drank Mocha Nut Mate by Adagio Teas
124 tasting notes

As soon as I smelled this it reminded me of Teavana’s JavaVana Mate, and it tastes very similar as well. The hazelnut flavor is stronger in this tea and I want to say this one is creamier as well. After the first few sips I was certain I preferred Teavana’s, but then halfway through the cup I thought maybe I like Adagio’s more, and then toward the end I was settling on Teavana’s again. (It could just be that I like Teavana’s more because I had it first and I have it often. But I think Teavana’s also had more of a pleasurable “kick” to it, whereas this was smoother.) I might make them side-by-side to compare.

I used 2 teaspoons for 16oz of water, added 1 teaspoon of rock sugar and a little half-and-half, and steeped for about 5 minutes.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I started drinking loose leaf tea in December 2011. I usually use Teavana’s Perfect TeaMaker at home, and their Remi Mug at work. Some day I would like to have a cast iron set… a red one with dragons!

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