212 Tasting Notes
Thank you Ashmanra for your generous sample! We just got this in the mail today so we had to try it out after dinner.
I taste fruit but Dylan and I decided it wasn’t mango but pear. The same pear you get in those tiny fruit cups from the store. I don’t think this pear is that sweet though. It could have some thing to do with not loading the tea pot with as much sugar as I would get in a fruit cup. I get the spice on the actually swallow, while it’s going down my throat I can taste the pepper there and then. Does that make sense at all? I don’t really taste the green tea much but that could be my lack of experience with green teas.
Not a bad tea, but more cowbell please.
Yesterday I made a pitcher of this iced. I think it’s way better iced. Maybe I just don’t care much for hot blueberries. Again mostly what I get is blueberry. Rooibos is very timid in this tea. Just a hint of it at the end of the sip. A good addition to the summer tea collection. All though I just can’t get over Teavivre’s blueberry fruit tea. I love that stuff!
I let my daughter taste this tea and she said, “hmm, it’s okay. I mean it’s pretty good.” Seven times out of ten her response is, “tastes like butt.” I’m pretty sure it just got the okay comment because I don’t take as much sugar in my tea as she likes in hers.
I liked this one better as it cooled down. I felt the flavors came out a little better. Perhaps an icing is in the future. Smooth and a bit malty are my first impressions. Maybe the chocolate makes it malty like. The mint is very natural, naked mint. I keep pushing my tongue up to the roof of my mouth, where I taste the mint the most.
Chocolate and mint, where can you go wrong?
Hehe, yeah we generally giggle at her too. I roll my eyes a lot. I think she is starting to open her mind up to different flavors now though. Score! I’m grooming another tea lover. :D
While I greatly appreciate the skill & time so many Steepsterites put into the reviews, I believe your daughter would add a much-welcome twist if she had her own account and would review teas. There is really no misinterpreting “tastes like butt”, and I think her unique way of putting things is wonderful. It certainly made me laugh. Please encourage her to join us :)
I looked in my Indian Tea tin and it’s low. Oh noes! I decided I should try it iced. It’s excellent iced. I brewed 12 perfect teaspoons in a pot with 32 ounces of water. I then filled my pitcher with ice. Pour brew over ice and voila!
Cinnamon, cardamom and clove are all present in the iced version. Since they are balanced rather well no one flavor takes center stage here. I’m not sure what they use as a base tea. It’s strong enough to show up but maintains a secondary presence to the spices.
I tend to think of those spices to be used in the cooler months, but this is rather good as an iced tea. It’s refreshing in a different way than mint or lemon. I’ll have to try this again some time soon when it’s warmer outside.
We got our 52teas order today! I really have to give them points for adding allure to tea buying. Getting your tea is pretty exciting too. I have high expectations for their teas and so far they’ve met them every time. On to the tea.
Love this tea. I’m not a big fan of cherry flavoring since it’s typically very artificial tasting. In this tea it is perfect! I think the gen mai cha adds to the cheesecake flavor. It almost sounds like I’m getting separate flavors here. That isn’t accurate. I feel like I have accidentally dropped some cherry cheesecake into my gen mai cha. Best oops ever. At the tag end of my sip I taste the green tea, but then my cherry cheesecake comes back to play. Lovely tea again 52teas!
We got the cutest little sample tins in the mail today. Think Geek is an awesome site. I love these tins. Today we tried Pirate Chai! Argh! Okay now that’s out of my system.
On to the tea. Cinnamon and clove are quite apparent at first. Though they are the most apparent flavors they are very well balanced. They also taste very natural. I know for sure I seen the actual clove sticks in there. The tea base feels a bit malty to me. It’s very mellow though, only showing up towards the end of the sip. I find an acceptable astringency here as well. The sip ends with a bit of cardamom. Not a bad chai especially since it’s Pirate chai! Now I’m going to feel the need to run around yelling avast, ahoy there matey, and shiver me timbers.
I’m not sure this one is a clear winner but it’s definitely a good solid chai.
Wait I was at that site over Christmas looking at things for my kids … what does this have to do with tins and tea?
HOLY!!! They have tea stuff there – yes I looked lol – don’t you love how I work through this puzzle all on my own! I deserve a cookie!
