2 Tasting Notes

drank Candy Cane by Della Terra Teas
2 tasting notes

I think I have to double the amount of tea I use, or maybe steep it longer. (this seems to be happening with all the teas I’ve tried recently, maybe it’s my stuffy sinuses messing with being able to taste things properly)

This morning, I used 1 tsp to make a cup, steeped it 3 minutes. I barely could taste anything, it kind of tasted like water with a tiny hint of mint and no chocolate flavor. This did shock me a bit, since upon opening the pack I could smell both, the chocolate more so than the mint, but both were there and smelled wonderful.

I’m not going to rate it until I make another cup.

3 min, 0 sec

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They got me with this one. I stopped in at Teavana to get some of their Moroccan Mint to try. This is the first sample they pushed at me. The store had it iced, tasted good. So being the sucker I am, I bought some. Got home, brewed some up according to the directions and it barely had a flavor. First cup I drank hot. Second cup was iced. It did taste a little bit better that way, but still not like the store sample that got me to buy it. As of now, I’m adding a bit to my black tea, both when I drink it hot and when I brew it to make iced tea.

Since finding this site, (at least I think I read it here) I found out that Teavana brews their samples with more than the amount listed on the tin and add their rock sugar.

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Long time tea drinker, it’s mostly been grocery store bought stuff. But I’m discovering a whole new world of quality tea thanks to this site. :)

Other than that, I’m very shy. So it will probably take me awhile to get posting. Besides drinking tea, I like to knit, crochet, and read.

I’m a science geek and get to play with chemicals on a daily basis, which helps me fund this new found addiction of quality tea.



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