought it would, but a pretty one. A sort of rosy amber.

I’m tasting a sweet, smooth, caramel-laced tea, with an extra caramel boost at the tail of the sip and it is terrifically comforting.

Now. How does this compare to Caramel-Toffee by Dammann Freres? Gosh, I might have to try them next to each other to say for sure. They’re both really delicious. I suspect the Dammann Freres may be creamier and that it may ultimately win out, but it may be one of those things where they’re similar but just different enough so that you can’t really choose one over the other and it’s really about what mood you’re in (like Florence and The Du Loup).

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec



num num num! :-D


have you tried my caramel?

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358 tasting notes

This is my very first Kusmi tea! I have just about ordered from this company a couple of times, only to decide I would wait. So big thank you to whatshesaid for a sample of this! The dry leaves smell lightly of black tea and sweet caramel, and the tea aroma is of warm caramel. I’m probably still half asleep right now and the first sip took me by surprise, it’s pretty sweet on it’s own with a authentic caramel flavor and there’s a nice maltiness from the black tea. There’s a rich caramel aftertaste that is just like biting into a piece of caramel candy. I added a little milk and sweetener and it became a smooth cup, but this is one of those rare teas that I could actually drink without either one and be perfectly content. It doesn’t seem to oversteep, either. When I poured the rest from my teapot (where the leaves were still steeping) into my cup, the rich caramel flavor had only intensified, with no bitterness. This may be my first tea that it just caramel flavored, so I probably don’t have much to compare it to, but I am pretty happy with this tea!

-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves and twigs.
-Dry leaves smell lightly of black tea and sweet caramel. Tea liquor aroma is of warm caramel.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium orange brown color.
-Malty and sweet caramel flavor and finish. Rich caramel aftertaste.
-Milk and sweetener optional.
-Very good tea. Lightly flavored. A smooth and sweet cup. Reminiscent of caramel candies.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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2816 tasting notes

Special thanks to Tamm for letting me try this one since I’ve been thinking about buying a tin of it…

I steeped mine for around 4 minutes and am drinking it straight up plain today… the Kusmi teas I’ve tried were all the Russian blends so the simplicity of this is a refreshing change of pace. A nice smooth, medium bodied black tea. The caramel flavor is subtle with just a hint of sweetness and doesn’t seem artificial to me. This was a great choice for after lunch with a cookie! :)

I tried adding soymilk to it but I think I preferred it plain actually…

This was enjoyable for a flavored black tea but it doesn’t need a permanent home in my ever growing stash.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Do you have to order this to your house or do you live by the store?


I’ve been able to find a few Kusmi teas locally but this isn’t one of them. The last time I checked they were charging $10 for shipping… meh


Well damn. If you were only buying one tea that would be a pretty big tag for the shipping. : /


I am also thinking about buying a tin of this, but I don’t want to pay a lot of money on shipping if it’s not that great. Sounds sweet and natural, though!


I would highly recommend this one. I would say though that it is not really caramel-y to me as burnt sugar warm awesomeness. It is a fabulous tea, but not entirely what I was expecting.

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260 tasting notes

The Final Sipdown: Day 6.2

It’s a slightly overcast, though otherwise no less beautiful fall day. After momentarily debating over which tea to ELIMINATE next [sorry, I write a word like ELIMINATE and feel as though it needs to be said in all caps], Auggy reminded me that she had sent over some of Kusmi’s Caramel in the last package I received from her.

No brainer.

Using the entire sample [and it was sizeable], I made a large pot in the Breville and poured about a third of it into my tumbler to take while I took the dog out for a walk. Apart from the fact that the tumbler [I keep wanting to type that as tumblr] I have keeps the tea HOTHOTHOT for a long time [great when I’m drinking throughout the day, not so much in the short term], it was a delightful companion to my afternoon excursion.

That said, drinking tea whilst walking a very curious dog does not lend itself to paying attention to nuances within a tea. So I was happy that I had a near full pot waiting me when I returned so that I could log it properly.

This tea is smoooooth. It tastes of caramel, but not in an overtly flavored way. The black tea flavor is nearly always threading in and out of the caramel flavor in a pleasant, complimentary manner. At times I get notes of dates and cocoa, but the caramel is the star here and it is delicious. As the tea cools, I tend to get more astringency from it, but the aftertaste always is silky, part-salty-part-sweet caramel.

I have spent the majority of today sipping on this whilst Little Dog sleeps nearby, I catch up on DVR’d things, and I recover from yesterday. Thoroughly enjoyable, and should I find myself at Dean & Deluca in the near future, I hope I’ll be able to snag a tin of this [though I don’t recall seeing it the last time I was there]. Part of me is now wishing I had used one of my self-alloted five saves to keep part of this sample later, but it’s just giving me another reason to push through TFS so I can justify purchasing a tin.

Little Dog |
Foliage |

And just to reiterate: I ABSOLUTELY ENDORSE THIS TEA.

Teas Downed: 14

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

OM NOM NOM NOM NOM! Favourite Kusmi ever in the world. I need to get this soonishly again.


Awwwwww! Your dog is so cute with that paw over the eyes!!!

P.S. I absolutely endorse this tea, too!


I MUST ORDER MORE!!!! This tea (and whatever else I put in my order) will be my reward for getting below 100 teas in my cupboard.


Thanks for the pics! I miss fall foliage!

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247 tasting notes

This tea comes to me this morning courtesy of… Angrboda. Thank you, my sweet overseas tea friend.

I don’t even know where to begin with this tea. I want to start out by screaming, “THIS IS AMAZING STUFF!” However, I think I’ll restrain myself and begin at the beginning…

The scent: The scent of this tea is just like caramel. It’s such a rich, toffee-like aroma that I have an urge to lick the tea. (It’s difficult to quell.) I digress.

The taste of this tea is out of this world. It’s so good. The black tea is thankfully not at all bitter, but instead smooth and perfect for the caramel “essences” as Kusmi calls them. These “essences” are the caramel of my childhood. The rich, toasted (not overly sweetened) caramel that my mom used to make for us once a year during the holidays, but which we pined for and whined for all year long. It’s not a very sweet tea, and it’s not at all a sugary tea. Instead, it’s a dessert tea that I would be proud to serve at a formal event. I can see this tea not only in my lime green mug, but also in a delicate teacup of bone china.

Wow, Kusmi, you’re amazing, yet so far away hanging out there in Europe. Add another stop to my European trip… Denmark and now France (comment tu me manques…)

Thank you, Angrboda!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Kusmi actually has a US online store, and shipping seems pretty reasonable (only $5 for me). They also have a storefront in NYC, which I’ve been meaning to go to but haven’t gotten around to yet…


I’m defiantly going to have to place an order! $5 shipping is incredibly reasonable and I love anything caramel flavored.


I’m so glad you liked this! It’s my perfect caramel flavoured tea in the world ever. :D


Oh, and by the way, I tried cold-brewing it as well. That way its… exactly the same, really, only chilly.
Hot or cold, I also like it in a mix with a vanilla black, usually 50/50. It adds a little more candy to it.


I need to check it out then. I have no problem with $5 shipping! :D

@Ang – I’m glad it’s not super sweet. That’s what I love about it!

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790 tasting notes

Another from the ifjuly box o’ bounty! :)

This one is not impressing me much. It’s moderately sweet but it reminds me more of the bourbon vanilla than of caramel. And I’m not a huge fan of the bourbon vanilla. While this one won’t be going on the list, it’s drinkable and I’m glad to have tried it!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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