Coconut Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Artificial Flavouring, Oolong Tea, Organic Coconut, Organic Lemongrass
Coconut, Cream, Butter, Floral, Grass, Sweet, Tropical, Nutty, Ginger, Toasted, Cake, Mineral, Nuts, Roasted, Milk, Vegetal, Lemongrass, Freshly Cut Grass, Whipped Cream, Flowers, Lemon Zest, Chocolate
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 g 47 oz / 1398 ml

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139 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This tea is much better this time around! I may have steeped 30 s less or something, but this is not nearly as overpowering as the first time I had it. It still packs a wallop of coconut and has...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had one serving left, so I just made it up as a latte. 50/50 unsweetened almond milk and water. A little brown sugar. Steeped slowly on the stove while I organized my tea cupboard and pulled out...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one smells lovely and brews up a nice pale yellow, typically oolong colour. I can smell both the coconut and oolong evenly. This one is balanced perfectly. I imagine people who aren’t too fond...” Read full tasting note
  • “At last, DT’s rendition of a coconut oolong. I appreciate how the dry leaf smells like actual coconut. Not artificial at all, and I can tell already that it’s going to be creamy. Coconut milk...” Read full tasting note


Cuckoo for coconut

We are big fans of coconuts around here – they might just be the coolest food on the planet. For one thing, they’ve been around since prehistoric times, making them one of the oldest plants you can find. Plus they have so many amazing applications, it’s no wonder people in Malaysia call the coconut palm “The Tree of a Thousand Uses.” But as far as we’re concerned, the number one reason to love them is this delicious coconut and oolong blend. Creamy, rich, sweet and fresh, it’s satisfying, comforting and completely addictive. Take it from us: you’ll go nuts for it.

Ingredients: Pao Zhong oolong tea, coconut flakes, artificial coconut flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

139 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

This tea is much better this time around! I may have steeped 30 s less or something, but this is not nearly as overpowering as the first time I had it. It still packs a wallop of coconut and has that weird, oily, sunscreen smell, but the taste I can handle much better tonight and I am enjoying this cup. Maybe I was just in the mood for coconut! :) anyways, this has improved for me, so I will up the rating a bit. Definitely prefer this as it cools off, has an enjoyable flavor! I might even try a re-steep tonight, I’m not coconutted out yet :D

ETA – the second steep was very good, much nicer, more oolong and not as much coconut :) so if I can get by the first steep, it’s a fairly delicious tea! Lol

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I haven’t even had another mug since I bought the tea! Totally coconutted out.


I bought fresh coconut this weekend & although I love coconut & fresh is way better than anything else, my stomach turned as I read the review. No more coconut for me for a while.


down with coconut! down with coconut! lol


Awe sorry tattooed_tea! Lol it wasn’t that bad really, just had to be in the mood for it :) i do like coconut lol but not in overpowering quantities :p I would definitely not turn down a fresh coconut!

And OMGsrsly, I’d try the second steep, even if the first is too strong, save the leaves, it got a lot better and fresher the second time around! :)

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2291 tasting notes

I had one serving left, so I just made it up as a latte. 50/50 unsweetened almond milk and water. A little brown sugar. Steeped slowly on the stove while I organized my tea cupboard and pulled out some teas to give away, and some teas to sip down.

Mmm. I’ll have to get another coconut oolong. This is still really good, although I think the coconut is about to go off. Too bad all the other available coconut oolongs are mail order. If DavidsTea still had this one, I’d definitely head out in the next couple days to refill my 50g tin. As it is, a coconut oolong gets to sit on my shopping list until I happen to order from a place that carries it.


Wow, the coconut was starting to go off? Here I was whining that I polished off my 25g so fast and didn’t have the chance to get 100g. Maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t. This sounds like one they should have all year round so you can get it fresh.


Yep, starting to go off. So I only did one steep instead of two. I had it in a little Silk Road sample tin… maybe one of the zip top bags would have been better.


By the way, what’s the best coconut oolong you’ve had so far?


This is the only one! :)


I really like the one from Zen Tea, and it’s cheap if you hot them during a sale!


That’s what I was considering! I want more phoenix pearls, too. And maybe some Strawberry black. Hmm. Gonna try to wait till Black Friday/Cyber Monday. I’m saving my pennies. :)

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1404 tasting notes

This one smells lovely and brews up a nice pale yellow, typically oolong colour. I can smell both the coconut and oolong evenly.

This one is balanced perfectly. I imagine people who aren’t too fond of coconut may actually enjoy this one as well. It’s not in-your-face. It’s smooth. Very smooth. It’s a keeper.

Also this is my 150 tasting note :)


i’m so excited for you! i wanna go home and drink oolongs now too!


I’m going to drink this after supper!! I didn’t get the mug :( but now I regret it because it was damn cute. I spent $30 on tea instead. Wahhhh.


Shmiracles – I love oolongs!

whatshesaid – Oh yes, I was bad and bought both the mug and tea. But only $20 worth of tea as a compromise haha :)


I ADORE zen tea’s coconut oolong so I grabbed 20g of this to compare. I think it’s slightly cheaper than I’m already paying, and… I can get free tins! :O Glad you liked it!

