Wow, I still haven’t reviewed this, and I’m just finishing it off. I think because I wasn’t sure what to think of it. I ordered it in basic grade and robust. It’s on the generically sweet side. Slightly creamy, like how a white hot chocolate is, but not an actual obvious white chocolate, if that makes sense.

Taste-wise, again, generically creamy and sweet. It basically helps cut the vegetal quality of the matcha itself. I prefer blending this with soy milk and strawberries, as it makes a lovely strawberries and cream refreshment.

I also just used the last of it to make white chocolate matcha shortbread. They were fantastically flavourful fresh out of the oven. The matcha made the shortbread even richer, and the matcha powder itself gave the confection a bit of a kick, but I’m finding as the days go by, the matcha is a little more bitter in the cookies now. Either that or the white chocolate flavouring isn’t doing much.

It’s good but if I wanted a more universal, flavoured matcha that I could use in different types of drinks and baking, I’d much rather go with the French Vanilla.

It’s still worth checking out if you’re a huge fan of white chocolate-flavoured drinks. This may be your new best friend:


ashmanra 12 years ago

Good to know! I have French Vanilla and have considered this one. I will stick with French Vanilla and Cheesecake for mixing.

CHAroma 12 years ago

White chocolate matcha shortbread!!!! O-M-G!!!! Drool.

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ashmanra 12 years ago

Good to know! I have French Vanilla and have considered this one. I will stick with French Vanilla and Cheesecake for mixing.

CHAroma 12 years ago

White chocolate matcha shortbread!!!! O-M-G!!!! Drool.

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