drank Coco-Lemon Thai by DAVIDsTEA
1501 tasting notes

Went to DAVIDs today to pick up some tea for some of you lovely Steepsters for gifts/swaps, and the gal behind the counter offered me a free cuppa tea when I was done. Well, thank you, I think I will!

She steeped it at a lower temperature than normal she said, so that the “caffeine stayed in the leaves more”. Wow. Really? I need to learn more about my teas I think, if this is the case with whites and greens.

Zero sugar or cream/milk, yet this was a buttery, lovely cup. The staffer suggested I grab some later to use while making rice (steep the water in the tea, then make rice with it for a Thai meal) and… oh my goodness YES I want to do this. I love Thai food. I make it as often as I have the ingredients on hand, although doing so now makes it tricky since I wrote off all grains. Lucky me though, my SPUD box comes tomorrow, and in it will be a boatload of spaghetti squash for exactly this reason.

Anyway. It’s a lovely Thai-inspired tea with notes of lemongrass, coconut and cream. Very light on the tea, very buttery and creamy, and quite the treat while on my shopping spree today.


i romance this tea all summer. lovely as a latte….. we grew apart, be we spent some lovely times together…. =0)….. oh, and best thing in my life next to family friends and tea? my temperature programmable kettle. amazon sell em’ totally worth it!!


Canadian Tire often has programmable kettles on sale, too, JustJames. :D I got mine for $50, and it’s love.


Oh yes, I already splurged on a Breville Tea Maker a few months back. It changed my world when it came to making tea.

I think it’s time that I grabbed a 50g package of this.. I want to try it as a coconut milk latte.


=0) we are all terrible influences on one another…. isn’t it grand?


Oooo that sounds heavenly. I also make thai food from scratch. Love love love!


And the Breville tea maker changed my world.


OMG a Breville. That is seriously on my “want” list. After all the hiking gear I need for next summer’s TWO family hikes. Gotta get my pack weight down!


i am not even looking up a breville. i have a cuisinart… it will do me for a good while! =0)


Heh. It’s basically kettle that both boils the water to whatever temperature you set it to, and then steeps your tea for you in the basket (it actually moves the steeper up and down during the steep time). Then, it beeps when done. It’s also programmable to set for the morning so your tea is ready when you get up, although I have yet to use that feature. It’s pricey, and so worth it. I hear the Cuisinarts are amazing too!


.. and yes, I love that we’re all such horrible influences on one another… ;) OMGsrsly, I hope you can splurge on one soon, or that someone splurges on one for you!

Thai is so easy to make really, it’s just having the ingredients on hand.


I, too, had a love affair with this one over the spring/summer. I’ll have to try it with rice. I wonder how steeping in coconut milk and cooking the rice in that would be.

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i romance this tea all summer. lovely as a latte….. we grew apart, be we spent some lovely times together…. =0)….. oh, and best thing in my life next to family friends and tea? my temperature programmable kettle. amazon sell em’ totally worth it!!


Canadian Tire often has programmable kettles on sale, too, JustJames. :D I got mine for $50, and it’s love.


Oh yes, I already splurged on a Breville Tea Maker a few months back. It changed my world when it came to making tea.

I think it’s time that I grabbed a 50g package of this.. I want to try it as a coconut milk latte.


=0) we are all terrible influences on one another…. isn’t it grand?


Oooo that sounds heavenly. I also make thai food from scratch. Love love love!


And the Breville tea maker changed my world.


OMG a Breville. That is seriously on my “want” list. After all the hiking gear I need for next summer’s TWO family hikes. Gotta get my pack weight down!


i am not even looking up a breville. i have a cuisinart… it will do me for a good while! =0)


Heh. It’s basically kettle that both boils the water to whatever temperature you set it to, and then steeps your tea for you in the basket (it actually moves the steeper up and down during the steep time). Then, it beeps when done. It’s also programmable to set for the morning so your tea is ready when you get up, although I have yet to use that feature. It’s pricey, and so worth it. I hear the Cuisinarts are amazing too!


.. and yes, I love that we’re all such horrible influences on one another… ;) OMGsrsly, I hope you can splurge on one soon, or that someone splurges on one for you!

Thai is so easy to make really, it’s just having the ingredients on hand.


I, too, had a love affair with this one over the spring/summer. I’ll have to try it with rice. I wonder how steeping in coconut milk and cooking the rice in that would be.

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A few years ago, the obsession with tea started. The cupboard got bigger and bigger, more swaps occurred, group buys, secret rendezvous with local teapassionistas… and that’s how you end up with 500+ different kinds of tea in your home. At one time.

Almost all of the tea was given away, sold, or otherwise shared. A few relics still remain. I now travel full time with only two carryon bags to my name. One quarter of those bags are tea.

It’s still a challenge to avoid the chipmunk-like hoarding of The Teas, yet, the lightness of being from having so little compels me more.

If I have enough, I’m happy to share. If I’m in your area, I’d love to swap, meet for tea, and explore together.

As for the day-to-day stuff, I’m focused almost entirely on Love, (yes, with a capital L), Spirit/Self, transformation, travel and my writing and speaking work.

What kinds of teas do I normally like?

YES: flavored teas, fruity, dessert, chai, and spicy (REALLY spicy).

A FONDNESS FOR: all white teas, malty black teas, any herbal or medicinal teas, strange/weird teas you can only get in one place.

ALLERGIC TO: strawberries, lavender

DISLIKES: any added sugars, grains, lapsang souchong, and overly floral teas – I might enjoy a Jasmine Green every once in a while, but unless it’s a creamy floral tea (think roses in a chai, or the smoothness of a floral note in a French tea), I’ll likely pass. Earl Greys are a hit or miss with me; heavy on the cream or fruit notes and I might like it, heavy on the blergamot and I definitely won’t.





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