what is it with me and green teas lately?
green teas seem SO popular with so many of you that have brilliantly refined taste. you are my role models and i want to embrace the green too. i want them to speak to me like they speak to you. but, idk, they all kinda come out flat lately. and when in doubt, i have a black tea.
the strawberries were fresh and tiny teeny tart and nice.
the champagne notes were in there which was zingy.
i’ll try it again when i feel my green tea framework shift.
thank you moraiwe!

if you were having a small tea party for 4 or 5 people what would you make to eat?

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

Earl grey chocolate cake. Some sort of cookie with tea in it. Ridiculous sandwiches (chicken cooked with lapsang souchong?). Scones (maybe with tea in them). But, uhh, I tend to follow a theme…

Shmiracles 12 years ago

these are all great ideas! thanks OMGsrsly. you’ve inspired me to do some digging for recipes on a new train of thought.
tea is all the foodz!

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OMGsrsly 12 years ago

Earl grey chocolate cake. Some sort of cookie with tea in it. Ridiculous sandwiches (chicken cooked with lapsang souchong?). Scones (maybe with tea in them). But, uhh, I tend to follow a theme…

Shmiracles 12 years ago

these are all great ideas! thanks OMGsrsly. you’ve inspired me to do some digging for recipes on a new train of thought.
tea is all the foodz!

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