Lime Chiffon

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
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Citrus, Cream, Creamy, Lime, Smooth, Lemon, Pineapple, Rooibos, Sweet, Custard, Tart, Lemon Zest
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Edit tea info Last updated by yappychappy
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 30 sec 3 g 12 oz / 350 ml

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From Della Terra Teas

If you love the amazing, tart desset lime chiffon, lime pie, real limes, anything lime then this tea is for you! This tea is a fantastic rooibos with the rich and delicious flavor of a chiffon and the tartness and fruity freshness of real lime, this tea will be a favorite of yours! If you also enjoy our Lemon Chiffon this is a MUST TRY!

Ingredients: Rooibos, lime flavor, cream flavor, lime pieces and bits

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151 Tasting Notes

2987 tasting notes

Sipdown. I’ve been slowly clearing out my tea cabinets because I have so many little samples. My caffeine free/decaf tisanes/teas always have a high turnover rate, but my drawer is pretty full right now and I’m happy to clear a bit of space.

Flavors: Citrus, Cream, Lemon, Lime, Pineapple, Rooibos, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 15 OZ / 450 ML

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333 tasting notes

I finally got around to trying my very old sample of this blend (so old I forget who sent it to me), and even after a couple years languishing in a cardboard box it was delicious. It’s all sweet, creamy lime; the base rounds things out nicely without being too intrusive. If this one were still available it’d be a restock for sure, but since Della Terra’s gone MIA I think it’s going to end up as yet another addition to my ever-growing list of unavailable favorites.

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987 tasting notes


Many thanks to VariaTEA for giving me a sample of this to try. It’s been in my cupboard for a while, but I’m trying to do a sipdown spree, so this was perfect.

I have to admit that the flavour of the tea – fairly standard rooibos – doesn’t live up to the beautifully citrusy, creamy smell of both the dried tea and the liquor.

Considering that Della Terra’s sort of in limbo right now (will they come back? They say they will but signs don’t look good to me), I highly doubt I’ll ever get a chance to restock this. Ah well.


hoping they do :(


On Facebook they’ve been selling the remaining of some of their teas, including Lemon Chiffon :[

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199 tasting notes

Had this last night – I must have messed up the steeping somehow since it really lost a lot of the lime flavor from the first time I had it. I don’t think I steeped it quite as long as last time.

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157 tasting notes

SO YUM. I don’t even like rooibos and this is tasty. It has a very natural, slightly tart lime flavor without any bitterness. The fruity rooibos taste is very faint and in the background. (As it should be! Muahahahaha.) There’s a creamy custard taste that really makes it for me! It’s like key lime pie. I’m into it. I need more herbal blends that taste this good, so I can stop feeling guilty for drinking tea so late at night!

Flavors: Cream, Custard, Lime, Tart

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec

It really is a lot like key lime pie in my mind. I was looking at their website recently and I noticed they also have a key lime pie tea. I’m tempted to order samples.

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518 tasting notes

Samples-Only Small TTB

So I took the end of this tea from the box and stuck it in my fridge in a mason jar to get a cold brew out of it, after I was amazed at how good it was hot. It’s way better hot. Not to say it’s not good cold, because it’s nice, but not nearly as tasty as it is hot. It just doesn’t seem to have as much of the limey flavor.

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345 tasting notes

Thank you VariaTea for sharing this tea with me! I shared this with my son tonight as I let him stay up way past his bedtime because I thought it was Friday, oops. We both like this one :) It’s creamy and I love that the lime does not have a tart bite that would make me want to sweeten it. I don’t remember why it took me so long to try this but I have to say it feels great removing things from my cupboard even if it is not the true amount of tea I own.


I am glad you guys enjoyed it :)

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726 tasting notes

Oh my gosh.
This tea.
I like it!

Thank you VariaTEA for sending me a sample of this tea! It’s nice and tastes like a fluffy lemon cake :) It is lime chiffon so.. well, I taste the brightness and chiffon is a type of cake so close enough! I feel like this tea, if you turn it into cake form, is the perfect thing to eat with tea. Can I like infuse this with milk, and use the Lime Chiffon milk to make lime chiffon tea cakes? Dude. That sounds great.

Anyways, this tea is good! Nice and sweet, and it is blended quite nicely! Oohhh this is just really nice and a definite must when I order from Della Terra!

