149 Tasting Notes

This was absolutely PERFECT!
This is a black I could drink every single day…
hints of raisins and caramel, opening up smooth but finishing with that refreshing thing blacks do sometimes that I love…
I drank this while I made a snail amigurumi, and it was so relaxing! :)

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I know I just recently made a tasting note for this, but I feel like I needed to do another one just to jog my memory later and remind myself how much I really, really like this (memory, if you are reading this at a later date, take note!).
Each tea was really great on its own, but together they’re a total symphony in my mug…. the flavoured tea I could drink every day. :) Nutty, cookie-like, graham notes, hints of cooked caramel; I swear I can almost taste the crunchy, sugary top of some decadent dessert… It’s not sweet on its own, which I prefer in a tea….it’s just so, so perfect.
I even have a terrible headache at the moment (I don’t get headaches usually), and a period that makes me want to curl up into a ball and not unroll for three days… but, this tea is helping. It’s utter comfort!
So, I’ll go take my mug now and sit in a dark room and watch The Amazing World of Gumball with my kids….and drink this tea. :)

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kieblera5 10 years ago

I love creme brulee :) I still haven’t had a creme brulee tea though.

Plunkybug 10 years ago

Yay! So happy you like these!

Plunkybug 10 years ago

The creme brûlée tea in this combo almost tastes like coffee with the burnt sugar, which is one reason this goes so well with divine temptation…it is almost like a hazelnut coffee.

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drank Gold Rush by DAVIDsTEA
149 tasting notes

I’m on a roll with teas today, logging more than I have in quite some time!
I was a little nervous about this one, as David’s can sometimes have weird things going on in the flavourings to me that can come off as artificial on my tongue…but this isn’t like that. It’s sweet, and coconuty, and the mulberries are super yummy.
This is one I’d never buy on my own, being that it’s more pricey and I’d be afraid I didn’t like it, so I feel super lucky that Plunkybug sent some my way to try! :)

Plunkybug 10 years ago

It’s one of the older blends, so I feel it has been spared the newer flavourings. It is pricy, which is why I use it as a frequent steeper redemption when I can. Also, try this as a latte. I don’t think you will be disappointed. :P

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Ooooh, this is nice. :)
Creamy but light, and nothing weird going on in the flavouring department…just a slight hint of vanilla.
Another tea from Plunkybug (thank you! :) ) that I really enjoy…
The delicate nature of this tea is really nice….

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Plunkybug 10 years ago

It’s a fave! I sent you the last I had, but I refilled right away! :)

DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

Oh, that’s so kind of you to send me the last! I’m super glad you refilled right away! :D

Plunkybug 10 years ago

Well, it was a nice sample size and I am able to refill locally quite easily, so it was no problem. :)

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It’s grey outside and I’m wearing a knitted hat from a friend, and I have jeans on and a sweater….and somehow it’s supposed to get back up to 90 soon, but I’m really liking the cooler weather. Cooler weather is tea weather for me, so bring it on! :)
Dipping into my magical bag of tea swap wonders from Plunkybug, I decided to have this one, wanting something spicier and flavoured (Plunkybug, your teas have ignited a yearning for flavoured teas, and it’s so fun, because I thought I had totally fallen out of that! yay!)….
This is really, really lovely. A lot of the Christmas teas that I’ve tried have all been pretty similar, but I’ve loved them all, and this is no different…
Everything plays so well together in my mug without being too overpoweringly orange peel, or cinnamon stick…. just a really great cup. :D
Finished up my dishes and have a little bit of time to spare, so I’m thinking I’ll bring this mug over to the couch with me and play a bit of Final Fantasy 6 on my vita (is there anything better than Final Fantasy on a handheld??).

Plunkybug 10 years ago

I got this one from OMGsrsly. It was nice, but I felt I should share, it too.

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See, this is where I go, “you don’t need more tea. really.”….
But, this combination of two teas sent to me by Plunkybug is honestly so good, and not really like anything I have in my cupboard right now. It has notes that remind me of Lupicia’s Cookie, but this blend of these two teas is just perfect… it’s that desserty, comforty kind of cup that I love when I’m in the mood for a flavoured tea.
Oh, man… I keep sipping and this is just SOO gosh darn good…
(no kate, you don’t need more tea….you can buy this someday….)

