2318 Tasting Notes


I hadn’t been planning to open this tea yet, but my cat bit a hole in the bag for some reason, so I emptied it into a tin. The flavor doesn’t remind me of red velvet in any way. I taste mostly rooibos and some murkiness. It’s not bad, but I love red velvet, so it’s disappointing. My subsequent cups tasted mostly like strawberry and rooibos. Strange.

Cameron B.

Lol how is raspberry and vanilla red velvet cake? Tea companies are so weird sometimes… But tea selection by cat, I like it! :P

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Teabag from a TTB! The flavor is a little mild, but I taste a light black tea along with some herbaceousness. I don’t taste juniper specifically. It’s not a bad combo, it just doesn’t stand out as much as I would have liked.

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drank Chocolate Malt Dream by 52teas
2318 tasting notes

I don’t find the chocolate flavor to be very strong. I taste mostly black tea with a bit of dessertiness. It’s pleasant, but it doesn’t stand out. Refrigerated with sugar and milk, I thought the flavor became more chocolatey and nice! I still find myself remembering and preferring other similar 52teas blends like rocky road though.

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drank Cranberry Earl Grey by Plum Deluxe
2318 tasting notes

I enjoy a fruity EG, and this one is pretty good! Hot, the flavor is milder than I had hoped, but the hit of tart cranberry is fun. As it cools, it gets creamier, which I always enjoy. The bergamot, cranberry, and black tea all mix quite pleasantly together. It’s slightly tart in just the right way. Yeah, definitely drink this one at room temperature with sugar and milk to get the most out of it.

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This one is really weird. There’s a bit of a murky strawberry on a murky rooibos base. It doesn’t taste like jammy dodgers. There’s nothing cookie-like about it. It’s drinkable, but it’s not good.

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This one is super fake and candylike, but pleasant enough with some milk. You really need to double up on the teabags to taste the flavor though. I like my tea sweet, but I could see it being a bit sickly sweet for others. I’m also getting tired of it about halfway through the tin.

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This is quite strong and malty, almost brisk. It’s really pleasant with milk and sugar! It has just the right amount of strength. Simple, but nice.

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I don’t enjoy this quite as much as the herbal version, but this was tasty too! Sometimes I could taste too much green tea. Usually though, it was a pretty tasty combination of mint and white chocolate. I like it with milk and sugar.

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drank Jelly Donut by DAVIDsTEA
2318 tasting notes

I don’t think I’d enjoy this straight, but I drink it cold with almond/soy milk, and that makes it taste like a strawberry milkshake. It’s quite rich and desserty. Genuinely, it’s a great strawberry milkshake. The resteep tastes like beets.


The resteep made me laugh!


Ha I resteep most of my teas, so it’s useful to leave these notes for myself not to bother if I don’t like the taste of the resteep :P

Cameron B.

Mmmm beet milkshake, lmao!

Martin Bednář

Interesting flavour twist!

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drank Panettone Black Tea by 52teas
2318 tasting notes

Hmm this one tastes a little bready, and on top of that I taste a light orange. It’s a nice combination, though perhaps a little subtle/simple. It’s high quality and does slightly remind me of panettone.

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I’m an event planner who always has multiple mugs of tea beside me. Hobbies other than tea include board games, video games, cooking international dishes, science fiction, hiking, jigsaw puzzles, tap dancing, reading, listening to podcasts, and playing with my troublesome kitties.

Favorite flavors: dessert flavors, nutty, melon, mint, strawberry, anything rooibos-related.

Don’t prefer: Smoky, rosemary, savory flavors, floral (other than lavender), plain tea.

I always drink flavored tea, and preferably caffeine-free or black. I’ll try just about anything though! Let me know if you’re interested in a swap!

My ratings are kind of meaningless, but basically
90-100 pretty perfect
80-89 really good
70-79 good, but not the best
60-69 okay, but probably not for me
1-59 varying degrees of dislike



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