Hawaiian Chocolate Mamaki Mint Tea

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Cocoa, Nutty, Spearmint, Yams
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more 34 oz / 1000 ml

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  • “I did so well on the scavenger hunt at the first of the month and only had two to go, but got stuck on the Girl Scout cookie one. I am not a huge fan of GS cookies, but when we buy them we get Thin...” Read full tasting note
  • “Brought back from Hawaii by my work father’s wife. Thanks, Jennifer! Setting: October 17, 7:30 pm, dark living room, watching impeachment proceeding news. My girl is purring on my housemate’s...” Read full tasting note

From Wild Things Hawaii

For longevity- filled with antioxidant and rutin. This is worthy of sharing with your tribe of loved ones, or the neighbors back home.

Gift it, and drink it with your opponents and see how life changes for the better.

Steep for 10-15 min in hot water, and enjoy!

Ingredients: Hawaiian Farm-Grown Mamaki, Chocolate & Spearmint Tea

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2 Tasting Notes

3370 tasting notes

I did so well on the scavenger hunt at the first of the month and only had two to go, but got stuck on the Girl Scout cookie one. I am not a huge fan of GS cookies, but when we buy them we get Thin Mints and Shortbread. I only started liking shortbread recently so I wanted to go with Thin Mints but I had no tea to represent it, I thought. I was resigned to drink something with just mint and call it a day.

Then today I decided to dust the tea shelves and go through the bags and samples box and I found this sample from derk! Perfect for the prompt.

I let it steep long, as derk did, and found it to be a pretty mild tisane. At first I only tasted the chocolate and wondered where the mont had gotten to, but now as it is cooling the mint is becoming more and more apparent. I probably should have tasted the plain mamaki first, because I have no idea what it tastes like and had never heard of it before. It must be fairly mild. I get chocolate, mint, and a hint of nutty flavor.

Nice to sip on as I sit here and suffer from reflux because I dared to eat a “normal” breakfast today. Sigh.

Thank you, derk!

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1597 tasting notes

Brought back from Hawaii by my work father’s wife. Thanks, Jennifer!

Setting: October 17, 7:30 pm, dark living room, watching impeachment proceeding news. My girl is purring on my housemate’s lap. RIP Mr. Cummings.

A pot for me and the housemate. I made a pot last night or the night before using 3T to 1L. Twas weak so I upped it to 4T tonight. Better.

Three ingredients, no added flavoring. Natural cocoa aroma and taste from the cocoa shells. Clean, not muddy spearmint lifts it up a little. Decent body which I think is from the Hawaiian herb called mamaki. I can’t taste it though… probably because there isn’t much of it in the package compared to the cocoa shells. The tisane finishes clean with no lingering tastes, just some light cooling from the spearmint. Gets nutty and yammy as it continues to brew and cool while we sip (that’s the mamaki taste finally coming out!).

I have some plain mamaki that I’ve drank and it’s excellent but I haven’t written a review for it yet.

This is a very pleasant and easy to drink cocoa-mint tisane. Nothing terribly interesting but what it does, it does well. Yummy.

Flavors: Cocoa, Nutty, Spearmint, Yams

Boiling 8 min or more 12 tsp 34 OZ / 1000 ML

Steepster won’t let me email you! I mailed your package yesterday and it should get to you Monday!
I think I made a booboo. Your desired tea is in the tin and should be great but after I packed your tea and taped the box and took it out,mI came back in to discover the living room still smelling like Willow from Whispering Pines. It has no doubt scented the remaining teas I sent. Maybe they will air out? But Laponic should be fine in the tin. I didn’t realize Willow was so powerful because honestly I have not smelled it through the packaging here at home.


Ha, no worries and thanks for your generosity! Willow? Candy cap mushrooms <3 I could never be mad at those accidentally scenting some teas.


Good! Hope you enjoy!

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