White Chocolate Matcha

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White chocolate is one of those flavors that can be hit or miss for me in baked goods, tea, pretty much anything. White chocolate tends to be about 50/50 on if I will enjoy it or not.

This one is pretty good but it really needs sugar or some sweetener.

I made mine with a little vanilla sugar and milk and put it on ice and it was very good.

I got the robust flavor with basic grade matcha powder base.

I wish I had made more however because I did suck it down far too fast lol so it must have been pretty dang good right? I think the more matcha I have the more I fall in love with those special few flavors over and over but for many I can see this being their all time favorite!

This matcha reminds me of my grandmother – she never cared for regular chocolate and every Easter I would get her a white chocolate bunny. As a kid I loved white chocolate but now I favor the regular chocolates and dark chocolates more.

This one however will be fun to try baking with because when I was making it my daughter told me it smelled like I had baked cupcakes! It really did smell AMAZING in the house when I was mixing this one.

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Cedes 12 years ago

Awe my grammy always bought me a white chocolate bunny too. I never really liked another kind of chocolate.

Azzrian 12 years ago

Aweee how sweet! :)
I am dipping sugar cookies in butterscotch matcha right now :) Sugar cookie matcha would be excellent

Cedes 12 years ago

Yum that would be good. I cant wait to try the butterscotch one yumm.

yappychappy 12 years ago

I can’t believe I didn’t get the butterscotch when I’m such a huge fan of it. Will have to write some grand reviews of the matcha I get to resupply asap

ashmanra 12 years ago

I love white chocolate! My youngest daughter and I share Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk, and she always saves the white chocolate chunks for me, so I pass the dark chocolate ones to her!

TeaEqualsBliss 12 years ago

I almost got this one…sent you an email :)

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Cedes 12 years ago

Awe my grammy always bought me a white chocolate bunny too. I never really liked another kind of chocolate.

Azzrian 12 years ago

Aweee how sweet! :)
I am dipping sugar cookies in butterscotch matcha right now :) Sugar cookie matcha would be excellent

Cedes 12 years ago

Yum that would be good. I cant wait to try the butterscotch one yumm.

yappychappy 12 years ago

I can’t believe I didn’t get the butterscotch when I’m such a huge fan of it. Will have to write some grand reviews of the matcha I get to resupply asap

ashmanra 12 years ago

I love white chocolate! My youngest daughter and I share Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk, and she always saves the white chocolate chunks for me, so I pass the dark chocolate ones to her!

TeaEqualsBliss 12 years ago

I almost got this one…sent you an email :)

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Most of my reviews will be “snippits” of full reviews that can be found at http://sororiteasisters.com/
Posted every evening at 6 EST.
I usually try to post the exact date that the full reviews will post however sometimes post dates need changed so it may not always be correct. Generally the dates are correct however.

About Me:

Most of my reviews, although not all, will be quite favorable of the tea. This is not because all tea is excellent, but more so because I generally will not waste my time on an inferior tea. If I do not care for a tea I won’t continue to drink it let alone spend time reviewing it. If you see a review by me you basically know it is a quality tea. Granted it may not suit your specific taste buds, we all like different things, but as for a tea on the whole it is a good one, from a good company.

I am a spiritual advisor by profession.
I have two “young adult” children.
Four cats and three dogs.

Some of my hobbies include gardening, essential oil therapy, natural perfumery with essential oils, and cooking.

I look for complexity overall in any tea, dimensions to the flavors.

I believe tea should evoke a feeling, thought, emotion, or attitude.

I enjoy most all oolongs, blacks, whites, and greens.

I always love to try a good yellow tea.

I favor unadulterated teas but I do have my longings for a good flavored tea now and then so I don’t rule them out by any means!

I enjoy green rooibos don not like red rooibos.

Find me on facebook and twitter – Azzrian Visions





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