Flavors: Lemon Zest

Boiling 8 min or more 3 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

Yay! I am glad you liked it!! And Lime Chiffon Tea Cakes sound AMAZING!!


My parents are driving down for the weekend because my mom wants to see her sister, and I tried convincing them to bring my stand mixer!! They wouldn’t since it’s heavy and I’ll be moving out in a couple weeks so it’ll be a loooong time till I attempt those tea cutie cakes! I will do it! When? I don’t even know…


Haha better late than never though :P

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149 tasting notes

Drank this last night before bed.
Rooibos is not my favourite tea, but since I need a decaf at night, I’m growing to like it a lot more….
This one I found to be really nice, tart creaminess and distinctly ‘lime’…. but then my husband had to comment that it smelled like I was drinking a mug of skittles.
Somehow, that brought it down a bit in my book, I hate to admit (it was a really innocent comment…how I let it turn into a pernicious remark is beyond me….. but, I guess I wanted chiffon elegance, not 7-Eleven sour skittles and slurpees…alas).
I still like it, though, and although I’d probably reach for something else if caffeine intake wasn’t an issue, that’s just me and my slow-growing affection for rooibos.


I feel exactly the same way about rooibos!


“chiffon elegance, not 7-Eleven sour skittles and slurpees” aww.

it’s weird, when i started drinking loose leaf i didn’t mind rooibos at all—i guess because i had nothing to base my feelings on, had never had it before, and usually some woodiness is ok by me—but the more tea i’ve tried the less and less i like it. in a good blend i don’t mind it, but it’s definitely noticeable now to me. strange.


I agree – loved rooibos when I started this journey – now I think it’s just ok. I too am finding it more “noticeable” now than it was back then. I’m finding the MissB trick works for me to help reduce the woodiness of it in some blends – worth a shot. (Try 90C for 3 minutes)


same here, but sometimes I like it. Butiki Mango Lassi is very good only because its rooibos. i cannot imagine this tea with the diff base. I like rooibos cold steeped.


i love mango lassi, boychik! that bit of cardamom really sets it apart, yum.

i need to try that trick, Dexter. funny to hear i’m not the only one who went through phases with rooibos!


ooooh! I’m definitely going to try that trick, Dexter. Thanks!
And, I really, really need to try Butiki’s Mango Lassi (I’ll have to order that next time!).
Yeah, I don’t hate rooibos, it’s just not my fave…. Sometimes I’m really into it, and other times I’m sad I can’t have something else instead because it’s nighttime. lol
Coldsteeped…mmmm… I haven’t tried that yet, either.


you should have Puerh. i sleep like a baby after 3-5 steeps. i swear:)


the more i think about it, the more boychik’s right though, occasionally the way rooibos tastes/feels is actually helpful in a blend. it’s been reblended now IIRC, but butiki’s coconut cream pie has (had?) a rooibos base and i thought it was genius because it evokes the graham cracker crust of a cream pie.


really!? hmmmm…. i may have to try that and just cross my fingers that it doesn’t keep me up.
I’m weird with caffeine, where sometimes it doesn’t affect me at all, and other times I lay there with eyes exploding like a kid who drank a 6 pack of Jolt Cola.
Puerh at bedtime… that would be lovely!


And, I totally agree, *ifjuly…..
I really need to get the coconut cream pie along with the mango lassi next time….graham cracker crust!!! mmmmmmm.


ifjuly (geesh… I can’t even BOLD something correctly!!! lol)


pu erh is interesting to me, because that quality in classic black tea where it revitalizes but also calms you is amplified for me with it. it makes me feel very tranquil and peaceful and focused. there’s a guayusa blend from Stacy that does the same thing. it’s intriguing, the way some teas manage to accomplish both.

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75 tasting notes

I finally get to compare the Lime Chiffon to the Lemon Chiffon! -Thank you Courtney!
I’m a big fan of the Lemon Chiffon so have been really curious to compare the two. Like the Lemon Chiffon, this has a very sweet aroma that fills the room and the smell of each is almost indiscernible. Unlike the Lemon Chiffon, the citrus flavor of the lime really stands out and the acidity cuts back on the natural sweetness. Even though this doesn’t taste as sweet, it’s still a delicious fruity tea.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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