White Chocolate Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
155 °F / 68 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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  • “White Chocolate Matcha Get it here: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/white-chocolate-matcha.html White chocolate is one of those flavors that can be hit or miss for me in baked goods, tea,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Well, I’m flailing about this morning. This week I need to clean the house for thanksgiving guests. I also have to work on an Oolong Owl Special this week. And what happens? I wake up, check my...” Read full tasting note
  • “My friend gave me almost 60 grams of this because she didn’t like it. She said it was too perfume-y for her, and what she was getting was a chemical taste from the flavoring. I tried it and didn’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am currently having a Matcha smoothie. I was out of yogurt, so there’s no yogurt in this, instead, it’s made with the freshly squeezed juice of one orange, a bunch of strawberries, a banana and...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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26 Tasting Notes

807 tasting notes

White Chocolate Matcha

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White chocolate is one of those flavors that can be hit or miss for me in baked goods, tea, pretty much anything. White chocolate tends to be about 50/50 on if I will enjoy it or not.

This one is pretty good but it really needs sugar or some sweetener.

I made mine with a little vanilla sugar and milk and put it on ice and it was very good.

I got the robust flavor with basic grade matcha powder base.

I wish I had made more however because I did suck it down far too fast lol so it must have been pretty dang good right? I think the more matcha I have the more I fall in love with those special few flavors over and over but for many I can see this being their all time favorite!

This matcha reminds me of my grandmother – she never cared for regular chocolate and every Easter I would get her a white chocolate bunny. As a kid I loved white chocolate but now I favor the regular chocolates and dark chocolates more.

This one however will be fun to try baking with because when I was making it my daughter told me it smelled like I had baked cupcakes! It really did smell AMAZING in the house when I was mixing this one.


Awe my grammy always bought me a white chocolate bunny too. I never really liked another kind of chocolate.


Aweee how sweet! :)
I am dipping sugar cookies in butterscotch matcha right now :) Sugar cookie matcha would be excellent


Yum that would be good. I cant wait to try the butterscotch one yumm.


I can’t believe I didn’t get the butterscotch when I’m such a huge fan of it. Will have to write some grand reviews of the matcha I get to resupply asap


I love white chocolate! My youngest daughter and I share Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk, and she always saves the white chocolate chunks for me, so I pass the dark chocolate ones to her!


I almost got this one…sent you an email :)

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1271 tasting notes

Well, I’m flailing about this morning.
This week I need to clean the house for thanksgiving guests. I also have to work on an Oolong Owl Special this week. And what happens?

I wake up, check my email and see MEGA YARN SALE AT KNITPICKS! So I spent hours going through yarn and loading my cart. I now have enough yarn to make like 25 owls and like half a dozen mittens and hats. Too bad there was no lace yarn I liked on sale. I didn’t even eat breakfast. Sigh, so I’m set back a couple hours today.

So, I had this matcha, made latte hot, with a couple cookies for breakfast. White chocolate comes out creamy, but I think this matcha pairs better mixed with another flavor for added creamyness.


Ooh, I need to pick up some yarn for xmas knitting… thanks for the heads up about the sale!

Oolong Owl

I totally went overboard on my order. 4 balls of Chroma and a couple of their new Caspian circulars, just because they are so pretty. Me, Tea and Yarn have issues LOL.

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3519 tasting notes

My friend gave me almost 60 grams of this because she didn’t like it. She said it was too perfume-y for her, and what she was getting was a chemical taste from the flavoring. I tried it and didn’t care for it myself for the same reason, but we can always try to rescue tea, right?

I figured the robust flavor level was just too much for this particular flavor, so I mixed it half and half with plain matcha for a latte today. It was very, VERY much improved. I actually could do with still a little bit less of the flavored and a little more of the unflavored. I am going to mix up a glass for my friend next time I see her and offer to mix the white chocolate with my plain and split it if she likes it.

