Lime Chiffon

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Not available
Citrus, Cream, Creamy, Lime, Smooth, Lemon, Pineapple, Rooibos, Sweet, Custard, Tart, Lemon Zest
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Edit tea info Last updated by yappychappy
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 30 sec 3 g 12 oz / 350 ml

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151 Tasting Notes View all

From Della Terra Teas

If you love the amazing, tart desset lime chiffon, lime pie, real limes, anything lime then this tea is for you! This tea is a fantastic rooibos with the rich and delicious flavor of a chiffon and the tartness and fruity freshness of real lime, this tea will be a favorite of yours! If you also enjoy our Lemon Chiffon this is a MUST TRY!

Ingredients: Rooibos, lime flavor, cream flavor, lime pieces and bits

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151 Tasting Notes

761 tasting notes

It was actually a bit hot today…say what? After all the rain and cool weather we have been having lately, today we had sun and it was warm (read I was in jeans and a sweater tunic with sandals). I switched to a long skirt and 3/4 length peasant top once home and was still warm, so I made this iced. I have had it cold steeped before, and I have to say I prefer it that way, but iced it is still pretty good, though I think I could have gone a little heavier on the leaf.

I have one small-ish serving left, but I also have some Lemon Chiffon I can mix with this as needed.

I do like this, and I have to say I like honeybush WAY better than rooibos.

I almost reached for some Lime Gelato, but wanted no caffeine, so I was glad to have this sample from OMGsrsly from our swap last month.

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1308 tasting notes

I was sure I’d already written a note for this, but apparently I was wrong. Anyway I’m having this as a bedtime tea and it is quite lovely. As it cools, it tastes just like lime sorbet. Super duper yummy. It’s hard to say whether I like this or the lemon chiffon better.


It’s really nice cold brewed too!

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652 tasting notes


I still really enjoy this. One of very few rooibos teas I can not only stomach, but like very much!

It never occurred to me to try cold brewing this. I’ve been drinking it hot at night. But I still have lots of lemon chiffon and lemon lime cream tart left to play with.

Not sure which of the three I love most!


Weirdly enough, I preferred this one hot and Lemon Chiffon cold brewed.

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464 tasting notes

I was in the mood for a fun tea this afternoon because it’s Friday! This is definitely fun- It tastes like key lime pie!

Now that I’m done with my work in preparation for next week, I can sit at my desk while I answer phone calls, drink tea, and contemplate buying a slinky dress. According to my co-workers I “don’t dress sexy enough” for a bachelorette party. :-P

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688 tasting notes

This is another from ‘tea before I moved’ box. It smells so nice. The creamy lime scent is still very present. There is that lovely key lime flavour. Not really an Autumn tea, but still really good for a warm afternoon. Even if I didn’t have it iced this time.

Flavors: Creamy, Lime

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564 tasting notes

Tried this one again, this time with about 1 3/4 teaspoons of leaf and a full five minutes of steep time. Oddly I’m still not getting much lime. There’s some vague citrus-y flavor, but it’s not bright and strong like I’d expect lime to be. The rooibos is really strong, and while it’s still very creamy I just don’t get lime from this at all. I guess I just don’t “get” this tea.

Late ETA: I let this cool down completely and then drank it—there’s something that seems to be attempting to impersonate lime, but it’s way too sweet and has no bite. Hmm.

5 min, 0 sec

I steep it for 2 minutes. Perhaps that will help.


Yep, less steep time and a slightly lower temperature than boiling is also what makes this one shine for me.


Oops, forgot to say this one was a sipdown! Next time I get my hands on some I’ll definitely try that, thank you both.

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292 tasting notes

I’m pretty sure this one is my favorite of the Della Terra citrus rooibos selection. Tart and creamy and so, so good. How they manage to hide that awful medicinal flavor, I can’t imagine, but they do it well.

I read that rooibos teas are good for seasonal allergies, and since it feels like someone sandpapered my throat, I thought I’d up my rooibos consumption. Going to take this one out with me to an improv show in a few minutes.

I hope to be home soon after to drink more tea. It’s the only thing that feels good right now.

4 min, 0 sec

I am convinced that there is “bad rooibos” and “good rooibos”, because there’s no way that the medicinal flavour can be hidden in some of these teas.


You might be right. It’s so weird how certain teas don’t have it at all, and others are practically undrinkable.


You make me want to try this one


Stephanie, I’ll send you a sample, if you want. I’ve got about 3oz of it right now, so I can spare a few teaspoons for you. :)

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2816 tasting notes

I brewed up a cup of this today and was reminded of a girl in college we used to call “Babylon Chiffon” (she was from Babylon, NY). Babs dropped out of college at 19 to get married and I often wonder how that worked out.

This rooibos is ok for a dessert tea. I am not getting much lime in here today. Won’t be a repurchase for me due to the fact that it contains dairy (my mistake) but I don’t like it as much as other people seem to, anyway. It is “creamy” for sure but also kind of phlegm-y for me, unfortunately. Wish there was more lime and less cream stuff to deal with.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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2238 tasting notes

Sipdown! Used the last of my sample sachet to make a couple of litres cold brewed, which I actually drank at work on Tuesday and Wednesday, and completely forgot to log. That’s what being manically busy helping to plan an upcoming agent visit does for my tealogging.

Anyway, I‘ve tried this hot a couple of times, and it’s pretty nice like that. It’s really nice cold, though. The creamy lime flavour comes out really well, and the honeybush remains firmly in the background. As far as a cold brewed, citrus flavoured tea goes, that’s all I could want. It’s not sweet, so I guess if I’d thought I could have added a little bit of sugar. The creaminess is nice, though, and it’s refreshing enough just as it is.

This is definitely one I’d buy again in future. It’s still one of the best honeybush blends I’ve tried so far, and it works equally well cold and hot. I can see this one becoming a cupboard staple!

Iced 8 min or more

Lime chiffon and orange and cream from Della terra are sooooo tasty!


I’d almost forgotten about this one! It is quite good!

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814 tasting notes

this is a rooibos i can actually get behind. nice job.

in other news here is a boring picture of an exciting thing.
tasted swap teas on the left, swap teas yet to taste on the right.
do work son!


Someone’s got work to do!


aaand more teas arrived today. so many to drink so little time!
yay boo yay

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