212 Tasting Notes
This was my first try at a oolong. I believe I understand “washing” the tea better. I took a sip of the first steep and went, “hmm, that tastes like tea colored water.” I tossed it out and tried for another steep. That went better.
I find this one a bit vegetal, but in a good way, like green alfalfa. A hint of some thing floral in the middle. It’s odd that I like it. Here lately I’ve been put off of floral things. We have a couple of teas I swear I could wear in an infuser necklace as perfume. Last but not least a hint of some thing sweet but not honey-ish. It reminds me more of sugar.
Over all a mellow fellow. I may have brewed it wrong and totally missed out on what oolong is supposed to taste like. I’ll have to play with it for a while.
This is a sample from Azzrian, Thanks! Brewed this up as the first cup of the day. Not a bad cup of tea, but not my favorite either.
It’s a very grainy, malty tea. It really reminds me of the smell a friend’s house had while he was making beer. The end of the sip is sweet, reminding me of honey. Very thick mouth feel to it. It isn’t bitter or astringent at all, good marks for that.
EXACTLY!! read my review on this here! I said the same thing BEER! http://www.teareviewblog.com/?p=21030
I loved it though haha
Hehe I’ve never been a beer drinker. Dylan says the tea is too thick for me and he’s probably right. Once I sampled a mead that was most excellent though. Nice review you have there. Pretty awesome that you used to make beer!
Thanks for the compliment on the review! :)
Your welcome. I’m keeping my eye out for a good wine like tea. The best one I’ve had so far is from teavana. Their opus rouge is good I think.
Opus Rouge with Joie de Virve is good a nice balance of sweet red with dry white. But I really want to try the tea you just reviewed, I like malty beer :)
Oh and I’ve been curious about what your icon is Missy, it looks like a knotted dragon on a pouch or sporran. Also I think its awesome to see a couple on Steepster. My husband would never join, though he enjoys a good cuppa. His logs would be “I like this”, “This was tasted off”, or “Meh tastes like tea”, the last one would apply to any white, green or oolong I hand him. But I sometimes log him and our toddler’s impressions.
It is a dragon drinking tea. It amused me because I’ve started in on my fascination and my Chinese zodiac is the dragon. It’s hard to see it because the picture is small but that’s his tail curled below him.
I do enjoy reading Dylan’s tasting notes. I have a general idea of what they are going to be like since we talk about the tea we are tasting. It’s also a pretty good way to gauge what we should keep around. We talk about the tea but some times we are less specific than in our tasting notes. I think we assume the other just knows. I would log more of my daughter’s impressions but they are all the same. She loves a tea or it tastes like butt. That is the current phrase for her. Teenagers….
@Missy, love your daughter’s tasting notes! If it were a puerh she might say both wilst and at the same time.
@Autumn, I have seen Tommy the Toad use less words than your husband and it still makes the point. He should join.
So I totally didn’t look up this tea before I steeped it. Le sigh… I still really like it. Vanilla and mint happen to be two of my favorite flavors so I can’t really go wrong here.
The mint is nice pick me up right off the bat. Once the mint tires, the vanilla pops in, lingering for a bit. I get a hint of what I think is green tea. Towards the very end of my sip I can taste a hint of black tea. I agree with Dylan that it’s probably a mellow fellow tea. It reminds me of the Nonsuch estate that I had the other night.
Overall a great dessert tea, especially for lovers of vanilla and mint.
Yummy Yummy Yummy! Notice those are all capitalized. This one has to stay in the tea cupboard.
I was really surprised that the cinnamon and clove didn’t over power the vanilla. Nice medium tea base here. I wondered if a vanilla chai was truly out of reach for me. Vanilla seems to hide when other flavors are used. I’ve tried several just vanilla teas where the tea over shadowed the vanilla. I thought the chai spices were going to be too strong for vanilla to show through. However this is a wonderful balance of flavors.
I enjoyed this tea hot the first time I tried it, but I thought it might be better as an iced tea. I like it more iced.