They have a ’Timmy’s Tea Sampler’ or something along those lines. They are very cute tins, which hold roughly all the tea a Lilliputian would ever need.
haha and I just made cookies! No bake cookies even. If I thought they would survive the ride I’d ship them off. These aren’t my best batch as they came out a bit dry.
Do they still sell the “Tea Rex” infusion dinosaur? LOL! We are thinking of buying that for my daughter’s boyfriend! Christmas and birthday shopping almost exclusively comes from thinkgeek in this house. I got the Hans Solo frozen in carbonite ice trays and made chocolate bars with them. :)
Thought I would try this since I slept really well last night. I’m not really feeling groggy. I think Guayusa is supposed to be a bit more stimulating than my typical black breakfast blend. I’ve been eyeballing the package since it came it and I just don’t want to wait any longer.
It seems like there is a definite green category of tea with diverse flavors. For example some of the green teas are a fresh, crisp green flavor. The oolong I tried was a sweet, heavy green taste. This is green like grass that just been cut. Yet it is still sweet. A funny toasty like taste has shown up. It’s very faint. Ghost toasted tea. Who ya gonna call?!
I like it but I think I’d like a flavored guayusa just as well.
I just tried this with those dried berries you sent. It’s awesome with the berry addition. Thanks for the sample of berries!
Hehe you crack me up. Senior moments. I bet it’s more like I have so much tea which one did I send? :D
Hey, so you know, Guayusa isn’t green tea. It’s not tea at all. At least, not in the strict sense of the word, referring to infusions of the Tea plant (camellia sinensis). This is actually a kind of caffeinated Holly (Ilex Guayusa), making it tea in the same way that rooibos is. Still tasty though. And cheap by the ounce.
Since I really like chai and I have yet to find my favorite sleepy time tea, I decided a mash up of the two could work well. This is pretty satisfying in both respects. I taste the appropriate chai spices and a bit of vanilla. I’m not sure I’m a big fan of the nutmeg in here though. Honeybush is definitely present. In my head it should be pretty bitter because of the Valerian root, but that’s not the case this time. I get a faint medicinal taste in here. It’s not a bad tea if you should be looking for sleepy time tea.
Another yummy tea. I’m pretty impressed with 52teas. Looking at the name, I expect a complex tea. I also have to wonder how you get those flavors in there. How do you get scone flavoring?! I wonder if he could do a chocolate scone tea. Any ways on to the tea.
I really enjoy honeybush, so I am glad to see it showing up in this flavor profile. I can taste the cranberry and orange. They compliment each other well. The butter is very smooth and creamy. The tea feels smooth and creamy but that may just be the buttery taste. I’m getting a different flavor instead of the baked good here. Let me just say I may be totally insane first. I taste bubble gum. So I have cranberry-orange-butter-honeybush-bubblegum tea. It tastes like I just started chewing on some bubblegum as I take a sip of tea.
Despite my taste bud mutiny, I really like this tea. I think I’ll let it set for a week and try it again. Perhaps I’ll have hanged the problem taste bud.
I love this tea. I hope to see it again.
When I smelled the dried leaf, I was thinking whoa, that’s pretty strong mint. It’s a nice smelling mint though. Teavana’s Cacao Mint smells pretty strong too, but it leaves me feeling like I just had some mint flavored cough syrup. I was a bit anxious while brewing because I really wanted to avoid that. I was also worried I wouldn’t get my fair share of vanilla. Many times vanilla just doesn’t seem to be strong enough for me. I want to taste it with out having to search for it. I hear so many good things about 52teas. This being my first tea from them, it just had to live up to the reputation.
This is really wonderful! I love the fresh spearmint flavor. Mint is a funny thing. It can be invigorating or soothing. Definitely feeling more of a pick me up from the mint today. Vanilla seems to ride the end of the spearmint, like a tag along sibling. You totally notice that it’s there, but it doesn’t get to decide what the day’s activities will be. A refreshing, smooth blend. Excellent job!
Don’t fear the Steeper!
I gotta have more cowbell!
BOC reference!! WOOT!
I gotta fev-ah! And the only prescription is….more cowbell!.