Tea type
Black Flavored Oolong Blend
Not available
Artificial, Black Currant, Caramel, Perfume, Tea, Vanilla, Bergamot, Citrus, Floral, Blueberry, Sweet, Berry, Candy, Rosehips, Strawberry, Berries, Cake, Citrusy, Fruity, Jam, Lemon, Honey, Burnt Sugar, Coconut, Dried Fruit, Stonefruit, Blackberry, Raspberry, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Creamy, Malt, Bark, Flowers, Herbs, Rose, Smooth, Tannin, Cream, Toast, Molasses, Orange, Earl Grey, Tannic, Sugar, Astringent, Licorice, Rhubarb, Cinnamon, Chocolate, Raisins, Cherry, Plum, Cocoa, Red Fruits, Tart, Violet
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet, Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Teatotaler
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 3 g 21 oz / 631 ml

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710 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thanks hotel internet, for kicking me off just at the time I went to post this tasting note. Fortunately it wasn’t very long. I discovered a couple more sachets of this hidden in a tin of French...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m still alive, guys! Although I don’t think I would have been saying that so enthusiastically even a few days ago. I woke up last Monday morning with a mildly sore throat. You know, the “it would...” Read full tasting note
  • “So my throat feels less scratchier now than it did this morning. Let’s hope it stays that way! My head, OTOH, feels like crap. Advils, water and tea haven’t made a dent in it. :O Is it a sinus...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I forgot to bring honey or sugar in for my Paris, but I was so in the mood for it this morning. I got the idea in my head to mix it with Golden Monkey. I was hoping that the honeyed sweetness of...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

Mike Harney has enjoyed many a pot of tea in the famous Parisian tea shops. In homage to the city, he created what’s become one of Harney & Sons’ most popular and beloved blends worldwide. Paris is a fruity black tea with vanilla and caramel flavors, and a hint of lemony Bergamot. The aroma is delightful!

Black tea, oolong tea, black currant flavor, vanilla flavor, bergamot oil, caramel flavor.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

710 Tasting Notes

2201 tasting notes

Thanks hotel internet, for kicking me off just at the time I went to post this tasting note. Fortunately it wasn’t very long. I discovered a couple more sachets of this hidden in a tin of French rose-flavored hard candies. Score! I forgot how awesome this tea was, which always happens when I don’t have a tea I love for a long time. I really have to restock on this at some point.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Scott B

Just bought some of this a few days ago-I need to try it.


I Heart Paris…


So…. were you hiding tea from yourself or others?


I stashed them in the tin because I usually carry it around with me in my purse so I would always have tea if needed (tea emergency LOL!), but I forgot they were in there.


That’s an awesome idea! I have a huge purse and I never use even half of it. You are brilliant Dinosara. :D

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513 tasting notes

I’m still alive, guys!

Although I don’t think I would have been saying that so enthusiastically even a few days ago. I woke up last Monday morning with a mildly sore throat. You know, the “it would feel nice to have a warm drink this morning” type. Well, not even a few hours later, I was shivering, had a raging fever, and could barely swallow without literally crying in pain. Two days later, a doctor thought I had strep, so gave me antibiotics. Four days later, they still weren’t working at all, and the pain in my throat and ears was so awful that even breathing hurt. Then, I began puking violently. You know the kind where you’re on the floor clutching and lurching, thinking for sure you’re going to rupture something because of the force of your heaving? yeah that kind. Anyway, I went to the ER a few times to get hydrated. We’re thinking the antibiotics on an empty stomach for four days wasn’t such a good idea, either that or it was the wrong antibiotic. I was also blessedly given some really effective pain medication, even though they refused to give me anything for the pain the first time around. They were like “yeah, take Advil.” and I was like “I really think I need something stronger.” and they were like “Well we can’t give you narcotics!” and I was like seriously, wtf? there has got to be something between Advil and morphine you guys can give me. Sure enough there was, but advocating on your behalf when you’re sick is annoying.

Anyway, needless to say I didn’t have much tea at all. I sipped half-heartedly at this cup this morning, because it’s a very soothing and gentle tea, but my heart just wasn’t in it. It’s kind of disappointing, because I also just got my rivertea order in the mail and it all smells amazing. Oh well, I’ll hold off on drinking new tea until I’m feeling up to it.

It’s good to be back though!

Hesper June

Whoa! That sounds like a truly horrific few days!
I am so glad you are on the mend.
Hope you will be feeling in tip top shape soon.

