Mocha Nut Mate

Tea type
Yerba maté Tea
Chocolate Chips, Chocolate Flavor, Dark Chocolate, Hazelnut Natural Flavouring, Marigold Flowers, Maté
Chocolate, Smoke, Nuts, Hazelnut, Mocha, Nutty, Coffee, Bitter, Cocoa, Earth, Herbaceous
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 15 sec 9 oz / 257 ml

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52 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So Adagio suggested 150F but that seemed a bit low, plus the zojirushi has 140 and 175, so I just went with 175. ANYWAY. I’ve been avoiding this sampler but I think it’s time to give it a try again...” Read full tasting note
  • ““Mmmm, chocolate…” is my first thought when I opened the package. It’s not just chocolate though, there’s a richer, nutty scent as well. I’m glad that there was no actual coffee involved in the...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a backlog of when I finished this tea up. This was a nice tisane with milk and sugar. This is an okay mate, and it definitely wasn’t the best I’ve tried.” Read full tasting note
  • “this is delicious. this tea is my first time ever having mate, but after sipping it on my commute to school, it certainly won’t be the last. I am convinced to buy more after this sample runs out!” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

The mellow chicory-like character of our Brazilian toasted mate is a perfect platform for a favorite indulgence – chocolate! Add a bit of hazelnut and you have the perfect treat. Great straight up or enhanced with cream and sugar this mate chocolate hazelnut is sure to entice your taste buds.

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Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

52 Tasting Notes

124 tasting notes

As soon as I smelled this it reminded me of Teavana’s JavaVana Mate, and it tastes very similar as well. The hazelnut flavor is stronger in this tea and I want to say this one is creamier as well. After the first few sips I was certain I preferred Teavana’s, but then halfway through the cup I thought maybe I like Adagio’s more, and then toward the end I was settling on Teavana’s again. (It could just be that I like Teavana’s more because I had it first and I have it often. But I think Teavana’s also had more of a pleasurable “kick” to it, whereas this was smoother.) I might make them side-by-side to compare.

I used 2 teaspoons for 16oz of water, added 1 teaspoon of rock sugar and a little half-and-half, and steeped for about 5 minutes.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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2 tasting notes

Nice bold, nutty flavor. Chocolate taste is subtle. With a bit of sweet cream, it’s absolutely delightful.

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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124 tasting notes

Wow, this smells delicious! So nutty and smooth.
The scent brewed is very chocolaty with hazelnut also being a very strong scent – it actually kind of reminds me of nutella.
The yerba mate keeps it from tasting heavy – it still has the grassy hay like flavours. The flavours that I had scented are more in the background, they just make it very smooth. It actually overall has a very light nearly mineral flavour.

150 °F / 65 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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20 tasting notes

What a yummy tea. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about a mocha flavored tea. It came in my Adagio Mate Sample pack, so I gave it a try. I really enjoy it. It stands in for coffee. I’ve never been a black coffee drinker (unfortunately I go for the calorie-laden Starbucks drinks). I’m not going to pretend it’s anything like that. But it’s doesn’t purport to be. It’s good of it’s own accord! A mellow twist on a morning cup of joe.

I’ve been trying (successfully!) to cut back on (Starbucks) coffee for all the obvious reasons. I’ll never say I won’t have a cup from time to time, but this will make my quest to cut it from my daily routine quite a lot easier.

I think this may be a regular morning cup of tea for me. It’s so mild that it still has the relaxing “feel” of tea. But the coffee-esque notes and the brisk mate quality give you that pep in your step feeling. I quite like it.

The leaves are certainly nothing of beauty to the eye, like so many teas (imo) but I’m perfectly OK with that!

AND yesterday my teen daughter (coffee hater) said “Mom, what is in the tea basket?” I apologized for failing to warn her, but as it turns out, she liked it too. I’ll have to get more scoop to see how well, as we did give it much discussion from there, but I was suprised.

As a side note, we tend to rebrew our tea baskets. I’ve found with our Teavana teas, we get a good 4-6 brews (for a mug, so 4-6 mugs) for a single basket (prepared per the package directives). We do tend to steep a little longer on those last couple of cups, but manage to get quite a lot from each serving.

I’m not yet sure if this particular tea will last that long. I’m on cup three now and we’re still going strong, so I suspect it will. My other Adagio teas are hit or miss in this regard. Some getting as few as 2-3 cups (e.g., chamomile)(the greens seem to keep on giving).

Happy Saturday TeaMates. So long!

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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85 tasting notes

Magnificent! I am thoroughly impressed by this tea. It is a delicious blend of hazelnut with chocolate undertones that complement versus overpower the taste. PLUS, it’s got this great toasted flavor. I love my genmaichas so any tea with the toasted flavor I am a huge fan of. I may have to get some more of this one since my precious sample is quickly running out!

I like my mates a bit strong so I used 1.5 tsp/8oz. I was surprised that it turned out as good as it did given that the temperature is suggested to be 150F, whereas other mates have called for boiling water.

150 °F / 65 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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152 tasting notes

Nice full-bodied coffee/mocha analogue. The hazelnut is most prominent in the fragrance and in the aftertaste. Added almond milk. I imagine it’d be great extracted a bit stronger and with fresh whipped cream. For those looking for comparisons with similar mate’s, this is more coffee/mocha-like than Teavana’s Morning Mate or Matevana, but less so than Guayaki’s Vanilla Nut Mate and Mocha Macha. To me, those Teavana blends don’t have as satisfying or well-rounded a flavor profile.

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813 tasting notes

another mate for the boy to adore … and for me to steal sips from his cup of!
if he likes this one i will do what i always do which is say ‘i will buy you some mate!’ and then use the order as an excuse to buy myself some fandom blends i don’t need. (i’m looking at you Tony Stark and Steve Rogers.)

my samples are slowly coming under control, so buying tea doesn’t feel as guilty as it did before, but i still have a ways to go. i definitely need a lapsang in my collection. and della terra chocolate. and vanilla. blerg nevermind.

a yummy mate! i’m not a big connesiour yet but what’s not to like about a tea with MOCHA in the name eh?!?
thank you moraiwe!!

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1 tasting notes

The first time I tried this tea, I didn’t much care for it. I’m not usually a fan of sweeter teas and the aroma was a bit too much for me at first. However, the more I try it, the more I enjoy it. It’s really grown on me, as it has a nice roasted flavor that does a good job of mimicking coffee notes, and the sweetness is actually quite mild. I like to steep it a little on the hotter side, as I like a hint of bitterness to complement the sweeter mocha flavor.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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248 tasting notes

Day 13 of 2022 Advent Calendar

Not sure how i feel yet luckily have another sample

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16357 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day Thirteen – 3/5

Steeped this one hot with just a littttllleee bit of added cream. I don’t want to write a lot here because I really found this to be incredibly similar to the Arabica Mocha that was earlier in the advent, down to the same sweet hazelnut type flavour. I thought this was a bit sweeter but also a bit thinner in taste, and between the two the Arabica was my preference.

That said, I’ve had this in Adagio fan blends and enjoyed its inclusion there.

Today’s Advent Photos:

Song Pairing:

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