Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Honey, Malt, Red Fruits, Sweet Potatoes, Brandy, Caramel, Rum, Yams, Nuts, Nutty, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Floral, Grain, Earth, Chocolate, Creamy, Pecan, Sweet
Sold in
Not available
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Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 15 sec 6 g 10 oz / 298 ml

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89 Tasting Notes View all

  • “mmmmmm So I really like this tea! It won’t replace Laoshan black as one of my favorite straight blaccks but it’s pretty damn good! I asked Stacy for a sample of this to try out and see how it...” Read full tasting note
  • “The world didn’t end! Yeah! This isn’t the tea I wanted. I wanted something dark & rich, velvety & heavy with malt. But I’m at Tony’s, & his selection isn’t so great, & I realized I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Bleh. So one of the lids of my travel mugs does not smell good, and unfortunately, this tea was affected by it. I swapped lids with a different mug (that had been emptied) to try and curb the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I probably won’t have very many sipdowns this week. I have gone through most of my easy sipdowns and am left with moderate amounts of lots of teas (and lots of a few teas). I will make myself crazy...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Zhen Qu originates from Yunnan, China and has downy black and gold curly leaves. This lightly malty tea has wonderful honey notes that linger and mingle with floral, chocolate, and pecan notes. Our recommended steep time produces a well-balanced tea and is less dry but we also recommend trying this tea at longer steep times for a more intense flavor.

Ingredients: Chinese Black Tea

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 level teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

About Butiki Teas View company

Company description not available.

89 Tasting Notes

141 tasting notes

A very nice mellow tea with sweet honey-coated notes. The brew is light and malty cocoa-like, with an pleasant smoothness. The leaves are definitely of good quality and you you see clearly the 2 leaves and bud after the second infusion. Speaking of the second infusion, it turns more creamy and there is no bitterness that is noticed.

Definitely a anytime kinda tea, but seems very fitting for a first or last cup of the day. Another wonderful treat from Butiki Teas.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

This is really good, I agree…


I like it too!

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557 tasting notes

I’ve had this one for a while and for some reason i put it in a box and put it away cuz I’m weird like that, anyways I found it tonight and decided to have a pot with Lance. It is delicious maybe thats why I put t up for later I dunno but it is very nice, malty, nutty, chocolately with hints of caramel and some slight floral type notes, interesting. We had another steep of it this time a little longer and the flavors were much stronger and more complex but very smooth and delicious. The leaves of this one were pretty too, curly, fuzzy little black and gold leafes with a slight earthy aroma.
I really enjoyed this tea :)


Hi Tommy! Glad to see you!

Tommy Toadman

Hello, Thanks :) it’s good to be back on here, I’ve missed you guys.


We have a puerh of the day discussion you should join in. You have great notes and we would enjoy them.


Ditto Tommy, we’ve missed you also ;-)


Tommy you can pick the next tea for me to review….if you join our discussion!


Will have tea flower review up this weekend Tommy :).

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1442 tasting notes

When I pulled a sample of this in my package from BoxerMama I thought I had won the lottery or struck gold! The leaves look like golden yarn. They’re very charming and bright! I love how they transform when steeped.

I had this about four days ago in my travel mug but I’m afraid the plastic didn’t do this mellow tea any favours. I had this a few days before that but was eating Kimchi Jjigae, which also tampers with subtle flavours.

Luckily, for a sipdown, I steeped the meager amount of remaining leaves in my tiny glass pot. I got five steeps and each one was very chocolaty and mellow. Very pleasant and definitely something I would think of picking up, in small amounts, when I want a simple smooth “chocolate” cocoa tea with a touch of honeyed sweetness. No bitterness or astringency detected.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

This is one of my faves.