As a hot tea, the grenadine is pretty strong, allowing the vanilla to just peak through a bit. Just enough vanilla to make the tea creamy. So you have sweet, tart and creamy mixture that does pretty well by my palate.
As an iced tea I find the vanilla makes a stronger presence. Vanilla always seems to show up better for me the colder my tea is. Now I have a creamy, sweet tea with just a hint of tart at the end. I think I’ll stick with my monk’s blend as an iced tea.
So I brewed up a pot of Samurai Chai earlier but I had to toss it. I have a spider on a porch that likes to try to use my cup as base for her web. This time she got my cup pretty good as I was tooling around on amazon. I think this episode is the final installment. It sure looked like I had a little bug body in my cup when I tossed it out. So on to the tea I actually get to drink.
I call this one Nosuck tea and it lives up to it’s name! I find it very smooth and mellow. I see that the description uses coppery and bright. I agree with these two assessments. I find a sweet taste at the end reminiscent of honeysuckle. Not even a hint of astringency so far. I’m quite happy with this purchase.
Since I’m terrible with pronunciation, any thing that looks like it might not sound like it’s spelled gets a new name.
An interesting tea with an interesting name. Dylan says the name isn’t interesting so I had to shout out the name. Pretty fun to say.
Nice light woodsy tea coming through the floral scent. I’m not so good with flowers so I can’t point out which flowers. They aren’t perfume-y though, I think they add a sweet touch. Very nice blend so far. Tropical fruit I can agree with. I think maybe pineapple, mango or papaya. There is a citrus note so maybe just the pineapple. Maybe it has a hint of lemon. Scooby doo where are you!?
I like this one except for the picture it conjures up, me with silver hair. Perhaps I’ll shave my hair off before I get to that point.
The rooibos is a lighter color in this one than my other two and that seems to make for a different taste. It’s still woody like redwood smells and reminiscent of tobacco. It’s not as sweet and seems to be missing the raisin note, but ends with a high spice like note. The vanilla is also weaker than my other teas but very creamy. It’s still done rather well as it competes strongly with the rooibos but drowns out the almond a bit. This almond is pretty subtle and mostly comes through more as an after taste.
Awee Missy you and Dylan get well soon! Drink a ton of green tea and have some raw unpasturized honey and REAL cinnamon (not that cassia stuff you get in the store) … anyway what ever you do – stay well and rest.
Thank you for your well wishes! It’s not really bad other than making my beloved past time harder to enjoy. Le sigh, I think I may be addicted to tea.
I tried this one plain to start off. I really didn’t like it plain. Add some creamer and sugar and it’s pretty good.
Pekoe makes a bold entrance with the first sip. Ginger, cardamom and clove make the next appearance. These three blend nicely together. Cinnamon and pepper just flirt with me a bit towards the end.
I never knew what CTC was until I got this tea. It resembles instant coffee crystals. Except the tea seems cute where as the coffee is just shiny bits. It also reminds me of a bunch of tiny rolly polly bugs.
The first time I tried this I really didn’t like it. The astringency it had was more than I was willing to allow in a cup. There was also a flavor I can’t name that I didn’t enjoy. While I was drinking, I thought I may have prepared the tea wrong, after all I am a tea newb. So I changed a few things and here we sit today with a cup that is totally enjoyable if not a tea staple. Some vanilla sugar and creamer, and my cup of tea was good! Honestly at the price I got this for, I can’t go wrong.
With the above additives, I no longer find the astringency I had before. I think that brings out the other flavors better. Vanilla, ginger, and cardamom present right off the bat. I get a hint of pepper late, almost an aftertaste. A pleasant floral after taste finishing this tea off.
This feels almost like a morning cup of coffee. I take cream and sugar in my coffee. Maybe I should say, “I like my coffee like my women, sweet and blonde?” Heh, I can’t even remember who used to say that. I do remember that they liked their coffee plain. Not a bad tea as long as you remember cream and sugar.