Christina / BooksandTea

Yikes! I echo Hesper’s comment. It’s good that you’re (slowly) getting better. I hope you continue to take it easy.


Oh I’m so glad you’re starting to feel better! That’s awful. I know what you mean about the “advil or morphine” as pain management options. So ridiculous. There are lots of options!


Thanks, guys. I can’t wait until I feel fully like myself again. And omgsrsly, that really was very annoying. Give me a break-not everyone in pain is pretending, and not every painkiller is habit-forming.


What an awful sounding few days. I’m glad you’re getting better. Take good care of yourself, Keychange. I recommend libral amounts of tea.


That sounds horrible! I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better now.

carol who

Ya know, I thought we hadn’t heard/read anything from you for a few days. I was thinking you might be sick. I’m glad you are beginning to be on the mend. Get lost of rest and the always good advice from this group… drink tea :)


I am so glad you’re better and I am so sorry you had to go through all that! I am sending lots of hugs your way!


Thanks guys! let’s hope this never happens to anyone ever! LOL


Poor thing, feel better!


Hope you feel all better soon!


You guys are all so sweet.

Sami Kelsh

Big hugs to you, sweetie! What a couple of days you’ve had. I hope you continue to mend swiftly!


Thank you! so far so good :)


Yikes, hope you’re feeling better!!


Thanks. I’m getting there, I hope :D


Feel better soon and take care of yourself :-)


So much love, thank you.


That’s because you’re very loveable missy :-)


Glad to hear you are still alive and feeling better.


So glad to see you here and hope you’re back to your normal self soon! It’s too bad when so many people abuse the medical system that they won’t give meds to those who actually need them. Hope you’re feeling back to tea time soon!


Glad to hear you’re feeling better. That sounds so awful. :|

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1598 tasting notes

So my throat feels less scratchier now than it did this morning. Let’s hope it stays that way! My head, OTOH, feels like crap. Advils, water and tea haven’t made a dent in it. :O Is it a sinus headache? Is it because I’ve had too little/too much caffeiene? Yipes.

I’ll just sit and sip away at this and eat carrots and dip and try not to think about it. I love Paris. Thanks MissB for the awesome sale on this one. :) I’ve got enough to last me awhile and now I have no reason to pay $15 shipping from the U.S.


I have one sachet left of this and then I’m out. I need to do a H&S order soon on this one!


I was going to say I am glad you are feeling better and then I continued reading only to realize one symptom left but another took it’s place. In that case, I will say that I hope you feel better soon!


Thanks! I can stop complaining now. Paris took my headache away. Or seems to have! :D

And Tuscanteal – if you’re only looking for Paris, check Chapters – sometimes you can get it from there. Also, I think other places in Canada do too… (Just to save you the outrageous H&S shipping fees)


Yay! Tea makes everything better :)


My prayers to the universe:
1) that you feel better soon.
2) that we may never run out of Paris!


Yay! You’re feeling better. Yeah I can ship to the states… I’m sure if Miss B wanted a vacation, I could step in a tea mule, as I live about 20 mins from the American border.


LOL @ Keychange. :)
And that’s awesome Tuscanteal!

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1112 tasting notes

So I forgot to bring honey or sugar in for my Paris, but I was so in the mood for it this morning. I got the idea in my head to mix it with Golden Monkey. I was hoping that the honeyed sweetness of GM would act like a sweetener, and take that little bit of bitterness away.

Success! I have a less berried and vanilla-ed cuppa, but it’s much naturally sweeter and a pleasure to drink sans additions. I may take it like this all the time — I much rather tea blend than use sugar :) although I’m still yearning to try it with honey to try and replicate Tower of London. It also resteeps better, as the GM is a beautiful resteeper.

One more thing – Eee — look how cute my new brew mug is! http://www.premiumsteap.com/p-503-fox-mug.aspx

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

And a second like for that cutie mug! :)


too cute, I love the fox


It is cute! I saw an owl one just like that, wish I knew the website.


Also — it looks like there is a bird one too (Put a bird on it! Portlandia!) http://www.svtea.com/Owl-Tea-Infuser-Mug/productinfo/A1739/


Ooops – that should have been http://www.svtea.com/Red-Bird-Toile-Tea-Infuser-Mug/productinfo/A1781/ I was thinking too hard about how funny Portlandia is (awww who’d throw that out!?!)


wow thanks for the link! yay! haha put a bird on it!! oh god portlandia lol


the bird one is kinda cute too. man I really want the owl one!!


that is really cute!


