White Chocolate

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Bread, Honey, Malt, Smooth, Sweet, White Chocolate
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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  • “Oh my freakin’ word! This freakin’ tea is freakin’ amazing!! Don’t know why I keep saying freakin’….I guess I just haven’t tried a new tea that’s “wow-ed” me THIS much before. It’s crazy! I had...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yum! I had this with rice milk in my travel mug. Not sure if I would call the flavor white chocolate per se, but it is creamy, malty, and vaguely chocolate-y. Wonderful start to the day. Bonus...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is disappointing. I don’t get really any white chocolate flavour, even tho there are a few some small white choc chips in the bag. It’s just an average tasting, a bit bitter black tea....” Read full tasting note
  • “I tried this tonight for the first time and honestly, it’s just not my favorite. I found it basically just tasted like tea. No white chocolate flavoring to be found anywhere. In a blind taste test,...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our White Chocolate tea utilizes our popular Premium Taiwanese Assam for a natural chocolate malt flavor. The White chocolate is sweet and creamy and melds with the tea almost as if the flavor is naturally part of the tea. With brown crystal sugar, this tea tastes very similar to sipping melted white chocolate and is very decadent.

Ingredients: Premium Taiwanese Assam (Taiwanese Black Tea), White Chocolate Chips (Sugar, Vegetable Fat, CocoaRead more

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18 Tasting Notes

737 tasting notes

Oh my freakin’ word! This freakin’ tea is freakin’ amazing!!
Don’t know why I keep saying freakin’….I guess I just haven’t tried a new tea that’s “wow-ed” me THIS much before. It’s crazy!
I had wanted to get it when Butiki Teas was still opened, but didn’t have the chance because when I went to order it, I ended up with an email about it being sold out. :(
Didn’t think I’d have the chance to try this one, but thanks to the incredibly generous VariaTEA for this tea!!!
After two cups of it, I still don’t know what to think-it’s like nothing I’ve ever had.
The base of this blend looks like PTA….I think it is because it really tastes like it, but I’m not entirely sure. So correct me if I’m wrong! It was really malty, and kinda almost fruity. I wouldn’t say it tasted like white chocolate tons, but it did taste like it just enough to make you think of white chocolate. White chocolate and the base tea just blend so perfectly together. And it’s soo smooth. I’m so impressed!
I absolutely adore this tea! So thankful I got a chance to try it! Thank you so so much VariaTEA!!!! :D :D

Edit Also just realized this is my 700th tasting note! Woot! :D

Flavors: Bread, Honey, Malt, Smooth, Sweet, White Chocolate

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Sil 10 years ago

woot woot! grats on 700

VariaTEA 10 years ago

Congrats on 700! And I am SOOO glad you love this because I could never get it to work for me. I’m happy it went to a good home :)

Ost 10 years ago

Thanks guys (:

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1335 tasting notes

Yum! I had this with rice milk in my travel mug. Not sure if I would call the flavor white chocolate per se, but it is creamy, malty, and vaguely chocolate-y. Wonderful start to the day. Bonus points for being a black tea that doesn’t make my stomach hurt. Thanks for the swap Dustin!

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54 tasting notes

This is disappointing. I don’t get really any white chocolate flavour, even tho there are a few some small white choc chips in the bag. It’s just an average tasting, a bit bitter black tea. Tastes like a very basic decent grocery store black brand.

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6444 tasting notes

I tried this tonight for the first time and honestly, it’s just not my favorite. I found it basically just tasted like tea. No white chocolate flavoring to be found anywhere. In a blind taste test, I would never have guessed what this was. At least the base was nice, if not slightly astringent. It had honey notes and a sweet, generic fruitiness along with hints of breadiness. However, with that said, I used a tea bag to brew this cup and it was quite full so I think I’ll postpone my rating until I have tried this brewed in a filter where the leaves have more space to spread out and move around.

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Kittenna 10 years ago

Not my fave either.

ohfancythat 10 years ago

I haven’t tried it yet either, strangely enough. Of all the Butiki teas I’ve ordered lately, the only ones I’m a little MEH about would be the chocolate flavoured ones…..I think that’s because I’ve realized that I’m not keen on chocolate flavoured anything.

I did enjoy the chocolate raspberry decaf one, but I guess seeing as how I haven’t even TRIED this yet, I’m probably not as thrilled about it.

ohfancythat 10 years ago

………….So I guess maybe I should stop buying chocolate flavoured tea….

Inkling 10 years ago

Yeah, I didn’t get much of the flavor on this one either. My guess is that white chocolate is such a mild flavor, it just can’t compete with such a strong base.

VariaTEA 10 years ago

I’m glad its not just me. I still want to try it in a filter to see if I can coax out a bit more but if all else fails, I can always just drink it for the base.

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2291 tasting notes

Thank you so much, Kittenna, for the sample!

I am weak, I added coconut milk creamer. And the tea is still screaming hot as I’ve steeped it in my camping mug. (Because why not.)

