304 Tasting Notes


Wow this is a rich bang up shu! Well worth the cost.Multiple steeps continue to fill the cup with flavor.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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This cake is very tightly compressed and would be a good one to age. The flavor is a “subtle” richness that is very rich and enjoyable. Rich dark infusions with no noticeable wou dei taste. A wonderful cup of tea. I will be getting another to age as I think this cake will be drunk quickly! This is my first taste of a Bada mountain tea and it gets a ‘thumbs up’. Very nice.
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

Hi lukep, “wou dei” is the barnyard aroma and licorice taste in a lot of recent fermented shou. Big factories like Dayi will “hold” young shou till this aroma/taste subsides. Usually about 6 months to a year. You can still buy young shou but I always let it sit for a year till I try it.


Oh no Lukep, it is ready now with nothing off about the cake I got.


I haven’t gotten to the middle yet but I would think it would be the same as the outside.

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Trying this one out today. First a 10 sec wash, 1st steep about 10 seconds a little grassy taste slight bitterness. next 3 steeps tang of a green tea some smokiness light sweetness at the end. into steep 5 still a touch of the smoke almost no bitterness almost a drying taste on the tongue. Still learning the ‘sheng’ thing but finding out that I am beginning to like them more. I can’t wait to see how this one ages in the “pumidor”.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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Just tried this one again it has mellowed out in the pumidor. The brick has become more easy to “break”. The flavor is very nice now with just a touch of astringency no bitterness or off flavors or aroma. This has turned into a better tea with a sweetness on the palate now with an almost wineflavor to it. bumping it up a bit.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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A very nice tea. Nice aroma flavor of almost a ‘chocolate’ note to it like a bittersweet piece of it infused into the tea. This tea has a “richness” that makes it very enjoyable to drink at the moment. Hints of vanilla in this one. Brewed in my recent acquisition of an “easy” gaiwan( still I brewed 3 gaiwans for my large cup). Very pleasant. A very nice brick from the Puerhshop.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec

That’s what I do too.


I knew we think alike.

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Trying a sheng after being prompted by a fellow steepster to do so. This is a nice almost fruity tasting tea with an almost citrusy apple or pear note to it . Very little astringency almost as enjoyable as a dry glass of wine. Sheng is kind of “new” to me as I usually prefer shou, but I think I am going to grow to like sheng a little more after this. I think if I stick with sheng 5 years old or more I will grow to appreciate them more. A very nice evening tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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Wow just had this one , very nice and sweet enough to need no additional sweetening. I was impressed with this one no vegetal taste just rich and almost malty. I was really apprehensive about how to brew this one so out came my easy pour gaiwan. I think this is a special tea that most people would really enjoy. Washed the leaves for about 5 seconds and then used 15 second progressive steeps. A very fine tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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Just tried this one today. This tea gives a very dark infusion right off the bat after the first rinse. It comes across bold and strong with a woody almost like someone had put chestnuts in the pot with it. It has a touch of sweetness that has carried through 5 infusions with no loss of flavor yet. The aroma is just like a new shou with the barnyard smell that is knocked out by the taste. I personally think this one still has the new fermented taste still a little strong for now, but I think this will be really great in a year or two. I have no doubt about these being old tea tree leaves the strength of the brew has not dissipated yet. I will continue to experiment with this one till the flavor is gone. Giving it a so so rating for now because I believe it will age well.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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drank this today with my oldest son, his first pu-erh! will do a later tasting note.. he liked it!

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec

It was his birthday today, correct?!?!!?!?!?!


Well today was an early celebration. his birthday is tomorrow but we celebrated today due to his work schedule. So yes its today (just early). Thanks for the great tea to share with him Garret!!!


I’m obsessed with the Noble Mark right now. I swear, I’m gonna drink it all. Luckily, I have biz partners who will do an intervention for me should I need it. They can’t have me drinking away the profit :) Thanks so much for sharing the tea drinking pics today, John! Awesome!!


You got to save me a cake when you get them in! Glad you got to meet the family through the pics. GREAT TEA!


I just had some of the cake yesterday. It was pressed on 10/25. Already, the flavors of the cake are deepening and getting more complex. Typically, the loose ripe tea is better than the cake for a while, but once the cake ages a bit, wow! So much more complexity develops and at about 2 to 3 years after the pressing, I fall in love. With the tea, that is. And who knows what else?


Saw the pictures! Great to share with your son!


Thanks Bonnie it was his first pu!


Always exciting for us addicts to share our addiction!

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called the thick ripe cake. well aged dayi with hints of cherry on the first steep.hints of oak at the back of the tongue. second infusion cherry with lemon a taste almost like a well aged scotch. will explore more steeps. now off to enjoy…..short steeps under 15 seconds for now.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

sounds yum!

Misty Peak Teas

Hey Mr Mopar. I did a video that you may enjoy about how to brew Pu’er, just posted it online today. Id love to hear your take on it. I was doing gong fu, then recorded the Gaiwan simple method which may be more popular on here.

Let me know your thoughts, if you like :) Cheers



Bonnie, Azzrian it’s a good one no off odors or any signs of twigs or anything in this one. A nice clean cake. Misty saw the video it;s nice it should help many out. aA lot of people use the gaiwan style preparation. I tried it but my big hands could not do it righ so i got clay pots for my preparation. I actually have a pot for each of the major producers that are dedicated to each factory. Hopefully the will retain that bit of each one as they get older and more use.


mrmopar, a fat gaiwan is easier to handle (I have one) Or the type with the spout and handle (mine is clay). I think the use of a gaiwan should not be ruled out entirely,because of what you can do playing with the leaves.


I got an easy gaiwan coming in from china soon. I think i will be more comfortable with it than the one i have here. The one i have coming in has the spout so i should be able to master it.


good idea….think you have it all now!

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