Coco-Lemon Thai

Tea type
Fruit White Blend
Coconut, Cream Flavoring, Ginger, Lemongrass, Sunflowers, White Tea
Coconut, Creamy, Lemon, Lemongrass, Ginger, Cream, Vanilla, Citrus, Earth, Spicy, Sweet, Umami
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Perry Papadopoulos
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 307 ml

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A white Thai event

Thai cuisine is known for its bold flavours and unexpected combinations. And this fresh, sunny white tea blend is no exception. It combines delicate white tea with zingy lemongrass and lemon myrtle, creamy coconut and spicy-sweet ginger, for a taste that’s subtly exotic and addictively refreshing. It’s a guaranteed jolt of sunshine that’ll turn any ordinary day into a trip to the bustling markets of Bangkok or a lush island in the Andaman Sea. Go ahead – you deserve a vacation.

Ingredients: White tea, ginger, coconut, lemon myrtle, lemongrass, sunflowers, natural and artificial lemon, cream and coconut flavouring*.

Price per 50g: $10.50

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

97 Tasting Notes

390 tasting notes

ah coco lemon thai…. you were an original idea that i enjoyed for awhile, but i’ve moved on… and so should you. (sipdown) tamarind pop calls me from my future butiki order. (sorry coco… must fly)


Funny about this one, I feel the same way. I enjoyed it at the beginning but after a while, all that lemongrass was not so enjoyable anymore.


it’s all gone now…. moving on ;-P

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2816 tasting notes

I came up to Victoria to have a vacation for a week with my friend. There is a David’s Tea literally right outside our door. I am trying a new tea or two every day and there are loads of tea shops here. I think I am going to a yoga studio shortly and I thought I would try this since it’s low in caffeine. I really enjoyed this lemony coconut mixture. I had them put some soymilk in and it’s good that way. My only complaint is the artificial flavoring but it is pretty yummy!

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813 tasting notes

i ordered it! and it arrived today! and it smells heavenly!
i love all the ingredients in it. so i knew i had to get some.
and when i realized i have no interest in any of the other spring teas coming out tomorrow, i just went for it!

it’s supposed to snow here today.
and i have been so so very blue feeling.
i’m supposed to be marathon training but i can’t seem to get myself motivated.
what’s your favorite feel good tea?
and also what’s your favorite ‘escape’ crap telly?
i mean that’s what overcast dull snowy days are for.


Favorite escape tv—Grey’s Anatomy! I know it’s a glorified soap opera, but god dangit I love it!


I’ve been watching The Vampire Diaries. I simultaneously hate and love it. It’s like sooooo obvious about what’s going to happen and it makes me roll my eyes all the time, but I get started and can’t stop.
as for feel good tea…anything that tastes like dessert in hot, liquid form.


oh hah my sister read the Vamp Diaries books in high school. and i am a big Supernatural fan. for some reason mentioning VD has reminded me that i was considering trying Teen Wolf…hmm

and yes i used to sit on the floor of my old apt with my roommate sprawled on the sofa and we would tear through entire seasons on Grey’s Anatomy at lighting speed. highly addictive escapism definitely.


I was thinking about Teen Wolf too since it’s on Netflix, but about a month ago they were filming TVD right outside a building at my school…and I was in there…and I had no idea what was going on. Then I remembered how I had a crush on Ian Somerhalder when I was like 12 or 13 and yeah….23 episodes later…

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836 tasting notes

1.5 tablespoons for 375 ml

Very creamy coconut flavour mixes nicely with lemon flavour from the lemongrass. Flavours are very well balanced. Mild zing of ginger. Very nice combination. Slightly thin tasting.

Second infusion at 5 minutes. Coconut flavour is subdued. Lemon is most prevalent. Spiciness of the ginger comes out.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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525 tasting notes

Lemongrass and coconut is a classic combination so how could things go wrong. And the spicy hint of ginger. yum! This tea is quite tasty. I tried a few sips from my bro in law’s cup last night. Then I saved his bag and cold brewed it over night. Just had the cup this morning. even tastier! Great iced tea. :) It reminds me a bit of Exotica, but instead of tasting like thai food, this tastes like a refreshing lemony coconut tea. Much better. :)


I’m cold-brewing some right now. Cannot wait to try it after work tonight!


