Lime Chiffon

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Not available
Citrus, Cream, Creamy, Lime, Smooth, Lemon, Pineapple, Rooibos, Sweet, Custard, Tart, Lemon Zest
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Edit tea info Last updated by yappychappy
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 30 sec 3 g 12 oz / 350 ml

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151 Tasting Notes View all

From Della Terra Teas

If you love the amazing, tart desset lime chiffon, lime pie, real limes, anything lime then this tea is for you! This tea is a fantastic rooibos with the rich and delicious flavor of a chiffon and the tartness and fruity freshness of real lime, this tea will be a favorite of yours! If you also enjoy our Lemon Chiffon this is a MUST TRY!

Ingredients: Rooibos, lime flavor, cream flavor, lime pieces and bits

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151 Tasting Notes

1113 tasting notes

This will be the first of many tasting notes from the huge box of swap samples BrewTEAlly Sweet sent me! Thaaaaaaaanks! :D

Della Terra makes a few rooibos teas I can actually enjoy, though generally I tend to really dislike rooibos. This is another winner from Della Terra. I think I like it even more than the lemon chiffon! Super creamy and Limey! The bitterness of the rooibos is completely masked, and I love me some lime in general :)

Glad to have a few new herbals to try, since it is chilly in the evenings now, and I’m actually reaching for evening teas again.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Wait until you try DAVIDs Lime Gelato!

BrewTEAlly Sweet

I am the same way with Rooibos’

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2145 tasting notes

Hmm… I thought that I had rated this, but apparently I haven’t.

I really enjoyed lemon chiffon so with my last order I decided to pick this up with the intention of cold steeping it. It makes a great iced tea and I like it much better than when I tried it hot. I’m not a huge fan of lime, so I like it slightly less than lemon chiffon, but it was nice to have another citrus tea that I would consider drinking on a regular basis.

The smell of this reminded me of key lime pie and I loved that I couldn’t really taste the rooibos since I’m still not a huge fan of it.

Lariel of Lórien

It’s pretty awesome with their orange rooibos tea.

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772 tasting notes

I don’t know why this is surprising that I like this so much, but it is. Rooibos blends tend to be hit or miss for me, but this has gotten some really great reviews. I’m curious about the Lemon Chiffon now, but I can’t drink that because of the honeybush so I’m just stuck with this one. The ingredient list doesn’t mention honeybush in the lime blend here so I’m really hoping I don’t have a reaction to this.

This is nicely limey with a decent creamy taste to it. It’s not subtle, which is good for me, and it’s very much nice. Thanks to Sil for this sample.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

weird that lime and lemon have different ingredients in terms of rooibos/honeybush


Yeah, for some reason DT doesn’t like to mention all their ingredients. I’m drinking their walnut brittle right now that has a big pecan in it but doesn’t mention it on the package. It’s a nice blend anyway!

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297 tasting notes

I think I like this one more than lemon chiffon & i definitely like it better than lemon lime cream tart.

Im not convinced this is lime tasting, but rather just citrus. I do wish it was a bit more creamy, but it is quite delicious.

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec

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299 tasting notes

Last bit! SUCH a good tea. I made it and a peach vodka ginger ale at the same time (it’s hot!!!) and then was like, whelp. :/ I guess I was on autopilot or didn’t count a steeping tea as a beverage BECAUSE I’M STILL THIRSTY WTF >:(

Anyway, I’m drinking it; it’s excellent. And on my shopping list for when Lemon/Lime Tart runs out.

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29 tasting notes

Every holloween I cant wait to get a bag of flavored tootsie rolls just so I can pick out all the lime ones!!! This tea taste exactly like my favorite tootsie roll, I cant get enough. A must have! Half way through I added a little sweetener, nope it didn’t need it.

205 °F / 96 °C

I have yet to try this. I hope I won’t be disappointed – a lot of people here really like it.

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1184 tasting notes

This is one delicious rooibos! The flavour of creamy lime is very prominent. The rooibos base is very light which is nice. I googled chiffon and found out it is cake. I am not sure if I got any cake flavour or not. I was too distracted by all the creamy lime!
Good dessert tea! I can see myself restocking this baby!

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836 tasting notes

1.5 tablespoons for 375 ml

Dilute flavour. Slight creaminess. Sugary aftertaste. Lime flavour throughout. I would prefer this flavouring with a green tea base.

Thanks to Sil for sharing!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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1780 tasting notes

I love this tea and apparently so does my kid! I’m going to take a moment to gush about my little guy, which I don’t normally do. He was squawking about my tea and wouldn’t hush, so I caved and made him a cup of this. I had to hold the mug for him to sip so he wouldn’t break it. He started taking little sips, then trotting off to his toys, reaching the toys and turning around for another sip. Then I started getting the sweetest baby hugs between sips and he hung out in my lap while drinking the rest of his mug. He was so excited to have tea and I’m excited that rooibos is supposed to help with diaper rash! This tea is kid approved!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
The Cookie Lady

Such a sweet story!!

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1400 tasting notes

So apparently I’ve been drinking LIME not LEMON the entire time. Gah.

Alright Lime Chiffon, let’s hope you are the rooibos that stays.

Well I can barely smell the rooibos – off to a great start! The lime is perfect in this blend. Not too too much but also not overpowering. I’m excited for the second steep of this.

Thanks jessiwrites!

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