Oh, I love the birdie one! The owl is cute, too. My daughter and my BFF would want that one.


Hmmm, your honey plan is making me wonder if combining decaf Paris with a soupcon of Elyse’s Blend would produce similar ToL-esque results. I might have to conduct a controlled study this weekend.

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2970 tasting notes

Ah, Paris.
I feel cheated out of my weekend, and wish very much that I could go right back to bed and sleep for a while. Ah well.
Work, writing, and all that good stuff today. Paris tea for me.
I’d never had this loose leaf before, and I am amazed. I loved it in the sachet, but there is that undeniable depth of the loose leaf. Yum!


Hmmm, so you can really tell the difference eh?


Admittedly not all the time, and Paris is as close in the sachet to the loose as I’ve ever seen. Maybe its the amount of leaf? In any case, its tasty!


Wonderful to know! and yes, I think controlling for leaf amount will always make you at least feel as though there’s a difference.


The Decaf Paris is good too.

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985 tasting notes

Iced tea of the day……

So thankful I have enough of this in my cupboard now for making iced tea! This is a good one. The notes of berries and bergamot is great cold. The vanilla kind of adds just the perfect bit of smoothness in the beginning and a slight bite at the end. I can tell that I will be drinking this iced for years to come. I love it when I find a tea that is great iced or hot.

Usual iced tea method. (Brewed at boiling double strength and then iced.)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Hesper June

Oh! I LOVE this tea!
I have been waiting for my order to arrive, and I have been thinking about how when it does arrive how I want to try it iced!
Now I know it will be just as delicious as it is hot:)

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2977 tasting notes

Well I wanted to pick something to go with the novel I’m reading (Crime and Punishment) but the water was already boiling so I panicked and grabbed this. Which is fine, because I haven’t had it in AGES, and I don’t have any smoky Russian type blends anyway.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I have read The Brothers Karamazov and The Idiot but was never able to finish Crime and Punishment. I hope the tea helps you to hang in there :)


If you have some floral tea and a Lapsang Souchong, throw a pinch of Lapsang (or other smoky tea) in (just a little) and you’ll have a smoky tea that’s like a Russian Tea. Then, put in a tablespoon or two of strawberry or cherry jam and stir. Eat the jam and sip while reading. (Fr. Basil at the Russian Orthodox Church fixed this jam tea for me)


thanks for the support inguna , and thanks for the great idea Bonnie ! I do have a bit of LS (mainly for cooking), and I’ve heard about the Russian jam in tea tradition. I think I even saw it mentioned in the novel. Why didn’t I think of it? I know there’s been a mention of sipping tea with a cube of sugar between ones teeth (sounds messy to me!). And there’s more than a few samovars making an appearance. And the kind housemaid Nastasya who saves the households’ tea and resteeps it for Raskolnikov. I’m not quite halfway through it yet, and this is really my first foray into Russian lit. Maybe not the easiest place to start, but I am enjoying it so far :)

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1186 tasting notes

Yay, trying my first Harney’s tea! I picked up 15 sachets of this from a local tea shop yesterday, hehe I cleaned them out of one of their large bags so the guy just gave me my tea in the giant bag! So I get the entire smell of Paris as it’s infused into the bag pretty much haha.

This smells sooo tasty dry. To me, it is a lemon square, with the light lemony bergamot and vanilla. But upon closer sniff, there is a lovely fruity sweetness in there, I am not sure what type of fruit, it seems to be a berry blend with plums maybe? That could also be currants, although the currants I have had I have not liked lol too bitter. But the vanilla and lemon are definitely predominant!

I am steeping this for 3 minutes, 30 s as I don’t want it to get too strong for the first cup. Haha, of course the sachet entirely fell in the tea, had to fish out the string with a fork lol. The steeped smell is VERY Earl Grey, but with the fruitiness there. It is for some reason reminding me of this little pie place I went a few times when I was younger on the way to visiting my grandma’s. This pie and tea house was in a train station, so it was nice and old fashioned and rather classy looking, it seemed to take you back to a different era of wearing nice dresses every day and beautiful hats and sipping tea. That is what the smell of this is reminding me of: refined elegance, afternoon tea time, juicy plums and classic EG. Oh, and now the vanilla is coming out more too as it finished steeping. I am feeling good about this tea! ETA about the smell – it is soooo good. I have been smelling and smelling it and mmmmmm. It’s reminding me of sugar glazed fruit in a vanilla cake of some sort, or a pudding. Yummy.

