I did so well on the scavenger hunt at the first of the month and only had two to go, but got stuck on the Girl Scout cookie one. I am not a huge fan of GS cookies, but when we buy them we get Thin Mints and Shortbread. I only started liking shortbread recently so I wanted to go with Thin Mints but I had no tea to represent it, I thought. I was resigned to drink something with just mint and call it a day.
Then today I decided to dust the tea shelves and go through the bags and samples box and I found this sample from derk! Perfect for the prompt.
I let it steep long, as derk did, and found it to be a pretty mild tisane. At first I only tasted the chocolate and wondered where the mont had gotten to, but now as it is cooling the mint is becoming more and more apparent. I probably should have tasted the plain mamaki first, because I have no idea what it tastes like and had never heard of it before. It must be fairly mild. I get chocolate, mint, and a hint of nutty flavor.
Nice to sip on as I sit here and suffer from reflux because I dared to eat a “normal” breakfast today. Sigh.
Thank you, derk!