304 Tasting Notes


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205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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a very smooth 2010 offering from the boyou factory very similar to a menghai offering of the same year. slighty smoky with a light citrus note sweetened with a touch of agave. replacing a usual cup of coffee with this tea. very nice and complex brew . 1 brew so far with a yixing pot 10 second rinse 15 second first steep.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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have been working on this one for 2 days now. this tea is made from leftover clumps of fermented pu-erh. it is a very hard brick to break as it seems to come apart in these “nubs”. aroma is soft with no off scent. used about10 grams in a yixing. since this tea was hard to break i gave it a start with a 30 second wash and could see the color already. first steep 15 second with almost boiling water. pour into the cup and you think you have a cup of coffee on your hands. very bold with a hint of citrus and molasses and a hint of cinnamon. later brew used the same method for brewing and infusion since this tea seems not to let up. i am on day 2 with this one and it still has some clumps that have not broken apart yet. i have been picking at these nubs with my bamboo tongs to slowly break them apart. day 2 eight sweepings later and still as dark as coffee. reminiscent of the Wei Zui Yan in terms of sweetness and taste. well off to another cup of this fine tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

I had one of your mini’s this morning…ha ha!


which one did you have? tried the honeysuckle in the bright yellow wrapper yet?


I just like saying the word “nubs”


going on day three of this one. had 2 cups last night the coffee color has lightened but the flavor is still there tonight if it steeps well it will be infusion 13 of this tea. i never take later sessions this far because of the massive flavor loss after about 4 infusions. i think this tea would be excellent on the price per cup cost. it has really amazed me on it’s strength and its stubbornness to give up it still keeps trudging on.


well after 15 infusions time to go old friend you have been a great accompaniment to me. sad to see you go.

Terri HarpLady

This one sounds interesting too. It’s good to know that I’m not the only one re-steeping into the next day, or beyond…

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a wonderfull pu-erh. i started this one out with about 10 grams in a large yixing. a 15 second rinse and off we go. the first infusion was pale with a good aroma of something sweet. not very strong on the first steep with a hint of something i could not describe. second infusion much darker the same sweetness and there it is a touch of citrus like you would find in an earl grey. i carried this one through 10 infusions before i finally let it go. the middle infusions were very nice with the tea cutting through and finishing with the citrus notes. a very smooth and mot overpowering tea that i will have to add to the list of very good ones.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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just had this one after drinking the 2009 version last night. this tea has really added a depth of flavor with another year under its belt. this cake is drier than the 2009 cake. much easier to break apart. not really much of an odor. no off smells on the dry cake. almost a dusty dirt road aroma. gave a 15 second wash. poured the first cup after a 15 second steep in the yixing. the color went from light to very dark at the end of the pour. the whole cup ended up looking like a strong cup of black coffee. rich and woody in the mouth with a sweetness at the end. very enjoyable on a cold windy winter night. very warming. second brew as dark as the first,yummy. now excuse me please i am off to enjoy the second cup and it looks like this will give at least 6 infusions as the 2009 did. gotta go tea awaits.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

Nice late cup for you, must be staying up late!


yeah watching the tech game.


AH, priorities!


That means we drank the exact same batch of tea on the exact same day, my friend! That was my pre-meditation tea this morning!!! NICE!!!!


Sounds delicious!


garret that is awesome, and i drank mine to wind down and end the day!

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this is a premium dayi well worth the cost. it is called Wei Zui Yan which i think translates into the dense flavor of the juice. this tea is so rich it almost resembles a fine assam blend. strong and dark without being overpowering. very nice flavor with almost the tartness and sweetness found in a blush wine. heavy mouthfeel on this one. did a 20 sec wash and a 15 steep a very enjoyable tea that carried over to 4 infusions of sweet taste. the first impression of the cake was a small amount of mossiness. the wet leaves unfolded beautifully with the aroma of a wet leather shoe. and the taste was great sitting outside and enjoying the warm sun of indian summer. i will have to repeat this dance with the tea on another warm evening.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

Your knowledge of puerhs is astounding!


Your descriptions are getting better and better. I could taste the puerh and see you sitting outside with your cup, relaxed without a care in the world.


not knowledge yet but i keep searching and reading all i can. thanks ashmanra i try to learn a little more each day. thanks bonnie yesterday was an early day off from work and i tried too enjoy the indian summer while it lasts.

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tried this tea thursday for the first time. got it in the mail wednesday opened to let it air out. reading up on it this is a super premium pu-erh cake. my merchant helped me out with this one by giving some information on it when i asked about the cost. i was assured of the quality. first aroma like a piece of bark in a woody forest. hit it with 195 water for about 15 seconds and tossed the water out. covered it with the top of the yixing to keep the heat and remaining tea in the pot. let this go for about 45 seconds.hit it with the water again and watched the leaves unfold. gave it 20 second and off we go. this tea brewed darn in the pot. the shu aroma was gone replaced by a hint of apple and cocoa. wow! what was this! took a sip and the fruit and floral hit me. very smooth no hints of bitterness. another one to move towards the top. i ended up with 4 steepings over 2 days with this tea. i will be going for number 5 today. i believe this tea will give about 6 for me , but only because i like a strong cup. now i am off to buy a 2007 version of this one to try and compare the two.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec

I have aired out my mini Tuocha that had a fishy smell before but I had not heard of airing out puerh otherwise. Is that something I should do, and is it only with compressed cakes and not loose puerh? How much air circulation do you let your puerh get? I saw the little baskets at purepuer.com and thought about getting sme of those, or just punching decorative holes through a regular metal tin.


i usually unwrap a cake or toucha the loose pu-erh i set out in a dish for about a day on each one. i did not know about the baskets, now i will have to check them out. as long as the cakes are left in the paper wrapper i think it allows the air in or at least that is how i do mine.


This is the longest and most detailed review you’ve done! Why not continue this in the future…you’ve done such a fantastic job of it! Informative and descriptive! I want some of this (beg, beg!) Apple, really?! Great review!


thanks bonnie i will surely get you a sample out soon.


Don’t worry about it…you’ve already done so much!


got one from a year later too for you to try>ha ha !


Wow! Love that! I won some puerh at the Happy Lucky’s Anniversary tonight. They had Puerh, Guayusa, Oolong and Green tea tastings in a new room built (or opened up and remodeled) that was a jail in the old days.

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