Glitter & Gold

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Black Tea, Cloves, Lemon Peel, Sugar, Sugar Sprinkles
Cinnamon, Lemon, Caramel, Cream, Spices, Vanilla, Sweet, Artificial, Cloves, Creamy, Bitter, Clove, Butter, Brown Sugar, Cardamom, Malt, Spicy, Sugarcane, Tannin, Citrus, Dark Wood, Marshmallow, Molasses, Orange Zest, Earth, Sugar, Lemon Zest, Citrusy, Oats, Pastries, Nutty, Tea, Milk, Smooth, Orange, Smoke, Astringent, Floral, Chocolate
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 g 21 oz / 635 ml

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444 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’ve definitely changed my opinion a bit that this tea and Pumpkin Chai are super similar, but they are still closely related, IMO. Love the sparkles in this one, even though I don’t much get to...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m going to allow myself a break in the midst of an otherwise fairly chaotic week. This has been an incredibly stressful week, and I feel very close to being at the end of my tether. The exam is...” Read full tasting note
  • “This an exciting one because it’s my 5000th tasting note! When I realized last night I was at 4999, I reached out to my tea twin Roswell Strange to ask what tea she thought I should have for this...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! had this tasty little treat to finish off with dinner. Still not a fan of david’s tea but this one is alright by me. Nice to finally get through my 12 days of christmas teas…well except...” Read full tasting note


Twinkle, twinkle

This deep dark Chinese tea is like a gorgeous starry night, glimmering with gold and silver sugar crystals that shimmer as they steep. Take a sip and the slow suggestion of cinnamon will warm your body. Your toes will tingle and your mind will turn to fireworks, falling stars, late-night seduction. It’s basically magic. (Is it getting hot in here, or is it just the tea?)

Ingredients: Black tea, lemon peel, sugar sprinkles (sugar, rice flour, partly hydrogenated canola oil, shellac, titanium oxide, iron oxide, potato starch), sugar, cloves, natural and artificial flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

444 Tasting Notes

28 tasting notes

When I first started drinking this tea, I had no idea it was chai. Granted, I wasn’t entirely paying attention, (perhaps blindsided by the glistening gold sugar balls!) but it was like-at-first-sip. I don’t love it, but it’s a good tea to have for a bit of variety. I’ll drink it, but I do have teas that I prefer over this one. I do give it points for the shine & sparkle though, that is fantastic.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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8 tasting notes

It was okay. The sparkling was beautiful but I am not crazy fond of the flavour. I can drink it but it won’t get as much attention as some of my other black teas.

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2 tasting notes

One of my favorite teas ever! Tastes like heaven and I like the glitter in it!

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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41 tasting notes

Is sparkles!! How exciting!

I’m making this tea to help comfort me a bit as I think about a classmate we all lost very recently. It’s my first time trying this one, and I like the smell. Spicy and fruity.. it’s very comforting, and great for fall.. Exactly what I wanted.

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4 tasting notes

The 4th tea out of 5 that I bought from DavidsTea. This one I actually was pretty okay with. It was very pretty and with a tiny bit of sugar and it tasted pretty good. Something stupid in my mind decided to add a little drop of milk to cool it down. BIG MISTAKE! It went all bitter and gross. I think this is a tea I would get again if opportunity arose, but I learned my lesson about adding anything but sugar to this one!

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 45 sec

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154 tasting notes

This tea is very beautiful to brew. The gold sugar dissolves and makes the tea glittery. It is a bit sweet on it’s own, but I wouldn’t want to add milk to it to ruin the glittery effect.

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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150 tasting notes

I am going to have to try this one again! I feel like my tiny sample might have been old,or something, because so many of the tasting notes talk about the chai similarities and cinnamon flavors… which I am not getting here.

To me, this was a very nice and mild vanilla black tea with a hint of snickerdoodles. And it was glittery! So I felt like I was drinking pixie dust. I liked it, but I would like it even more heavily spiced, so I’m going to pick up a little bit more when I go back to their store.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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26 tasting notes

It’s funny how I always wanted to try this tea and never did until my advent calendar. It looks so good and fun with the gold balls. But when I did try it, it was no good. I’m not sure why, if it was oversteeping, not enough tea, or what but I thought it was too bland for me. I love black teas and I will give this one another try since there are so many people that like it.

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606 tasting notes

This tea is back! I forgot how much i love this one, and this is the OLD recipe that ACTUALLY shimmers, not the new one where it doesn’t.

I shouldn’t have added milk because the milk hides the shimmer, but before I did that, the tea was sparkling and shimmering away and just so beautiful!
I only got 50g of this one because there is a LOT of tea to drink up and it’ll take me a while to get there. But today, yummy yummy!! And it’s a great way to start this christmas-y season!

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24 tasting notes

I tried this tea for the first time at a friend’s place. It was her favorite. I love that it sparkles and I really enjoyed it at her house! I have a 50g bag of my own and find that in moderation it is alright but there is something about it that leaves a weird aftertaste in my mouth, maybe the artificial flavoring? I don’t think I would buy a tin.

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