A thumbs-up to mtchyg for this sample. I’ve been running around an arts festival in searing heat + rain (am I sweating? is this rain?). I needed to work on some projects in the air conditioning for a while with something straightforward.

This is a creamy black tea with lots of vanilla, a sashay of coconut, and an earthy chocolate note at the bottom.

It’s like Boyz II Men. A lot of light fluttery stuff on top with that rich bass note grounding it. If you don’t remember Boyz II Men, you missed out on a fine cultural experience. In fact, I recommend going on YouTube and familiarizing yourself with them so you can fully grasp what I’m saying about this tea.

Oh, and another thing: PrestoGeorge is a great name for a tea company. It sounds like the name of an elderly magician. An un-creepy grandpa who does basic magic tricks at all his grandkids’ birthday parties. He has a little sign he carries in the back of his car that he props up against a table. The sign depicts a rabbit in a hat, though he’s never incorporated any living animal into any of his tricks. His kids (the parents of his grandkids) are like “oh, Dad, AGAIN with the MAGIC?” but secretly they LOVE it.

Flavors: Caramel, Metallic, Mocha, Vanilla

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mtchyg 9 years ago

Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out. the candle. light. Boyz II Men were my spirit animal in 5th grade.

This tea also makes a good iced tea as well.

And yeah, PrestoGeorge. I’ve always wondered who George was and how he came up with PrestoGeorge. I’m sure his wife or something was like, “It’s right in front of your face, George! No. No. Right HERE! PRESTO, GEORGE! You blind sonofabitch.” And he was like, “Eureka! My company name! That’s it!”

Mookit 9 years ago

@mtchyg LOL

mtchyg 9 years ago

Glad I/we could make you laugh. Super Starling! and I are currently putting together material to create a stage show. It’ll be a fantastical duo. Mostly we’ll review teas. But LIVE! And ON STAGE! Maybe with fancy lights, confetti streamers, and smell-o-vision scent emitters to capture the smell of the tea. Like they do at Disney. But… with tea…

Super Starling! 9 years ago

This is the best idea ever. Please let’s do this.

mtchyg 9 years ago

I’m in! I mean, do I look like the type of guy that would kid around about Live On Stage Tea Reviews? Psshh. No.

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mtchyg 9 years ago

Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out. the candle. light. Boyz II Men were my spirit animal in 5th grade.

This tea also makes a good iced tea as well.

And yeah, PrestoGeorge. I’ve always wondered who George was and how he came up with PrestoGeorge. I’m sure his wife or something was like, “It’s right in front of your face, George! No. No. Right HERE! PRESTO, GEORGE! You blind sonofabitch.” And he was like, “Eureka! My company name! That’s it!”

Mookit 9 years ago

@mtchyg LOL

mtchyg 9 years ago

Glad I/we could make you laugh. Super Starling! and I are currently putting together material to create a stage show. It’ll be a fantastical duo. Mostly we’ll review teas. But LIVE! And ON STAGE! Maybe with fancy lights, confetti streamers, and smell-o-vision scent emitters to capture the smell of the tea. Like they do at Disney. But… with tea…

Super Starling! 9 years ago

This is the best idea ever. Please let’s do this.

mtchyg 9 years ago

I’m in! I mean, do I look like the type of guy that would kid around about Live On Stage Tea Reviews? Psshh. No.

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I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, crafter, geek, and recent tea convert. I love teas that are sweet, zippy (caffeinated), and hopeful. In concrete terms, that’s usually black or maté tea, with some chocolate/vanilla/berry/nut in there somewhere. If it gives me the dessert experience without the calories, my heart soars.

I’m not a big fan of mint, grass (“yogi farts”), sours, or bitterness.

I’m into the idea of trading to try new things. If you think our flavor profiles coordinate, let me know, and we can swap boxes!


Pennsylvania, USA



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