I wanted the purple elephant mug, but I’m going to hold off a little bit. Possible cross-country move and all that means I should probably hold off on buying ‘stuff’. :|


Me too!! 40g because 50 didn’t fit in the bag, weird! I knew immediately upon smelling it that i had to have it


GAH. I can’t wait to try this one.


I’ll be dropping them in the post for you tomorrow :) I would tonight but I have too much homework and it’s snowing haha.


Congratulations! I love the new purple elephant mug but I can’t justify picking up anymore cups.

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1792 tasting notes

At last, DT’s rendition of a coconut oolong. I appreciate how the dry leaf smells like actual coconut. Not artificial at all, and I can tell already that it’s going to be creamy. Coconut milk oolong, anyone?

The first steep was slightly floral with milky undertones. When I first tried this yesterday, I was a little unsure about it. The coconut seemed out of place for some reason. The second steep was better, creamier, and the coconut, warmer.

The second round this afternoon is much better. Again, the first steep is a little floral, a little milky, and the coconut is like true coconut shavings, slightly sweetened. The second steep is super heavenly. Coconut milky and buttery.

I’m loving that paradoxically dainty and rich oolong aroma paired with coconut.


I like the second steep too. Your description makes me want to drink more of this.


The second steep sounds fantastic….I need to do that!


I love this one!!


Hmm. Maybe I’ll bring a mug of this with me tomorrow. :)


Aww, hope you all have a fun time tomorrow! Sorry I can’t make it. This will be a nice one to sip on while hanging out on the ferry. :)

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1598 tasting notes

I sorta ended up at a DavidsTea today to look at the new teas/stuff, even though I hadn’t planned on it. :| #whoops

I walked out with 20g of Coconut Oolong, CopaBanana and Pom Tango, and a to-go cup of Daydreamer and only spent $7. Not bad!!!

I was really excited about the tea because I ADORE Zen Tea’s version ( and wanted to try this version.

So, I think that means that it’s time for a SIPOFF!
Zen Tea:
-dark black/green leaves. no sign of coconut
-very slight coconut smell

-light green/black leaves with lots of bright coconut flakes.
-stronger coconut smell. slightly musty
-smaller leaves

Zen’s Tea:
-very smooth, buttery with lots of spinach notes
-pale yellow colour
-fresh “oolong” taste

-far less butter. not nearly as smooth/light
-rich. more spinach?
-almost nutty?
So this was a tricky decision but I think I still prefer Zen Tea’s blend over this one. They are both VERY good, but DT’s is a little darker/mustier than what I’m accustomed to. Perhaps if I steep it for less next time, my rating will change. Also, DT’s blend is a bit cheaper so I honestly don’t know which one I’d restock once I run out.

If you are at all interested in the tea, give it a shot though!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Wow, you do a great job pimping Zen’s. I still can’t wait to try this!


Had I never tried Zens, I would be head over heels in love with DT’s version. I still am in love though – I don’t rate a lot of teas this highly. :P


(The point being, I’m sure you will love DT’s if it sounds like a thing you’d be into).


Hell yeah, coconut oolong? Those two must be a match made in heaven.

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1445 tasting notes

Watching the Thai horror “Shutter” in class today made me feel the need to buy small sample sizes of most of the Spring Collection (yeah, that’s totally related and not the lamest excuse, ever). Willpower of a seagull at an outdoor fries kiosk.

Nutty, sweet, and trademark green oolong vegetal notes make this a rather flavorful cup. The creaminess level is moderate. It gives me a unique impression of drinking something that is both light and frothy, yet also rich and heavy. I don’t know how it does that. The finish is a little floral in a sour-sweet plant-like way. The coconut flavour is a good portion juice and flakes, respectively.

I may have had too much coconut tea today, and I think the sweetness in this one is finally getting to me. Am I backwards for saying I would be happy if this had just a tad less coconut flavour?

I’m off to see how this re-steeps and to take a nap. Or maybe I should just go to bed. It’s 8:30.. that’s not too early…

Comparison to other brands of coconut oolong: It’s more along the lines of the Coconut Pouchong from Golden Moon then it is like coconut oolong from Zen Tea.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I totally understand your want for less coconut flavour! I could taste coconut for a couple hours after finishing mine, and my mug smells so strongly of coconut. I do like it, though, especially since the oolong isn’t too grassy or seaweed-y.


Oh geez, you guys make me want this even more.


Yumm i love coconut.. i want some.
Must. Resist.


Totally worth it! I only got 10g, but I’m going to get a tin filled sometime during the next couple weeks. :)


I tried resiting the coconut oolong- it didn’t work out very well. :)


“Willpower of a seagull at an outdoor fries kiosk.” Ha ha ha! Love that! I’m just drinking mine now. I’m getting a little deja vu of Toasted Walnut, but this is definitely different. I’m drinking this one unsweetened, and it has cooled off some. I am not sure if I am getting some taste from my oatmeal (maple and brown sugar with almonds) or not. I’m just reheating it in the microwave some and will do a full review later.

