206 Tasting Notes


There’s something weird in here that’s detracting from the peach/orange. I think it’s maybe hibiscus or beetroot or licorice? I have no idea. It’s, like, pulling me away from being able to concentrate. I keep swishing this around in my mouth like “hmmmm.” It’s okay to make iced tea with, but I wouldn’t buy it again.

Flavors: Artificial, Flowers, Fruity, Hibiscus, Orange, Peach

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
206 tasting notes

My buddy Mookit knows me really well. She recommended this tea, and lo and behold, it was in my samples. AND I LOVE IT.

This is a rich sweet berry concoction. Leading the way is a super-strong berry. Then you’ve got some sweet caramel/vanilla traipsing behind.

This tea is like the end of a movie, where everyone’s dancing. The camera slowly rises up, pointed below at our victorious protagonists. They twirl. The camera lifts, lifts, lifts, until everything is a blur. Cue credits.

This tea is ALSO notable because I broke in my Brand New Mug with it:
I saw the mug and I gasped because it was everything I needed. I didn’t even realize a new mug was in order until I saw this mug. Then I realized everything about my current situation was shabby and bad, and only the new mug would rectify the situation.

I will now be posting from a happier, better-mug state of mind.

Flavors: Berry, Blackberry, Caramel, Creamy, Molasses, Orange, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec

Yay, I’m glad you liked it! :)

Evol Ving Ness

Nice mug! It’s true that this is a life-changing purchase. Everything will be better now. Thank you for fixing the planet. Would that more of us were so thoughtful.


Oh, wow! Awesome mug! Those vibrant colors have to make you smile.

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Whispering Pines is recalibrating its Black Bear mix. The new mix isn’t in the system.

I got a preview sample from mtchyg, who is a fancy person IN THE KNOW.

Without a listing, I have no idea what is in this.

This is a very dark, strong mix. It’s butch as hell. It smells like tobacco and leather, and tastes like beef jerky and/or bacon. Some kind of meat, probably smoked. Did an animal die to make this?

I feel like I’m going to grow chest hair from this.

If you’ll excuse me, there are log cabins I need to construct, black bears to ride, and wild boars I have to tame.

Flavors: Char, Leather, Meat, Roasted, Smoked, Tobacco


Sounds like Lapsang Souchong!


It is a Lapsang Souchong. A fairly delicate one but it is there. I’m guessing you brewed it at either a higher temp, longer time, or both than I did. My experience with it has been mildly smokey with a berry under note. Do you have enough for a second brew? Try it at 200 F for 2.5 minutes or so.

Also, I love this review. Mainly because these are the things I did after I drank it! (But seriously though, I was chopping wood while drinking it)


Also because, I AM a fancy person in the know.

Super Starling!

I’ll try the shorter steep time. I totally over-steep EVERYTHING. Mostly because I get distracted. :|

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drank Florence by Harney & Sons
206 tasting notes

This tea is super-complex for something so simple. It’s just a chocolate-hazelnut black tea. But there’s a variety of other notes. A creamy note, a mossy note, a molasses note. And, of course, the hot-chocolate almond-hazelnut tastiness.

This reminds me of Disney World. Did you know that, underneath the Happiest Place On Earth, there is a labyrinth that the staff use to get from place to place? It’s why you don’t see them traipsing around in between shifts. Or why Mickey appears in one spot, them shows up later in another. You’ve got all that joy on top, and then a bunch of solid inner workings underneath to make sure it functions properly.

Flavors: Almond, Chocolate, Creamy, Hazelnut, Molasses, Moss, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

You should try Paris!

Super Starling!

@Mookit: I think I have a flavor of that! I bought a bunch of samples last week that I’m going to try soon. I can’t remember exactly the ones I ordered. They all have city names and I find that slightly confusing.


I DID know that but only because I love Disney World. Maybe not as much as Maggie does. But close. We are going in October during Halloween. We went for my birthday 2 years ago.

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This tea has flowers that you can watch open while you steep it. That’s really fun — and an inkling of what’s to come.

This is a super foresty and earthy blend. At first sip, I didn’t care for it. I was like “am I eating dandelions out of my front yard? Am I a rabbit?” (No. But I am a philistine.)

But as it’s cooled, I really like the deeper notes in here. It’s a claylike*, round taste that I appreciate.