When I first started ordering from Red Leaf, I had never had matcha and ordered robust flavor level out of fear of the matcha. But now I love the taste of good matcha, and I love it unflavored, so when I do buy flavored from now on they will ALL be delicate to distinctive flavor level and I will upgrade the base because it really is very nice! I think this is a nice save of 60 grams of matcha!


Ah, it was worth a shot at least! I think I had this in robust and luckily didn’t find it too chemical, but I do find robust macadamia on the chemical side, so go figure.


I love my robust almond flavor, but I think next time I order it even that one will go down a notch in flavor level. Caramel is good even in robust, but the MATCHAccino one is distinctive I think, and that is plenty of flavor. It is really good.

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4843 tasting notes

I am currently having a Matcha smoothie. I was out of yogurt, so there’s no yogurt in this, instead, it’s made with the freshly squeezed juice of one orange, a bunch of strawberries, a banana and this White Chocolate Matcha.

And it’s yummy! The white chocolate and strawberries come through the strongest … and at the end I taste the little bit of orange. The banana is overwhelmed by it all, but that’s OK. I’m enjoying my mid-day snack!

I’ll rate this Matcha later (at some point!) when I post the link to my full-length review of it.


Sounds like Heaven ♡

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1792 tasting notes

Wow, I still haven’t reviewed this, and I’m just finishing it off. I think because I wasn’t sure what to think of it. I ordered it in basic grade and robust. It’s on the generically sweet side. Slightly creamy, like how a white hot chocolate is, but not an actual obvious white chocolate, if that makes sense.

Taste-wise, again, generically creamy and sweet. It basically helps cut the vegetal quality of the matcha itself. I prefer blending this with soy milk and strawberries, as it makes a lovely strawberries and cream refreshment.

I also just used the last of it to make white chocolate matcha shortbread. They were fantastically flavourful fresh out of the oven. The matcha made the shortbread even richer, and the matcha powder itself gave the confection a bit of a kick, but I’m finding as the days go by, the matcha is a little more bitter in the cookies now. Either that or the white chocolate flavouring isn’t doing much.

It’s good but if I wanted a more universal, flavoured matcha that I could use in different types of drinks and baking, I’d much rather go with the French Vanilla.

It’s still worth checking out if you’re a huge fan of white chocolate-flavoured drinks. This may be your new best friend:



Good to know! I have French Vanilla and have considered this one. I will stick with French Vanilla and Cheesecake for mixing.


White chocolate matcha shortbread!!!! O-M-G!!!! Drool.

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1379 tasting notes

Thank you Sil for this sample. As wonderfully labelled this sample is distinctive in flavour. White chocolate is my favourite chocolate so I’m looking forward to this.

Brewing this as my lunch time cold soy milk late. It smells sort of chocolatey but there is also strong elements of green tea in there too, a nice combo. Unusual but very nice non the less.

Flavour is nice and light with creamy cocoa elements and a slightly astringent green tea after taste. It’s not as strong as I was expecting for a distinct blend but still a nice drink. Wouldn’t have necessarily said white chocolate either, more standard cocoa like.


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470 tasting notes

Now this one I know is from Kallieboo! I get so excited to find new matcha flavors in swaps, I’ve tried a large chunk of Red Leaf’s offerings but there are so many I just haven’t gotten around to ordering or sampling. This is one of them! Mostly because I am a dark chocolate girl: I like it so dark and deep it’s barely sweet, 85% cocoa and up please! So white chocolate, which is not even real chocolate, is not my thing. The exception is those Godiva white chocolate raspberry starfish. Yum!