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818 tasting notes

Man, is it hot outside! Our run this morning was not fun. And hot tea in this weather is a little hard to take. So, I made iced tea! I’ve been meaning to cold brew this one because hot, it’s too coconutty for me. I didn’t have time for cold brew, so I just brewed it hot and then poured it over ice. I didn’t brew it double strength and this turned out to be a good thing. Of course the ice diluted it, but for this tea, that made it more drinkable for me. Yay! I might still try a cold brew, but right now I’m happily sipping my third glass of this tea (third steep iced). The coconut is much more muted, but definitely present. It’s pretty creamy too. Nice! Glad I found a way to enjoy this tea, and cool off too!!


I bet it’s fab iced!

Josie Jade

Running in all this hot, humid weather is definitely a challenge! It’s getting a little easier, but it’s only getting hotter. :) Glad you had this tea to cool off with!


it was very humid, and all of a sudden too. i swear i missed the breezy weather transition days. i must have blinked or something.
i ran a race this weekend and a handful of people were sitting in the woods with cramps and dehydration all through the last miles. way more people than usual.
but you did it!! yay!


Good for you getting out there! I’m way more tempted to want to run on the treadmill in this kind of weather than in the winter when it’s 15 degrees. So far this summer I’ve avoided the treadmill, but it really has put a damper on trying to get speedier.


Thanks, All. Treadmills are so boring. I think I’d rather take the heat, but it can get really bad around here (up past 100). Yesterday morning wasn’t horrible…probably around 80 something. There was a breeze though! My husband and I try to run regularly, but the heat can sometimes make us lazy. We’re kinda fair weather runners! Ha!

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652 tasting notes

YUP I still love this.

I have almost a full tin of it too, I was hoarding it all like “MY PRECIOUSSSSSESSSS” because it had been gone after the season was over, however they brought it back this Spring! Huzzah!

Apparently the addition of the lemongrass to the new blend makes nary a difference, I certainly couldn’t smell it but I will report back someday when I taste it.

For now I have to work on this tin and hoard no more, because as I’ve learned with coconut teas – “if you don’t use it, you lose it” – like it literally becomes inedible undrinkable, bitter, rancid and vomit like.

It would be more than a travesty for me to allow that to happen to this light and creamy tea of my coconutty dreams. So if you need me all summer long, I will be sipping down this bad boy :)


Must try this again! I have a bit left…I remember it tasting very strongly of popcorn for some reason. Must be more careful with my steep this time. How do you personally go about with this one?


I just follow the directions! Around 92 degrees for 3-4 min :)


I’m learning that same issue of age with a different coconut tea. It is a shame it doesn’t keep better.


Oh hey, what do you think of slightly more floral oolongs? Because if you are interested you should add your address to the “secret packages” file. :) Or just send it to me if the idea of packages scares you!


I really like it, at least the old one, but I find I have to be in the right mood for it.


Yes, must drink coconut teas, they just don’t last :(
I haven’t figured out yet if that only applies to tea with coconut chunks in it or also coconut flavoring (if it’s natural)

I’m not sure how many floral oolongs I’ve tried! I’ve tried a couple roasty old ones (like Formosa) and just wasn’t getting anything much out of the experience. I would probably prefer a slightly floral one to that!
And I don’t think I can edit that, Sil would have to do it :)
I can send it though!

Amariel – yes, it’s very specifically coconutty and buttery, I also have to be in the mood for it!

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292 tasting notes

I was eagerly anticipating this tea, especially since Courtney enjoyed it so much. She sent me enough for a couple cups, and I wanted to make sure to have it on an afternoon at home, so I could fully enjoy multiple steepings.

The second was my favorite. So creamy and sweet and nutty, with a lovely floral-y oolong flavor. The oolong and coconut complement each other very well. Yum!

3 min, 0 sec

I’m so glad you liked it! It was definitely my favourite of the spring collection.


Me tooooo

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525 tasting notes

So I got an ounce of this hoping it would taste like Golden Moon’s version. It kinda does! I do think GM’s was better, but I don’t know if this is because I had it near the beginning of my true tea obsession and everything tasted amazing or because it’s actually better. But in any case, it’s close enough if not exactly the same. Creamy sweet coconut and lightly vegetal green oolong. Very nice. It tasted like those coconut dusted mochi balls made with coconut milk that you can buy in Chinese bakeries. Hmm…I haven’t had one of those in a while….Must seek this out…

So yeah! Good tea! I need to start keeping a stock of cold brewed teas in my fridge! Lovely warm weather today! I can also feel the beginning of a very humid summer. ugh, NYC summers are gross.

Rachel J

I second your UGH from a fellow NYC-er. Straight from too cold to too hot. :(


I never thought about it that way, but it’s true! Today was one of those rare days where the temperature is pretty perfect. It’s really the humidity that bothers me most.

Rachel J

Anything over 70 is too hot for me, lol… I wear a tshirt when the temp is 60. :) But you are right, the humidity is the worst part of it.

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