*Disclaimer: I don’t eat a lot of clay, but it’s what I imagine clay would taste like. And, oddly, “clay” is a flavor you can pick below. So I am not the only person that’s like “it’s, you know, a pottery-in-progress kind of taste.”

As I approach the bottom of the cup, I’m really coming around. This isn’t something I would have picked out, but I’m glad I tried it.

I’m going to take this home and try steeping it before bed sometime. I think it would be a nice evening tea. As, I suppose, one would expect from something called “Moonlight Sonata.”

Flavors: Clay, Dandelion, Dirt, Flowers, Grass, Spices

Daylon R Thomas

That stuff actually keeps me up. Did you brew it Western or Gong Fu?

Super Starling!

Daylon, I think that my blood is mostly caffeine, so it’s a wash. I brewed it with a gravity steeper. I think that counts as Western style. I almost never re-steep.

Daylon R Thomas

Western to me is anything longer than two minutes with less than one tea spoon of leaves per eight ounces lol.

Super Starling!

I tend to over-leaf and over-steep for a super rich flavor, but yep, I’m Western style, basically.

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A thumbs-up to mtchyg for this sample. I’ve been running around an arts festival in searing heat + rain (am I sweating? is this rain?). I needed to work on some projects in the air conditioning for a while with something straightforward.

This is a creamy black tea with lots of vanilla, a sashay of coconut, and an earthy chocolate note at the bottom.

It’s like Boyz II Men. A lot of light fluttery stuff on top with that rich bass note grounding it. If you don’t remember Boyz II Men, you missed out on a fine cultural experience. In fact, I recommend going on YouTube and familiarizing yourself with them so you can fully grasp what I’m saying about this tea.

Oh, and another thing: PrestoGeorge is a great name for a tea company. It sounds like the name of an elderly magician. An un-creepy grandpa who does basic magic tricks at all his grandkids’ birthday parties. He has a little sign he carries in the back of his car that he props up against a table. The sign depicts a rabbit in a hat, though he’s never incorporated any living animal into any of his tricks. His kids (the parents of his grandkids) are like “oh, Dad, AGAIN with the MAGIC?” but secretly they LOVE it.

Flavors: Caramel, Metallic, Mocha, Vanilla


Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out. the candle. light. Boyz II Men were my spirit animal in 5th grade.

This tea also makes a good iced tea as well.

And yeah, PrestoGeorge. I’ve always wondered who George was and how he came up with PrestoGeorge. I’m sure his wife or something was like, “It’s right in front of your face, George! No. No. Right HERE! PRESTO, GEORGE! You blind sonofabitch.” And he was like, “Eureka! My company name! That’s it!”


@mtchyg LOL


Glad I/we could make you laugh. Super Starling! and I are currently putting together material to create a stage show. It’ll be a fantastical duo. Mostly we’ll review teas. But LIVE! And ON STAGE! Maybe with fancy lights, confetti streamers, and smell-o-vision scent emitters to capture the smell of the tea. Like they do at Disney. But… with tea…

Super Starling!

This is the best idea ever. Please let’s do this.


I’m in! I mean, do I look like the type of guy that would kid around about Live On Stage Tea Reviews? Psshh. No.

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Thanks to mtchyg for the sample!

I read the name of this and was like “what’s genmaicha?” and “do blueberries really grow in sandy areas?”

Genmaicha is green tea + roasted brown rice, Google tells me. Also, blueberries are mostly grown in America, Holland-ish Europe, S Korea, and Japan. Not much blueberry action in Cairo. So now you know.

I’m going to reserve a rating on this tea at the moment because I totally oversteeped it. I got a phone call and forgot about my gravity steeper until about 5-6 minutes in (approx 3-4x the steep time).

What I can say is that the smell weirded me out in the bag. And the taste is also pretty weird.

It’s got this toasted, cinnamon, popcorn, blueberry thing going on.

You could have tortured me slowly for years and I never could have thought up such a thing. The Gestapo would be like “COME UP WITH A WEIRDER TEA” and I’d be like “seriously, um, I have no idea what you’re after. Kiwi, hibiscus, honeybush, and blue cheese?” and they’d be like “NOT WEIRDER THAN THIS THING LIQUID PROUST HAS GOING ON. TRY AGAIN.”

I promise a better review when I haven’t trashed the tea. I have a bunch left.