As for taste, this is pretty delicious. A very strong Earl Grey flavor at the start, but fading into a creamy vanilla fruity aftertaste. I maybe get a fleeting taste of the caramel mid-sip, but that could just be the vanilla first showing itself. This is like a decadent dessert that you have with Earl Grey after a meal. The flavors of those two things combined. It might be a tad stronger than I like, so I might try steeping a little shorter even next time, but it is very good nonetheless. I’m not sure if this really reminds me of Paris, it is reminding me more of having tea with my English great aunt haha. But I must say, this is a pretty good tea, and my second Earl Grey blend in my stash!

Overall, I am quite impressed with this tea. It has a beautiful combination of flavors, the smell is TO DIE FOR, and it’s in a sachet and it’s THIS GOOD. I can only imagine what this is like loose. I will probably have to re-order this in the future, or go back to the local shop and pick up some more. I do feel the caffeine from this and it is pretty sweet, so this may not be an every day tea, but when I feel like treating myself, this will be a good choice.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

After reading this it is making it very hard for me not to go there and get some haha :)


glad you enjoyed this one :)


You have to try some charchar! It’s so yummy :D

And I’m pleased I liked it too Sil, although that means a Harney order may be imminent in the future…and I really don’t need more tea. Haha


The perfect tea to start trying from Harney’s! I love this tea & your tasting note!


Thanks Tea Sipper! It definitely was the best one to start with, delicious :)


misslena…don’t talk to ME about not needing more tea…if i factor in all the teas i can’t add to steepster because it hates new teas…i’m pretty close to 275 gah!


Haha woahh that is a LOT of tea! I could never decide what one I wanted to have it I had that many, I have enough trouble with close to 70! But lots of variety at least :D

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3503 tasting notes

It seems like it has been a while since I had Paris tea. I had tons of it, then bought a pound of Tower of London which is very similar (but maybe a little more beloved for me?) and waited to replenish my Paris until that was all gone. My son-in-law tried this one and loved it so I had purchased some for him as well a while back. It is a real people pleaser.

One fun thing – I had made a pot of this and a pot of Keemun from Zen for tea party yesterday. There was a lot of Keemun left and just a little splash of Paris, so I combined them in one pot and put it in the fridge to reheat for my breakfast. It was really good and the Paris flavor came through like gangbusters even though there was so little in there. I really need to try mixing this up with some of my other teas more!

Paris from Harney and Sons, Yunnan Dian Hong Golden Tip from Teavivre, and Puerh teas are my two best friends when it comes to recruiting new tea people.

Interesting side note – our nearest real tea shop is Tin Roof Teas in Raleigh and today they posted on Facebook that so many people stop in asking for H&S Paris that they decided to make their own blend. I plan to buy a bit and give it a try next time I am up that way.

S.G. Sanders

A majority of my friends go out of their way to have a cup of Paris, since it’s always in stock (perhaps I’ll start charging them for it). It’s a nice tea. Very smooth, rich, mellow(?), creamy and dessert-like. It has definitely helped me reduce the amount of sugar/desserts these past few months, so I find it necessary to have it around.

It does go well with Keemun, Ceylon, and Assam teas. However, with an Assam, I would use more Paris than Assam due to the smokiness that Assams tend to have.


This just appears to be a very popular flavor combo. Our little Savoy shop down in Arkansas has a Paris Morning that has the bergamot-caramelly thing going.


Hay, ashmanra, I don’t find a Paris entry under Tin Roof Teas! Did you ever get to try theirs? Or is H&S’ so perfect that you didn’t bother?! I’m about to take a trip to Paris (so to speak) and have been reading-up on others’reviews—and there are a lot of them!


They had me try a tentative copy cat blend in store once but it was one of their first attempts at replicating Paris. It was honestly unpalatable at the time and I think they realized they were not on the right track yet. As far as I know, they never created a copy cat blend to sell. Even when I search for blackcurrant teas on their site, nothing comes up.

They have a smashing Moroccan Mint that they create in house and are a great source for lots of Teageschwendner blends, usually under the same name.

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1220 tasting notes

I REALLY wish the notes on here would have some semblance of organization…having your own listed first would be marvelous. I’m trying to find out if I ever coldbrewed this before, I’ve logged this tea five times but because the first time was in 12/11, that comes up first, and because it barely has any likes, it bumps me all the way to the FIFTH FREAKIN PAGE. In fact last time I logged it I bitched about this.

