Champagne Strawberry Green Tea

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
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185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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From PureAromaTea

This flavoured green tea reminds you sunny summer days. China Sencha green tea with champagne strawberry taste definitely is a must to try blend. You will fall in love with this tea blend! It’s blended with strawberry chips and camomile petals.

Ingredients: China Sencha green tea, camomille petals, flavour, strawberry chips.

To brew: place one teaspoon per person in a warmed teapot and add fresh, boiled water that has been allowed to cool for one minute. Brew for 2 – 3 minutes. Enjoy!

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6 Tasting Notes

814 tasting notes

what is it with me and green teas lately?
green teas seem SO popular with so many of you that have brilliantly refined taste. you are my role models and i want to embrace the green too. i want them to speak to me like they speak to you. but, idk, they all kinda come out flat lately. and when in doubt, i have a black tea.
the strawberries were fresh and tiny teeny tart and nice.
the champagne notes were in there which was zingy.
i’ll try it again when i feel my green tea framework shift.
thank you moraiwe!

if you were having a small tea party for 4 or 5 people what would you make to eat?


Earl grey chocolate cake. Some sort of cookie with tea in it. Ridiculous sandwiches (chicken cooked with lapsang souchong?). Scones (maybe with tea in them). But, uhh, I tend to follow a theme…


these are all great ideas! thanks OMGsrsly. you’ve inspired me to do some digging for recipes on a new train of thought.
tea is all the foodz!

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6768 tasting notes

Well this is nice! Nice even-steven green tea base – a bit on the sweeter side. There is a nice drier yet flat bubbly type champagne taste but the strawberry is a bit weak. Not bad tho!

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15606 tasting notes

had this one tonight too. falling asleep. will review tomorrow.

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437 tasting notes

I must admit that i really like this tea, it capture the high notes champagne mixed with the fruity notes of slightly sugared crushed srawberries . It smells a little of strawberry cordial. The base is a fairly light slightly grassy sencha, whose grassiness is tempered by the chamomile that acts to also increase the fruitiness of the tea. I steeped the tea for about the two minutes suggested and the tea did not become bitter, there is a little astringency but all it does is act to mimic the dryness champagne can leave in the mouth.

The tea re-steeps well with the champagne weakening and the chamomile strengthening.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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123 tasting notes

Backlog. Thanks to PureAromaTea for the sample!

The dry blend is emerald-green sencha mixed with chamomile heads and dried strawberry pieces, and very strongly scented of strawberry. The fragrance persists during steeping, but the flavor is surprisingly subtle, despite having a recommended steep time twice as long as the Japanese cherry tea. There was also much more astringency from this blend, very likely a result of the longer brew time, though it was only present in the first steep. I couldn’t taste anything that resembled champagne, but that’s not a problem for me. I got about 6 steepings out of this blend before it started to lose its flavor.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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6119 tasting notes

Probably shouldn’t be opening new, sealed packages of old tea right now, but oh well, I did. It was actually delightful though, so no regrets. Nice strawberry flavour, fairly mild base. Maybe some champagne notes in there, but I’m not trying very hard right now, I’m just enjoying it.

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