I can see why! I’m going to need to pick up some more in the future :)

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171 tasting notes

I’m not sure how I haven’t logged this one yet. The package is almost gone!
It is one of the few Butiki teas that doesn’t have that juicy undertone. It’s lighter, almost fluffy tasting. I love it, never disappointed by Butiki.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

I enjoyed this one & it will be on my next Butiki order for sure (I almost said Fo Sho, LOL)


LOL! I was just talking about the uber tea nerd joke with the anxi fo shou and how everyone always says “fo sho” when someone says they like it.

Terri HarpLady

yeah, some of us are a little touched in the head, eh? LOL


I thought it was funny. . . BoxerPapa didn’t get it though. lol

Terri HarpLady

You had to be there, right?


Exactly, or at very be able to appreciate tea other than ones that taste like pumpkin pie. lol

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1184 tasting notes

Oh this is so good. I picked up on honey notes right in the first sip. The malty chocolate notes develop at the end of the sip. I noticed some nutty notes in the aftertaste and wasn’t sure exactly what kind of nutty notes I was picking up on. When I looked at the description, I saw pecan and decided yes, that is the note I am tasting.
I find myself being drawn to straight teas more and more.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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790 tasting notes

Just a lovely tea. The dry leaves are beautiful.

The smell is malty and yeasty. Taste is mildly malty. Definite notes of pecan and cocoa – not sweet chocolate or hot cocoa but cocoa like cocoa powder you bake with. This is one of the only teas I’ve ever had that is described as having chocolate flavor that I 1) actually get a cacao nib taste from and 2) actually like. This is not a chocolate tea, though, so I wouldn’t drink this expecting what you have had in other chocolate teas.

I’d say if you like yunnans you’ll like this one. No doubt at all that this is from Yunnan.

This is one I’ll definitely want to keep around. Sturdy and hefty without being bitter or dry.

UPDATE: 2nd steep was for about 6 minutes and while it was noticeably less malty and flavorful, it was still highly drinkable.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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172 tasting notes

I got a massive order from Butiki yesterday and the first thing I did was open up the bags to take a look and smell at the leaves of each tea. Many of the teas were absolutely gorgeous in their appearance, particularly this one and the Royal Golden Safari. I was also happy to find some generous bonus goodies with my order (thank you, Stacy).

The brewed tea is quite delicious. To me it tastes like a mixture of light chocolate and honey notes mixed with a bit of nuttiness as the description mentions, as well as a little smoke that finishes with a pleasant astringency. This is one of those teas that would be great on a stormy night.


oooh, I have an order coming soon too!

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1759 tasting notes

Got through a bunch of infusions yesterday. What a journey!
The first was lovely, all candied nut, but with a soft malty edge.
Second and third infusions were a bit meh. Malty… which was nice, but rather one dimensional. I noticed a super mild fruity aspect, hanging out in the background. Plum?
Fourth infusion was much better; milk chocolate with a hint of caramel. Maybe plum.
Fifth was more of the same with a heavy note of cotton and dry mouth.
Sixth and seventh were a blend of everything, nothing too noticeable, though it was super smooth! I wish I’d had time for more infusions.

1 tsp 7 OZ / 200 ML

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1447 tasting notes

This one smelled promising, but in the end, I don’t think it’s something for me. There was a taste I couldn’t place, the the back of my throat that just didn’t sit quite right. Which is bizarre since it’s the base of VFCC. As always though, I’m so glad Stacy included this as a sample. Samples are genius for this very reason.

Alo, my friend just sent me a Valentine’s card and it is amazing. Amazing.



Hahaha. That is a great card :)


LOL, I like it almost as much as this one http://imgur.com/gallery/shtLNbD


Haha! Stephanie that one is also awesome.


LOL! That card is awesome!

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336 tasting notes

I can’t remember whether I’ve done a tasting note on this or not.

This tea is decent. It’s one of the earthy ones. The item description says something about floral chocolatey-ness but I’m not getting it. Honestly it’s just a little too understated for me. I like it, but not enough to restock.

No numbers yet. I need to try this once or twice more to see if I’m goofing something up or not.

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