My samples from Zen Tea came in yesterday, and man do they all smell good! I have two cold brews to try today, with this one being first. I was the most excited about this one, I even asked for the Green Coconut as well to compare the two. GMT’s Coconut Pouchong is one of my favorite teas, and I was hoping this one would be similar since they have the same base & flavoring combo.
The coconut flavor here is SO good! Kind of toasty bake-y, but also with some fresh coconut sweetness. It’s a nice combo, and really natural tasting. Fake coconut is… blargh, reminds me of suntan lotion, but thankfully this tea doesn’t remind me of a day at the beach. Well, maybe a tropical beach, sitting on a little foldy chair while sipping a drink from a coconut. Mm yeah, this is a vacation drink for sure! Some teas really transport you by association, kind of a mental vacation. And this, well, it’s so relaxing and refreshing, makes me feel like it’s still summer.
The Bao Zhong is lovely too, lightly floral and a little creamy. A perfect compliment to the succulent coconut! This obviously reminds me a LOT of GMT’s Coconut Pouchong, in fact I like it just as much. Coconut + oolong is a winning combination for sure!
I love overusing the word, “buttery”… XD
Oolong does have a “unique” smell. I think I forced myself to appreciate it when I decided to buy a 100g tin of DT’s milk oolong(my first oolong). I think I told myself that the beautiful expanding leaves were worth it but it took a while to grow acclimatized.. :/
I think this was one of my first oolongs, and for whatever reason, it was love at first sip! I didn’t mind the oolongy smell because it reminded me of grassy green teas, but with.. something extra?
Glad you got it down, but if you find you don’t like it after all, I could maybe do a swap with you? (Since I was the one who got you excited about it)
I will also relieve you of some of it if it causes you great distress.. ;)
Hahaha you guys are the best!! I will keep that in mind :D