Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Honey, Malt, Red Fruits, Sweet Potatoes, Brandy, Caramel, Rum, Yams, Nuts, Nutty, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Floral, Grain, Earth, Chocolate, Creamy, Pecan, Sweet
Sold in
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Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 15 sec 6 g 10 oz / 298 ml

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89 Tasting Notes View all

  • “mmmmmm So I really like this tea! It won’t replace Laoshan black as one of my favorite straight blaccks but it’s pretty damn good! I asked Stacy for a sample of this to try out and see how it...” Read full tasting note
  • “The world didn’t end! Yeah! This isn’t the tea I wanted. I wanted something dark & rich, velvety & heavy with malt. But I’m at Tony’s, & his selection isn’t so great, & I realized I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Bleh. So one of the lids of my travel mugs does not smell good, and unfortunately, this tea was affected by it. I swapped lids with a different mug (that had been emptied) to try and curb the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I probably won’t have very many sipdowns this week. I have gone through most of my easy sipdowns and am left with moderate amounts of lots of teas (and lots of a few teas). I will make myself crazy...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Zhen Qu originates from Yunnan, China and has downy black and gold curly leaves. This lightly malty tea has wonderful honey notes that linger and mingle with floral, chocolate, and pecan notes. Our recommended steep time produces a well-balanced tea and is less dry but we also recommend trying this tea at longer steep times for a more intense flavor.

Ingredients: Chinese Black Tea

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 level teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

About Butiki Teas View company

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89 Tasting Notes

526 tasting notes

This was a great way to start a TTB! I picked this to get me going for the start of my morning. The dry leaf consists of small downy golden curls. This tea is so fluffy it actually sticks together in large clumps. I grabbed a generous amount and placed it inside my mini Gawain. I washed the leaf once and let it breath. This brew carried a thick malt aroma. I brewed up a cup. This thick garnet liquor carried a strong scent of spiced rum and roasted yams. The flavor was incredible! This was such a deep and heady brew. The initial sip carried the flavors of brandy, malt, spice,and caramel. It was such a thick brew and incredibly smooth and silky. I was able to pull a few steepings out my Gawain. The next subsequent brews became sweeter and thinner. This was a great start to wonderful TTB experience!


Flavors: Brandy, Caramel, Malt, Rum

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 90 ML

Love this one!!


It was amazing!

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687 tasting notes

My evening cup. I’m having this while watching Wrath of Khan. (As the folks in the chat room know, I’ve been on a Star Trek watch-a-thon.) There is a scent of yams, malt, and a hint of honey. The flavour is mild yams, and a bit sweet. Will need more for my movie, so I am glad it is part of the tea stash aboard the Starship Teakettle.

Thanks to cookies for the sample.

Flavors: Malt, Yams


Mmm, I love this one. Such pretty fuzzy leaves too.


Hehe, Starship Teakettle! I love it.

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313 tasting notes

Such a pleasant surprise after a horrible, horrible day at work that saw me both taking a short lunch and leaving late and not getting everything done and everybody wants me to do more things and everything’s going wrong and then I spilled a cup of coffee just as I was getting ready to leave and cried.

Then I got home and found a lovely little bundle of happiness from Butiki waiting for me on my doorstep! I couldn’t wait to get stuck in and try something lovely – I went for this fine specimen because the fragrance was magnificently enticing – mmm, chocolate – and the leaves themselves are these lovely, lofty, fluffy curls. The flavour is every bit as comforting. It kind of reminds me of a very nice darjeeling, but there’s more: I’m getting soft cocoa, caramel, dates, raisins. Wowzers. So cozy. This has made my day.


Awww I hope you feel better soon! Tea always cheers me up on the bad days, hope it will continue to help you on the crappy days! (:

Sami Kelsh

Tea is my lifeblood. It seems to be making a wee bit of a difference, so I shall keep drinking! Thanks! x

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652 tasting notes

Drinking delicious tea at work makes me happy. It brings a sense of comfort and a feeling of home to a job where I deal with fairly dreary subject matter, sitting at my desk and reading depressing things all day long.

I would almost say that tea gets me through the day.

Especially my “special” teas. Like this one. So relaxing and cozy and warm and flavorful.

tea tea tea.

