Matcha Matsu (Organic)

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Not available
Bitter, Grass, Creamy, Freshly Cut Grass, Roasted Nuts, Seaweed, Smooth, Sweet, Toasted, Umami, Spinach, Vegetal, Asparagus, Astringent, Wet Moss, Plants
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
Average preparation
165 °F / 73 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 g 12 oz / 343 ml

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92 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I picked up some matcha to experiment with after Sil pointed me towards a great deal at Red Leaf. I’ve never made matcha myself but I enjoy the flavour of it in other food and beverages I’ve come...” Read full tasting note
  • “Matchaaaaa! My local DT finally had some in stock, I was so happy! I eagerly got a cup (as I bought my new pink flowered bubble teapot!) And then it got busy at work, and I didn’t get a chance to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Nom nom nom. Still whisk-less, but I did a better job with the fork this time. Mixed it with a bit of hot milk and agave, then added cold unsweetened almond milk. Learned last time that almond milk...” Read full tasting note
  • “I finally made my first matcha ever. I just received the bamboo whisk I ordered from Teavana along with a double walled glass bowl. I told myself after watching a youtube video, girl this is...” Read full tasting note


As of January 2024 this matcha is certified organic.

In Japanese, “matsu” literally means “pine tree”. But it’s also a term that indicates excellence. This powdered green tea lives up to its name. Quality this high can only be graded as “matsu”. Strong in taste and aroma, this matcha is pure indulgence – perfect for cleansing the palate during a fabulous meal. Whisk it into almost-boiled water and enjoy. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Matcha green tea from Nishio, Japan.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

92 Tasting Notes

71 tasting notes

I need more of this magical powder. The way to my heart is through a matcha latte. So much better when it’s made at home. Starbucks makes their matcha lattes too sugary.

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818 tasting notes

Ya, no. Not for me. At least not as it tastes using the traditional method. Maybe if I shake it up with some vanilla soymilk, it’ll be good? I’ve been curious about trying the flavored matchas at Red Leaf, but if I don’t like the unflavored, I’m not sure why I’d like the flavored. Anyone have thoughts about that?


I’m not huge on straight matcha. I have David’s Grand Cru in my cupboard but I exclusively drink it as a cold soy latte. I love Red Leaf’s flavoured matchas, but again I drink them with milk (but not in soy milk, which I find has a much stronger and distinct flavour than regular milk) or in smoothies.


Maybe order one of the Red Leaf free samples of the month? You get like 5-10 servings for just the cost of shipping (less than $3) This month’s sample is cheesecake flavored :)


Courtney – you’re right that soy milk adds a flavor, and I’m glad there’s hope even if you’re not a fan of straight matcha!

Good idea, Stephanie! I think I’ll try that.


i really only drink matcha for the health benefits, as it’s super concentrated chlorophyll, which is great for you. that said, it’s a very acquired taste and a bit harsh without additives. you’ll get a lot of earthy grass.

lately i’ve been adding brown sugar to mine plus soy milk (just plain does the trick, which tastes vanillary as it is! but with vanilla soy milk it will probably be amazing.) for me milk & sugar cancels out the bitterness & even makes it a little decadent…at least as much as possible given this is well, matcha.

i myself am gonna order a sample of Red Leaf’s flavored. i had my eye on their caramel one. i’m sure it’s much better that way.

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2 tasting notes

I’ve tried a variety of Matcha and always come back to the DavidsTEA variety. It doesn’t have a bitter taste like other Matcha teas that are not ceremonial grade. I would definitely give this a try! It taste extra delicious with agave and soy milk or almond milk.

2 min, 15 sec 0 OZ / 0 ML

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3 tasting notes

Oh you are so delicious!

Defintely grassy taste is to be expected, some what vegetal. As a hot tea I tend to drink this one as a rather fast hot shot. But Iced? whole other story! Add some almond milk or skim milk in there and it really shines.

At the moment I am whiskless =( but I have been using a little hand held frother, which gets it to foam a little bit but not as well as having a proper whisk! Definitely recommend that.
Excellent to experiment and bake with too! I used my Matcha Matsu to make a flavoured popcorn butter with cumin and soy sauce, as well I used it daily in my smoothies and boy! does it give me a great boost of energy and leaves me feeling great!

Also I purchased a small amount in a tin, it’s easier to store and scoop out. A lot of the powder gets lost on the bags and for the price I want all the matcha I can get!

170 °F / 76 °C 1 tsp

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8 tasting notes

This is the first and only matcha I have ever tried. It’s actually quite nice, smooth and creamy. It taste stronger than normal bagged green tea. It has a slight vegetal or planty taste but not bitter. I like it best with a bit of agave and milk but that’s personal preference. I usually have a cup a day or every other day after reading about it’s many health benefits. Overall, great tea. I kept my rating in the 80’s because I have nothing else to compare it too but I do like it.

Flavors: Grass, Plants

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 0 sec 0 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1 tasting notes

Help! I’m in love with the Starbucks Green Tea Latte (I get it non-fat and unsweetened) and I purchased some of this Matcha Matsu from Davids Tea, but I just can’t seem to get it even close to the same taste. Any suggestions or recipes? I love matcha but money is tight and I don’t want to waste any more of the powder:(


Their matcha is loaded with sugars. To be honest I don’t think you will ever be able to get an exact replica! :) I used to work for Starbucks and their "matcha " is nothing like real matcha. It might have changed since I worked there but I’m fairly certain it’s loaded with sugar and that’s why it doesn’t taste the same.

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49 tasting notes

So good, plain or in a latte! Smooth, comforting taste. I don’t really like sencha so I wasn’t sure if I liked this but I’m glad I bought it. I can see myself having this all the time, especially with milk froth and cane sugar <3 seriously, matcha lattes are the best.

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4 tasting notes

A perfect way to get a bit of a caffeine jump in your day, and one of my favourite hangover cures. A sweet grassy taste that I find pairs well with any light meal or snack.

170 °F / 76 °C

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2 tasting notes

Great tea to drink as a Matcha Latte. Taste is not too strong and is perfect for people who never tried Matcha before.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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415 tasting notes

Ah matcha, how popular you are! I can see why this is so. This tea is a real pick-me-up with a crazy dark green colour. Instead of steeping, you whisk the powder in warm water. You have to be careful with the temperature of your water, however, or else it’s bitter and gross.

Overall I enjoy this tea-its nice and earthy. One negative about it though is that I don’t have the matcha whisk or strainer, so the last sip is undrinkable because of the settled matcha powder. I usually use a little less than 1/2 a teaspoon when whisking to try and combat this problem.

EDIT-if you are whisk-less like me, I discovered that if you put 1/2 a teaspoon in a draw-string teabag and bob it up and down in warm-hot (72 degree) water for just under a minute, the matcha will dissolve into the water through the filter and you will have a nice cup of matcha without the settled powder at the bottom. It might not be as strong as if you were to whisk it straight in, but it is still darker in colour than almost all “regular” green teas I’ve tried. :)

165 °F / 73 °C 0 min, 45 sec

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