Plunkybug 10 years ago

I’m so glad you tried it! I think it might have been me that suggested it (and later tried it) when we were at Bayswater initially. And it just caught on. It is SO GOOD!

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ooooh, this is soooo gooooood.
Another tea from Plunkybug (I’m having a Plunkybug tea day today! Thanks!).
I don’t think I’ve ever had a flavoured houjicha, and this is really, really good.
Perfect nighttime tea, actually. :)
Hints of caramel add to the warmth that houjicha brings to the mug…so comfy and yummy!

Plunkybug 10 years ago

It really is cozy!

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drank Raw Pu'er by Anteeo Tea
149 tasting notes

This isn’t in the database, and I’ve never added tea to the database before, so I’m sure I’m doing something wrong….but here goes! lol
Another tea from Plunkybug (Thanks so much!). I loved how easy it was to brew this, as I’m used to the whole rinsing and ceremony of puerh, which I do love, but for a quick cup, the ease was so lovely. :)
The first cup had that raw puerh scent that I oh so love… there was a slight bite on the finish, which was really nice, too.
This is an overall really nice tea that may not be as complex as some raw puerhs out there, but is definitely a great cup.
Thanks so much for sending this my way, Plunkybug!

Plunkybug 10 years ago

The nice thing is that this company is local to me. And for bagged tea, it is some good stuff!

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I received this tea from Plunkybug (Thank you!!), and it was really, really delightful!
The fact that it’s bagged really doesn’t come into play, as it tastes like a loose leaf completely… just a really lovely white tea. :)
It had that slight earthiness that I really love in some whites, along with a very nice scent.
So happy that I got to try this!

Plunkybug 10 years ago

Glad you like! I had this as a sample at a demo in a store locally, and I was surprised to find out it was bagged. Like, really I’m a bit of a tea snob when I hear of bags but this is quite good surprised. Evan and I got to talking tea, and he ended up giving me a few samples of the various teas, with extras to share, so I am glad the people I have shared with so far have liked to, and looked beyond the bag. :)

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My kitchen/dining room area smells so good right now, as I sit at my computer, waiting for this tea to finish steeping… it’s like maple swirl bread is waiting for me to eat it, all warm and steamy, pat of butter and all.
Ok, it’s done steeping, so on to the actual drinking…
Oh, is this just down right lovely… The maple is fantastic, and I’m feeling almost a warm, natural cinnamon thing going on, but that could just be in my head…
The base works really well with this flavouring, too…no notes fighting each other, just all working really well together.
I like this a lot! Thanks so much, Plunkybug for sending me this to try! :D

Plunkybug 10 years ago

Did you get any raisin notes from it? Just curious. I’m glad you like it. If you ever want more, I can easily get it. Murchies is just down the street from where I live…about a 15 minute walk.

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Oh, tea….
you’ve taken over my life, but I’m ok with that.

I’m pretty new to the tea scene, only drinking tea bags most of my life, but my friend ifjuly really got me into it (that sounds bad…). Butiki, Harney, and Verdant seem to be my ‘go to’ places to order from, but I LOVE trying new teas and companies. The variety is partly why I love tea so much…you can’t possibly get sick of it.
Well, that, and the transporting aroma of each cup…. I love that. It’s why I love wine, and tea does it just was well.

Really want to learn about different tea vendors out there, and about tea in general… it’s all so interesting to me.
I’m really excited to be part of this community and learn from all of you.

I don’t usually sweeten or add milk to my teas, so my notes are based on that….also, the rating system kind of throws me—I’ve always been horrible with giving number ratings to things, so don’t take those as set in stone (Honestly, I usually don’t even use the numbers…).

Everything in my cupboard has at least one serving left in it…I try to keep it updated. :) (I actually just added all my sample sizes to my cupboard, so MOST of the tea in my cupboard is of that ‘sample’ size…)

random info: music and art are pretty important in my life… i also thoroughly enjoy nerdy things like video games, anime, knitting, Doctor Who (the 10th is my favourite…), A Song of Ice and Fire, and random cartoons and such…. and i love, love, love to read. :)

I’m married to my best friend (I’ve known him since I was 15….we were totally going to be in a band together. It was going to be HUGE…), and we’ve got three kiddos. They’re pretty neat, too, even if they try to put sugar in my Verdant tea when they drink it….


Rochester, NY

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