drank Caramel by Kusmi Tea
652 tasting notes

Drank this again, it’s growing on me! It’s a subtle caramel taste but the tea base is pretty nice so I do appreciate what they did here. I am starting to enjoy the fact that it’s not overwhelmingly sweet, so I could drink it alongside actual dessert without having a sugar coma.

Maaaayybe I will just have to bump my rating up!

Back to Doctor Who now. “You are superior in one respect….you are better at dying!”

I’m almost done Season 2 (decided to watch this because everyone seems to be nuts over it) and trying to decide if I should continue along with S3 immediately or watch every season of Buffy over again instead. (Diehard, lifelong Buffy fan)


um doctor who.


Dr. Who! And… is that a dalek quote? I’m terrible at such things (i.e. remembering quotes).


Yes it is :)

I want to love it but so far it’s pretty cheese. The effects and stuff i mean. A bit hard to overlook. I suspect it will only get better though so I plan to stick it out. Early Buffy is pure cheese too but the fond nostalgic memories make it all ok


the first couple seasons ARE pure cheese…esp the first one. it’s kinda like watching harry potter movies… they just get darker and darker

…also i need to try this tea now that it’s here!


Well I DO love HP….. Yeah I want to know what you think of it!


Oh gawd. Idek if I could manage starting at Series 1 again (of the reboot). It was pretty terrible in comparison to what was coming later. My friend told me to start with the 11th Doctor, and now that I’m caught up I can see why. If you can’t stick with it, try jumping right to him before you give up completely. (Although you’ll miss t he best of Ten if you do that… <3)

Oh, also FINISH Season 2! :O :O :O


:| I wish I had Doctor Who eps to watch right now. And people to watch them with. I figure I’ve got about 5 years before I can make my kid watch them, but she’d probably appreciate Series 1 for all its fart jokes.


I finished S2 last night, sucks about Billie Piper. I will keep chugging through them because I expect good things, I won’t skip any because the OCD in me needs to watch them all in order! I don’t have a problem with this Doctor, though apparently the next one is even better, I feel like I have a LOT to get through though!


The next one is WAY BETTER, but I sorta fell for 10 and adored every moment (mostly) that I had with him. Oh… fandoms…

I know what you mean about it feeling like a lot. I think it took me a year and a half before I finally caught up so tomorrow I can watch the new eps with everyone else. No more spoilers!


option #3: you could always change things up by starting to watch Torchwood. (trivia: Torchwood is the same letters as docTorwho.)


i need more SPACE! spacespacespace


I’m trying to limit my exposure to the next Doctor (after David Tennant…I really really love him, why’d they have to get a new guy?! :( )….

Just watched the first episode of S3 last night, I can happily report I really like the new sidekick Martha, and I was worried it was going to be the bride from the Christmas episode after S2, she was only ok.

But I’m not going to give up! I’m in a drawing contest (haha) with a friend of my husband and our three subjects are as follows:
1)Angelus (evil) vampire
2) Ash from Evil Dead
3) Darryl from TWD with Bub the Zombie from Dawn of the Dead

I used to draw and paint a lot but stopped for a few years, I’m trying to get back into it as is he, plus I’m competitive as hell so this is a good push. (we like our horror)… This has nothing to do with Doctor Who but that I was working on my Angelus drawing last night thinking I will have to David Tennant as the Doctor sometime soon.

Also that I still want to watch all of Buffy/Angel over again but I will finish Doctor Who first.

I wouldn’t want to watch Torchwood now because wouldn’t they reference a bunch of stuff I haven’t seen yet, seeing how I only started S3??? I like that trivia fact though!


*draw David Tennant…. I was drawing Angelus while watching Doctor Who


soooo i love the tenth doctor…i was sooooo upset when they changed to matt smith. But i can say that after watching enough matt smith, i don’t hate him like i used to. He’ll never be the tenth doctor that i love but he too has a fond place in my heart. :)


Yeah I really really like him. Which season does the eleventh Doctor start?


telling you would be spoiling the fun! :)


boooo :) I will just have to cherish him while he’s still here (for me, because I’m like 7 years behind, haha)


obviously not important, but i thought it was cute someone went through the trouble to organize doctor who/torchwood/sarah jane in viewing order so neatly… nerds unite! (of course lots of nerd quibbling over said order in the comments) (oh comments) http://iscariotjones.livejournal.com/499404.html


I was worried I wouldn’t like 11 after 10 but I do…mm It’s a completely different kind of love.

Martha is SO awesome too! To be fair, I like all the companions, even though I thought the bride was terrible and abrasive.


I wish I’d have started watching sooner solid be up to date for whatever is happening on the 50th anniversary when everyone comes back!


whatshesaid – 50th anniversary is supposed to be in november. that’s PLENTY of time to catch up. :)

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um doctor who.


Dr. Who! And… is that a dalek quote? I’m terrible at such things (i.e. remembering quotes).


Yes it is :)

I want to love it but so far it’s pretty cheese. The effects and stuff i mean. A bit hard to overlook. I suspect it will only get better though so I plan to stick it out. Early Buffy is pure cheese too but the fond nostalgic memories make it all ok


the first couple seasons ARE pure cheese…esp the first one. it’s kinda like watching harry potter movies… they just get darker and darker

…also i need to try this tea now that it’s here!