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592 tasting notes

Backlog. I had this wonderful tea this morning. I accidentally left it steeping for a whopping 8-9 minutes because I was distracted with filling out forms. To my surprise/delight, the tea wasn’t bitter! I mean, it was definitely stronger than I would have liked and there was some astringency, but all in all, not bad for steeping almost 3 times the recommended time.

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4074 tasting notes

Good morning, Steepster! Yes, I know it’s almost noon, but I still have 8 minutes to write this before that happens! I figured I would choose the only Yunnan from my Butiki order as my tea of the morning, since I generally like to drink a Yunnan first. The dry leaves are adorable! Fairly short, small black leaves mixed with cute little fuzzball golden tips. It left lovely golden Yunnan fairy dust all over the teaspoon I used to measure! Aww! Dry scent is sweet, musty hay with chocolate and a slight herby spice note.

Mm, tea is so lovely. The brewed tea smells quite bready, with honey notes along with light floral and fruity scents. At first, I thought this tea was a bit too light, but it seemed that as I kept sipping it, I stopped thinking so. Maybe the flavor builds with this one? Anyway, it’s definitely light for a black tea, or even for a Yunnan. The taste is very grainy in the chewy raw grain sense, not in the bread sense. I was surprised to taste an interesting hint of cinnamon, which I loved! There’s also a wee bit of floral here (less excited about that one) and it makes an intriguing mix when combined with the cinnamon. Lastly, some cocoa notes and a very smooth, mellow texture round out the end of the sip. This tea is very lovely, and definitely different from any other Yunnan I have tried! :D

Flavors: Cinnamon, Cocoa, Floral, Grain

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I went back to my notes. 2tsp for 8oz was great for me. Otherwise too light

Cameron B.

Thanks, dear, I’ll try that next time. :)


You and Tealizzy are tea twins this morning :)


mj – I thought that was totally funny!! :)

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818 tasting notes

This morning this tea had a nice chocolate covered nut flavor. I always seem to get that more at home, whereas it’s less nutty at the office. Kinda cool actually, like two teas in one! Still love it, and I’m glad to have restocked!

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you Cavocorax for the sample of this tea. I am realizing that my tastes have changed enough that I enjoy straight blacks. However, my palette is yet to have developed enough to distinguish all the subtle nuances of the teas. Consequently, they all taste the same to me: malty, sweet, and delicious but still the same. Perhaps I should try them side by side and that will point out the differences but as it stands now, as embarrassed I am to say it, I can’ really tell them apart from one another.


It seems that, just like any tea, time and trials will do the trick. I’m excited to see your notes on this adventure.


I think I may do a side by side by side comparison of this, PTA, and Jin Pin to see which I prefer of the three. And perhaps I shall toss Lord Petersham in too as that was another that I found tasted super similar.


I love doing side by sides. I rarely actually end up doing them, but they’re enjoyable when it happens.


I’m kind of in the same boat, for the most part


One day. One day we will all be able to try the slight differences of all the teas.


I hope so! It’s frustrating not to be able to. Like being denied membership to a very exclusive club, haha

Roswell Strange

@VariaTEA – My most recent parcel to you have a straight black in it that I’m confidant you’ve yet to try! I haven’t had it recently but I remember it being very malty. Hope you like it when it makes it to you!


Yay! Try all the teas!

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493 tasting notes

This lovely tea is a surprise tea from TeaTiff – thank you so much.
2tsp 8 oz 212F 3 min
It’s very flavorful and tasty. It’s malty bittersweet chocolate, some nuts, some honey and as cools I pick faint sweet potato in aftertaste. Smells strongly of honey. I love it.
Thank you for picking this tea for me TeaTiff, I enjoyed it a lot

Boiling 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Yay I am glad you liked this one.

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1598 tasting notes

OMG. This is freaking AMAZING. I don’t think I’d ever had this before but I added it to my wishlist after reading some reviews, and then I snapped it up when Shadowfall sold some of her stash. YES!

It’s very mellow black that’s almost creamy, and tastes like honey and malt, and I feel like I should just keep sipping it instead of typing up my note because it’s cooling as I write!

But no worries folks, this is a re-steeper!
I may, and I’m not sure yet, but I MAY like this more than the PTA! :O

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

:D I love happy tea tasting notes :)

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