Been taking a Lead Internal Auditor course this week for an ISO standard for med devices and it goes until next week. It is so much more work than I thought it would be. I feel like I am in college again but it is condensed into two weeks. :P I am so rusty.

Anyways I have been trying a lot of samples this week without really having time to write up a tasting note.

Preparation: Western
Tasting Note: This one was pretty good, I don’t think it was too tart and it was really rich like a blended red wine or fruit wine. I didn’t add any sugar to my cup. If I ran out of my current supply of hibiscus tea, I think I would get some of this again. I think that it was a good red fruit blend, the different fruits weren’t overpowered by hibiscus but the savoriness of the hibiscus came out a little bit in the background which was interesting. I think this is one of the better hibiscus blends I have come across.

Flavors: Hibiscus, Raspberry, Red Wine, Savory

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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