Flavors: Blueberry, Cinnamon, Popcorn, Toasted


This is what I envision happening while trying to create a weirder tea.


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Another sample from the faboo mtchyg!

I had a parade lined up for this tea. There were twirlers, fire-breathers, unicyclists, mimes, a marching band, and floats that looked like dinosaurs. (I love dinosaurs.)

The tea has all the things I like: mate, chocolate, nuts.

Alas, I had to send everybody home. The mimes are flying back to Paris as I type.

This is a really good tea. I’ll enjoy the sample I have.

But it’s not a great tea. It’s a bit flat and one-note.

It’s an orchestra with only bassoons. And I just can’t take that down the streets.

Flavors: Chocolate, Nuts


Yeah, unfortunately I feel a bit that way about it as well. I mean, the smell is really nice. But something about it doesn’t get translated to the flavor. Glad to know it wasn’t just me that felt it fell short.

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My excellent friend mtchyg sent me a giant bag of samples, so strap in and feel the G’s, kids. We’re going on a ride.

I picked Jabberwocky first because I hear the world of Whispering Pines, plus I liked the name. It’s a mix of Harvest Fujian, Ailaoshan and Wild Arbor Yunnan black teas, according to Oolong Owl.

I know what it is made of, because I couldn’t believe how flavorful it was. I had to look it up. This is just straight tea — not tea pus a zillion other types of hazzurah thrown in, which is what I usually drink. It’s got great flavors. Citrus and woodsy and a little bit sweet.

There’s also a rich note, hiding near the bottom, of a sort of chocolate/pu-erh/earth note. I’m not quite sure it’s there. It’s like the Loch Ness monster, where I think I spot it, but then it slides underneath my radar.

I had no idea that “plain” tea could be so good.

Is this a whole new world? Am I going to have to sing about it on a flying carpet? I’m already chasing down Pokemon in the real world, so I might as well fully grasp the nostalgia while it’s hot.

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Chocolate, Citrus, Malt, Molasses, Wood

5 min, 0 sec

Ooh! I got some of this, but have not tried it yet. I’m excited now.


I’ve heard really good things about this Whispering Pines, and this tea in particular!
Also…. SUPER jealous that you guys have access to Pokemon Go before Canada does…

Super Starling!

@Rosehips — I’ll keep an eye out for your review!
@Mookit — Have you seen this yet?
You should enjoy your life while you still have one.


I’m glad that you liked it! Jabberwocky is just one of many fine selections from Whispering Pines. I’m glad that the flavors of non-flavored tea revealed themselves to you :) Let me know if you want or need any help in your discovery.

Super Starling!

Mitch: do you have stock in Whispering Pines? ;)


cries Canadian tears
The FOMO is real.


You know, I don’t have stock in it. However, I have recently hung out with the owner and drank tea in a park with him. PLUS Whispering Pines was the first loose leaf tea I ordered and tried that woke my brain up with one sip. It was like my entire life was a lie until that. It sent me on my fabulous tea journey. So, it really does have a soft spot. I offered to be his hype man and work for tea. We’ll see if my application goes through.

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drank Forever Nuts by DAVIDsTEA
206 tasting notes

Oh my gosh, yes. This tea steeps up a really bangin’ pink and tastes like an apple pie. I’m not getting a whole lot of “nuts” from this, actually, except for the creaminess.

This tea smells like an American BBQ dessert table.

You want to eat it, then watch a hot-dog-eating contest, then witness a man being shot out of a cannon, then fire off bottle rockets in your backyard.

Actually, I want to do all of these things all the time.

I wish it were a smidge richer, and had caffeine. Then it would be perfect. But as-is, it’s pretty great.

Flavors: Apple, Cinnamon, Creamy


The Nutty Almond Cream that I sent you is a lot like this tea. I have you 26g. Let me know how it compares.

Super Starling!

Mitch: will do! :)

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I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, crafter, geek, and recent tea convert. I love teas that are sweet, zippy (caffeinated), and hopeful. In concrete terms, that’s usually black or maté tea, with some chocolate/vanilla/berry/nut in there somewhere. If it gives me the dessert experience without the calories, my heart soars.

I’m not a big fan of mint, grass (“yogi farts”), sours, or bitterness.

I’m into the idea of trading to try new things. If you think our flavor profiles coordinate, let me know, and we can swap boxes!


Pennsylvania, USA



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