Answer: I coldbrewed it after the first time trying it. Guess I better commit that to memory now.

So I got this going last night when I realized I finished off a gallon of the pink lemonade iced tea already.

If you bought tea from me, it’s going out tomorrow. It was going to today but after I ate breakfast I felt like hell and my stomach is now realizing what’s happening (I’m doing a Whole 30) and oh it was not fun until about 3:30pm.

Then all I felt like doing was going to my garden and seeing what was grown…I had another huge zucchini. In 4 days I’ve picked 30 ounces of zucchini. I’ve picked 3 jalapenos too. There’s a lot of standing water in the mulch around the plots and it’s attracting mosquitos :( I got so many bites and I was only there less than 10 minutes! The deluge of rain lately has really screwed everyone’s tomato plants…they all look horrid on the bottom halves. I hope they’ll be okay. I’ve got some little bell peppers and cucumbers on the way soon.

I ate a lettuce wrap burger that I knew would be okay to eat because otherwise I was definitely not gonna eat nearly enough food for the day…and finally felt okay ot nap. That felt good, but I slept till 7:30 hahaha. So finally after that I got around to getting this out of the fridge. For being in there about 24 hours it didn’t get gross.

I. LOVE. IT. I need to do this more often. I think I far prefer it this way. It seems less bergamot-y and more fruity with a nice creamy vanilla flavor too.

Too bad I only made a quart of it and I’m already polishing it off.

PS anyone have any ideas of how to eat zucchini I’m already tired of it :(


I dislike zucchini, but my family loves it. So try eating it raw with lemon pepper on it. Baking it into zucchini bread or muffins, put it in any kind of stir fry or casserole, shred it into a coleslaw.


bread stuff is off limits for now :( but I did see a recipe for brownies that involves zucchini that will be back in later, and I’m sure I’ll still be picking zucchini then. I’ve actually never eaten it raw so I’m going to have to try that! I always saute it and for some reason raw it has never appealed to me, but at the same time I’ve never actually tried it to know for sure.


Zucchini tater tots or pancakes! Or hollow out larger ones, add spicy sausage, marinara and parmesan then bake. Or dice into fry sized strips, coat with egg and panko/parmesan blend with lemon pepper then bake on a cookie tray. Om nom nom!


Dice or slice them, blanch them, cool them and freeze them. :) Then you can eat something else for a bit and no food is wasted.


I envy the time you get to spend in your garden. I don’t get home from work until the Mosquitos come out. I’m certainly not doing any gardening then!
As for zucchini, you can make a nice light soup. Onion, garlic, broth, zucchini. Cook. Blend. Cream if you want. Eat.
You can add whatever flavors suit your fancy. Also nice chilled.
And just another shout out to zucchini pancakes. With feta. So tasty.


I tried to do a whole 30 in January, I maybe made it two weeks and definitely had a few chocolates in there, lol. I’d like to try again sometime!!

I’m waiting for my veggie garden to start growing. For zucchini I’ve used a julienne peeler to make “noodle” for chicken “zoodle” soup, or with an avocado cilantro sauce…. You could maybe layer it like you would eggplant to make lasagna too!
I didn’t read the other comments yet so I apologize if these have already been suggested :)


I think combining everyone’s ideas is going to be best…chop up, freeze, make these pancakes in the future. Also in the future: not let these silly zucchini grow so much!

I wish the garden had benches or something because it’s such a nice spot. But man the mosquitos were not fun. That was the middle of the afternoon too, I thought I’d be safe! But the standing water was that bad :( I’m waiting for the stuff on my patio to grow. I at least have all the herbs available but I’m kind of disappointed that the tomato plants there have just grown upward and done nothing otherwise. Maybe someone sprayed around there for bees without saying anything :[


I love to make stir fry with shrimp, onions, bok choy and zucchini; and zucchini-potato latkes with tzatziki!


You can also cook zucchini blossoms. Nip that problem in the bud… Literally! :D


I’ve had them tempura fried before…I have been so tempted to pick some of them on the ones on my patio since they had so many more but now I think it’s purposely dropping ones way too early on me on purpose. Though zucchini from there will actually be a normal size so clearly I need to go after the garden ones haha.


Grate them and pat dry. Mix in a few beaten eggs,salt and pepper pepper and fry like latkes. I’d experiment with pancake batter, grated zucchini, lemon and cardamom.


Grilled zucchini is delicious!

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