I was a bit wary of this but made up a latte because hey, it’s matcha! I love matcha! The flavor is very interesting: it doesn’t really scream white chocolate to me, which is good because it tastes very fake to my tastebuds (white chocolate, not the tea!). It’s really creamy though, with a thick mouthfeel: thicker than a usual latte, even with all the milk. I think this one would be great for mixing, just to give a creamy sweet boost to other flavors. I am thinking of trying it out with fruity blends, maybe with mango or coconut? OR BOTH and make a pina colada-type tea… with pineapple! Is it a tea sin to mix 4 matchas together? Guess I’ll find out…

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6444 tasting notes

So I have now successfully attended my first hot yoga class and it was no where near as hot or as frightening as I had anticipated. It was actually quite nice and relaxing and walking out into the cold air afterwords was pretty heavenly.

Alas, this matcha is not nearly as pleasant. Not that it is bad but mostly rather nondescript as it merely tastes like sweetened milk.


YAY! I was just driving back from picking up J and I was going to inquire about the class. :) I ruled this matcha out of my order hehe. But French Vanilla Cookie went in, all because of you.


Love yoga!


I am afraid of hot yoga, too. Though I really like Iyengar. Unfortunately there’s no Iyengar close enough to me that I could make it to a class regularly. :-(


@Courtney – I always worry when people want something because of my review. I get stressed that they won’t enjoy it as much as my review makes it sound. Hopefully that is not the case in regards to the butter cookie.

@Stephanie – I can see why!

@Morgana – I HATE heat and was freaking out prior to going but it actually was very nice. It is certainly hot and you need to focus on your breathing more but I was pleasantly surprised.


Oh yeah, hot yoga can be fun but really intense. I remember feeling as though I was literally swimming through my poses, and I use the term “poses” loosely; they would be like “now do downward dog” and I’d hold that position for a split second before sliding to the floor in a puddle.

Roswell Strange

Hot Yoga does not sound like fun to me XD But then again, my idea of exercise is the ten minute walk to the mall instead of the 20 minute bus ride. So, I applaud your dedication.


@keychange – “intense” is definitely an accurate word to describe it. Also, there certainly were puddles around me but luckily I have a pretty great yoga mat which has amazing grip meaning no sliding, even if I tried :P

@Roswell Strange – I put off going for years because the idea of being in a purposely hot room while exercising was essentially what I imagine hell to be. Turns out it wasn’t that bad. The last pose is literally just lying on the ground for a while :P

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15618 tasting notes

I never did get around to writing a review for this one. it was one of the matchas my pregnant friend passed off to me. I’m not a fan of white chocolate so it would never be anything i’d have ordered on my own. Finished it up today so yay for that. I typically use this as additions to a stronger flavour in my smoothies. Overall? I like the belgian chocolate more but this one isn’t that bad. Just not really my thing in general so no rating.

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137 tasting notes

I loved the idea of a white chocolate matcha. Two delicate, unassuming, but absolutely delicious flavours pairing up sounds perfect to me. And now that I have it, I can say that it really is pretty great! Just a bit different than I expected.

I got classic matcha with robust flavouring, for reference.

When I first opened the bag I was puzzled. It smelled more chocolatey than I expected. Upon further sniffing I pinned it down as a distinct cocoa butter scent. Not quite chocolate, but chocolate-like. Okay, I can deal with that. White chocolate is mostly cocoa butter solids, after all. I guess I was just hoping for more of a sweet and creamy can’t-quite-put-your-finger-on-what-it-is white chocolate, since my plan was to drink it mostly in smoothies. This is definitely not that. It’s complex and rich and has almost a floral-like quality that you can get a hint of in pure cocoa butter. In the way that honey is almost floral, but not quite. Interesting! This made me even more excited to try it.

I tried it in a smoothie first, since that was my intention when I bought it. It adds wonderful depth and a hint of creamy sweetness to the tart strawberries in the drink. It’s a subtle flavour, but not completely overwhelmed by everything else going on in there flavour-wise. I think overall I still prefer cheesecake matcha for smoothies, but this is definitely unexpected and decidedly tasty.

I haven’t tried it got yet but I’m planning to have a latte later tonight. Fingers crossed that it will taste like a matcha-fied version of white hot chocolate (my favourite!) :D

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