Well I DO love HP….. Yeah I want to know what you think of it!


Oh gawd. Idek if I could manage starting at Series 1 again (of the reboot). It was pretty terrible in comparison to what was coming later. My friend told me to start with the 11th Doctor, and now that I’m caught up I can see why. If you can’t stick with it, try jumping right to him before you give up completely. (Although you’ll miss t he best of Ten if you do that… <3)

Oh, also FINISH Season 2! :O :O :O


:| I wish I had Doctor Who eps to watch right now. And people to watch them with. I figure I’ve got about 5 years before I can make my kid watch them, but she’d probably appreciate Series 1 for all its fart jokes.


I finished S2 last night, sucks about Billie Piper. I will keep chugging through them because I expect good things, I won’t skip any because the OCD in me needs to watch them all in order! I don’t have a problem with this Doctor, though apparently the next one is even better, I feel like I have a LOT to get through though!


The next one is WAY BETTER, but I sorta fell for 10 and adored every moment (mostly) that I had with him. Oh… fandoms…

I know what you mean about it feeling like a lot. I think it took me a year and a half before I finally caught up so tomorrow I can watch the new eps with everyone else. No more spoilers!


option #3: you could always change things up by starting to watch Torchwood. (trivia: Torchwood is the same letters as docTorwho.)


i need more SPACE! spacespacespace


I’m trying to limit my exposure to the next Doctor (after David Tennant…I really really love him, why’d they have to get a new guy?! :( )….

Just watched the first episode of S3 last night, I can happily report I really like the new sidekick Martha, and I was worried it was going to be the bride from the Christmas episode after S2, she was only ok.

But I’m not going to give up! I’m in a drawing contest (haha) with a friend of my husband and our three subjects are as follows:
1)Angelus (evil) vampire
2) Ash from Evil Dead
3) Darryl from TWD with Bub the Zombie from Dawn of the Dead

I used to draw and paint a lot but stopped for a few years, I’m trying to get back into it as is he, plus I’m competitive as hell so this is a good push. (we like our horror)… This has nothing to do with Doctor Who but that I was working on my Angelus drawing last night thinking I will have to David Tennant as the Doctor sometime soon.

Also that I still want to watch all of Buffy/Angel over again but I will finish Doctor Who first.

I wouldn’t want to watch Torchwood now because wouldn’t they reference a bunch of stuff I haven’t seen yet, seeing how I only started S3??? I like that trivia fact though!


*draw David Tennant…. I was drawing Angelus while watching Doctor Who


soooo i love the tenth doctor…i was sooooo upset when they changed to matt smith. But i can say that after watching enough matt smith, i don’t hate him like i used to. He’ll never be the tenth doctor that i love but he too has a fond place in my heart. :)


Yeah I really really like him. Which season does the eleventh Doctor start?


telling you would be spoiling the fun! :)


boooo :) I will just have to cherish him while he’s still here (for me, because I’m like 7 years behind, haha)


obviously not important, but i thought it was cute someone went through the trouble to organize doctor who/torchwood/sarah jane in viewing order so neatly… nerds unite! (of course lots of nerd quibbling over said order in the comments) (oh comments) http://iscariotjones.livejournal.com/499404.html


I was worried I wouldn’t like 11 after 10 but I do…mm It’s a completely different kind of love.

Martha is SO awesome too! To be fair, I like all the companions, even though I thought the bride was terrible and abrasive.


I wish I’d have started watching sooner solid be up to date for whatever is happening on the 50th anniversary when everyone comes back!


whatshesaid – 50th anniversary is supposed to be in november. that’s PLENTY of time to catch up. :)

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name change alert – going from whatshesaid to ohfancythat


I love tea. I love my mini-me daughter, my husband, my dog Wally, Netflix, shopping, and tea. Some other stuff too, but these are the most important!

Some favourites -

My new favourite tea company is A Quarter to Tea. I love the flavouring used and how it doesn’t seem fake, and the combinations are so delicious. Right up my alley.

My favourite teas are black, I love Laoshan Black and Taiwanese Wild Mountain Black tea from TTC. Also many of Teavivre’s black teas.

Butiki teas RIP, I loved how the flavours were subtle and not fake tasting and didn’t overwhelm the tea base. Trust that I am dramatically mourning the loss of this company!

Teavivre, Whispering Pines and Mariage Freres are some more tea companies I appreciate. Along with Davidstea as it was the ‘gateway drug’ to my tea addiction. Though I’m mostly over it now, I’ve definitely moved on from the artificially flavoured teas and am trying more quality straight teas!

My ultimate goal is to try as many French teas as possible – and to finally find a source in Canada for Mariage Freres so I can buy Wedding Imperial, and Black Orchid for sure.

I would like to try any Taiwanese Assams that exist in the world!

Also continuously on the hunt for Fauchon – La Naissance. If anyone has some of this I would pay for it!!! It’s my number one all time favourite tea.

When I rate, it goes like this:

85 -100 = WIN! awesome, I love this and keep it on hand
70 – 85 = pretty darn good but I don’t NEED to own it
55 – 70 = not necessarily terrible but not a tea for me!
30 – 55 = missed the mark as far as I am concerned. Wouldn’t drink it willingly.
0 – 30 = I likely won’t rate this low very often, so if you see it, consider the tea a great big FAIL and probably disgusting.


New Brunswick, Canada

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