OOh. Cold brew. If I didn’t have four others on the go…

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761 tasting notes

I really really like this one! When I first smelled it at the store, it reminded me of the cookies with lemon creme filling, but upon smelling it brewed and tasting it, the ginger comes out more, so it reminds me of ginger cookies with lemon icing or creme. The coconut is not terribly obvious, but on some sniffs, I do also get a coconut cream pie with lemon meringue pie mix. Geez, this tea makes me soo hungry!! :P

The first few times I had it, I only sweetened it, but with this last steep I took a page from the DAVIDsTEA book and added milk to it even though it is a white tea. And you know what? It’s awesome. It’s even more cream pie like. I almost picked up some coconut milk from the store yesterday, but I wasn’t sure what kind to get, so I skipped that for now til I know more about what to try. I also can’t wait to try this iced. I think it will be fantastic.

Am I gonna restock this one? You betcha! I routinely get stomach issues, so I thrive on ginger, and it is good in teas, and this is an extremely pleasant way to get some ginger in me. More tasty than pills, though perhaps not as potent. I think for serious ginger needs, I’d need something a bit stronger like Ginger Pu Erh or Super Ginger, but they aren’t as tasty as this…though I wonder if they’d cocktail with this at all. Hmmm….

Anyhow, my cuppa is getting too cold, so I need to get back to it, but this is one tea from the new Spring Collection that I really like. Coconut Oolong probably Tuesday when I am off and can spend time with multiple steeps.

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284 tasting notes

Gorgeous day. Came home from work quite thirsty. Put the kettle on and tried to decide between Pink Passionfruit and this one, not having tried either before now. Looked at the score, read some notes, seems people favour this one (because the other has the much dreaded hibiscus). I do like hibiscus so we’ll see about that one later this evening.

For me, the nose is coconut and lemon. Not lemon grass but lemon — must be the lemon myrtle. Smells really really good and sweet. Brews a ginger coloured liquor, not quite clear.

The flavour is predominantly lemongrass. I steeped for 4 minutes. Did not overleaf but am getting slight bitterness. Possibly water a smidge too hot. Is this tea that finicky? Looking forward to the likely milder and not bitter second steep.

This could be like Kokomo green. Treat it nice and it will be a good friend.

Forgot to mention I’m drinking it iced. I thought it was implied by “got home thirsty” but in case you were wondering… If I had this hot, well, I might want to throw glass noodles in there, a pinch of salt, chili flakes and call it soup.


I too found this one a little finicky as a hot brew….bought due to recommendation from colleague. She said it was fantastic iced….we’ll see…


I would be really interested in knowing how that mad scientific experiment goes, tea into soup. I might need to try that…..


I do have rice noodles on the counter right now, cooked off already. But if I do do this, you bet I will not tell a soul!

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513 tasting notes

This is a well balanced tea, but not my favourite. I bought some for the bf, despite having not been thrilled by the smell of the dry leaves. Brewed up, my suspicions have been proven correct. I can appreciate that this tea is well blended and shows a nice balance of different flavour notes, but it is not for me. I am just really not a fan of savoury teas, or savoury ginger. Overall, actually not a bad tea, but not a tea for me. However, within two sips, the bf stole my cup and has excitedly been telling me this is the best tea we got so far. Thus, this will be drunk and I guess all’s well that ends well!

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188 tasting notes

Thanks to MissB for sharing some of this with me! I had mentioned I’m not yet big on citrus flavors in tea yet, but she ventured to share this one with me anyway and suggested using it for cooking… So smart!

Hubby’s Birthday was Wednesday and one of his favorite dishes is fish served with a Thai marinade. We don’t have it often because I have to think ahead to have all of the ingredients for it. MissB suggested using this tea to infuse rice with it’s flavors & I was intrigued. I wasn’t sure how the two different Thai recipes would work together, or if Hubby would even like the rice cooked in coconut milk infused w/tea but I went for it. He’s not big on coconut, but I took the risk. He really enjoyed his meal and the extra thought that went into it all. I asked which rice he preferred, the flavored or the plain jasmine white rice and he was quick to say the flavored. Success!

Thanks again MissB for suggesting a different use for this and including it in my sample box! I might have to pick up some more of this… and who knows, I might find myself drinking it too… I do like coconut!

The tea and coconut milk added a richness and creaminess to the rice without being overdone with flavors. Lightly lemon, coconut, and maybe a bit of ginger. A nice touch.

Not really sure how to rate this since I used it in dinner instead of a tea to drink ;)

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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2145 tasting notes

Thanks JustJames for sending this to me in our swap.

This is one of those teas that just isn’t for me, but it is one I think my mother would love. I’ll have to fix her a cup when she comes to visit next week. I’m just not a lemon tea fan and this one was, as expected, heavy on the lemon with pretty good dash of coconut.

This does seem like it would make a good iced tea once you added a bit of sugar to it.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

i liked it creamed and sugared… it is a very peculiar tea. i’m amazed i liked it so much,and i like citrus!

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