But! It smells amazing. It tastes delicious, if a little burny. Definitely vanilla-cocoabutter-malty-raisin. Haha. Sounds weird, probably. But I love the base on this tea as it’s so smooth and sweet. The white chocolate tastes good on top of it, but I’m mostly getting base. That might be my fault for adding creamer.

Definitely something I’d try again, if I could… but I’m happy to have had this taste.

I just used the sample baggie for 12 oz. So… whatever that was!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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17027 tasting notes

Sipdown (121)!

Today’s word of the day is Paradigm. Before I give you guys the definition; I’m just gonna share a personal story; when I first learned this word in highschool I did so by reading it; so for longer than I care to admit I said this as “Para-Dig-Em”. Embarrassing. You should be saying/reading it as “Para-Dime”.

The meaning!? 1. an example to show how something is to be done : model : pattern; 2. a theoretical framework in a discipline of science within which theories, laws, and experimentation are formulated. And now you know.

- In a timolino
- Just a touch bitter (perhaps oversteeped or doesn’t travel well in a timolino though)
- Buttery with cream, vanilla, and cocoa notes
- Least impressive cup of this one so far
- Still, this was relatively nice and I’m happy I tried it!

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Cameron B. 10 years ago

I knew someone who also thought it was “para-dig-em”, I’m sad now that I can’t remember who it was! :P

OMGsrsly 10 years ago

Oh, English! Colonel/Kernel still gets me every time. :/

Kittenna 10 years ago

I also mispronounced colonel for a bit when I was young. My boyfriend, however, knows of two much more embarrassing pop-culture words I mispronounced when we were dating early on. How was I supposed to know how made-up words that I’d never heard spoken aloud were pronounced? (He still makes fun of me. I’m not telling you the words.)

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1013 tasting notes

This tea was a disappointment, which surprised me because I’ve loved almost everything I’ve ever tried from Butiki. The dry leaf had only the faintest sweet aroma and I only found 2 white chocolate chips in the whole 1-ounce bag (though, to be fair, I bought this in a stash sale and the previous owner may have used up some of the chocolate when they sampled it). And all I taste is the base; not even a hint of chocolate. Fortunately, the base is delightfully malty and full-bodied, so I’ll still enjoy this tea. I just wish I could actually taste the white chocolate!

Flavors: Malt

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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6119 tasting notes

Tea split with the most recent Butiki order. I gave it only 3 minutes, to try and keep the base tea from overtaking the white chocolate flavouring (if that’s a possibility, I’m not sure).

I’m not overly fond of the aroma from the bag – it smells artificial, though I suppose white chocolate is artificial to begin with… Aroma from the steeped cup is similar. The flavour, however, is more enjoyable – I’m definitely not getting the full effect of the base tea (as I fail to with all the PTA blends), and it’s softened quite a bit by a noticeable but rather mild creaminess. It doesn’t particularly taste like white chocolate to me, although something creamy and more chocolatey actually is starting to emerge in the after-aftertaste, and it’s rather pleasant. I’m not sure I want to be drinking a tea for the flavour that doesn’t show up in your mouth until 5-10 seconds post-sip! (But it’s kind of interesting, regardless).

Won’t be a blend I’m going to miss once it’s gone (if it’s not already), and I’m happy enough to have split the bag and be sampling some out so I don’t have as much to drink.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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2970 tasting notes

Butiki tea blasphemy. I’m not very impressed with this.
The base is lovely. Gorgeous black tea base…. white chocolate though? I’m not getting any of that. Instead I’m getting a touch of something floral, which is not unpleasant, just not what I expected.
Hmm. Ah well, it can’t all be flawless.

bizbee1 10 years ago

its good to see the occasional dissenting view not every tea is for everyone! Actual White Chocolate (not the tea) just seems wrong to me anyway!

Fjellrev 10 years ago

Whatevz, you can’t like everything!

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1783 tasting notes

Taiwanese assam? I don’t think I have ever met these long twisty leaves before! It has a creaminess to it and something else I can’t put my finger on. It is almost floral, but only a tiny bit. There were a few white chocolate chips in my infuser, but I didn’t see any sugar bits which were probably hanging out at the bottom of the bag. Once I add a little sugar I can pick out some white chocolate at the end of the sip, but it isn’t a super bold taste for me. What really shines through for me is the tea base which is pretty tasty. I might try leafing a little heavier on the next cup and giving the bag a little upside down shake.
I dumped out the steeped leaves in my hand to check them out and found a couple chips that hadn’t melted away. They tasted good which was the floral taste I’m getting. I don’t know how my brain registers white chocolate as floral! Lately I have been steeping at 205 when teas say to use boiling and I may have gone wrong with that choice for this tea. I have some adjustments to make for next time!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
tea-sipper 10 years ago

Never had Taiwanese Assam before?!?

Dustin 10 years ago

Not that I know of. I tend to favor dessert blends and have only started to appreciate and explore unflavored teas.

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