White Licorice

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Herbal White Blend
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185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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42 Tasting Notes View all

  • “HAD to drink another cup to RELAX!!!!! A friend of mine texted me that they are in the middle of earthquakes and aftershocks in AZ. 5.9 followed by a 4.9 so far! Ek!” Read full tasting note
  • “Whoo! The goal is to finish off some teaness, and I figured I’d start with tea that I wasn’t too hot on, but was still nice and somewhat non-caffeinated for bedtime. And also, to finish off bits of...” Read full tasting note
  • “I don’t like licorice. At all. It’s evil. Oddly enough, I don’t anticipate liking this tea. But I’m a glutton for punishment so we’ll give it a quick go. The dry leaves smell horrid – exactly...” Read full tasting note
  • “Golden Moon sample No. 4 of 31, randomly selected. Patience isn’t my strong suit and every drop I have of it goes to my small kids, so it shouldn’t be surprising that I do things like pick the...” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

First in the world to find flavored white tea, Golden Moon Tea presents to you a White Licorice tea that is a rare white loose leaf tea leaves perfumed with deep, Far-Eastern essence of licorice.

The beautiful, large leaves are intimately mingled with star anise to produce an intriguing, sweet bouquet in this white licorice tea.

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

42 Tasting Notes

382 tasting notes

Golden Moon Sampler Tea #26
Like…well several other people, I am not a huge fan of licorice, so this was not a tea that I was looking forward to. The tea itself has giant honking pieces of star anise in it, and smells VERY strongly of licorice. Not reassuring! Proximity-to-slow-cooker induced sauerkraut smell would actually be an improvement.

The first cup (the shortest steeping), however, was pleasantly not licorice/anisey at all. So that was nice. Subsequent cups and cooling have let the anise taste come out. Nope! Still not a fan. There’s just something about the taste of anise that makes me think of plastic. I don’t want to be thinking of plastic while drinking tea!

Objectively speaking however, the flavors are very nicely balanced. White tea is, after all, very delicate and if you like anise or are at least indifferent to it, I could see the flavors complementing each other quite well. Still, (obviously I’m biased, but) I think the melon + white tea combo works better, simply because melon is a pretty delicate flavor to begin with, whereas you have to be careful with anise. Although apparently not THAT careful given how huge the pieces in my sample were.

Also this tea cooled really fast. I have GOT to get that tea cozy made.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I have a sample of this in my cupboard and I actually do like licorice. Your review made me quite eager to try it!

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411 tasting notes

From http://www.itsallabouttheleaf.com/2383/tea-review-golden-moon-tea-white-licorice/ – It’s all About the Leaf

There are over 5 million ways to divide the world into two groups. Licorice is definitely one of them. People either adore black licorice or hate it. I personally fall into the “love it” camp – unless it’s salt licorice. Because it’s just.. odd. Blea.

There are a few ways to get licorice-like flavors. There is the traditional licorice root, but anise, star anise, and fennel all contain similar flavoring agents. All these plants contain the chemical compound anethole which provides that signature flavor. And while all are similar, there are subtle differences. Licorice root is sweeter, anise is more aromatic, fennel is milder, and star anise has a bit of a bite.

This tea uses star anise to get it’s licorice flavor. On first sniff, the leaf smells very much like standard licorice. But once it started to brew, the notes of star anise come out much more strongly. It develops into a very light yellow brew – likely due to the white tea. On first sip, the licorice is very mellow, soft. Almost more plant-y than standard licorice. The hay-like features of the white tea blend well with the plant-y features of the star anise to merge together into a nice mellow cup.

Of all the various plant anethole-delivery systems, star anise is my least favorite. I don’t like the small, strange bite it delivers. I like all the others (I even have this amazing bread dip recipe that uses fennel*) much more, but even with this mark against it, this tea does not disappoint. It’s mellow, smooth, and yummy. Because it’s not so strongly licorice-y, even those who fall into the camp of licorice hater may like this tea. Good blend.

special bonus recipe!

*G’s amazing bread dip
1 tsp fennel seed
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp salt
4-5 turns of fresh ground black pepper
1 tsp chopped garlic
Olive Oil

Take the first four ingredients, grind in a spice grinder until they’re a fine powder. Blend with the chopped garlic in a mortar and pestle until you get a nice paste. Blop the paste into the center of a shallow bowl or deep plate. Pour olive oil over the paste, stir slightly. Serve with fresh bread. And drink with strong tea – because any other type will be overpowered by the dip.


Yum! What a great sounding recipe.


You are awesome. I have a feeling I’m going to be adding all the teas you review to my shopping list.

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251 tasting notes

Yummy flavor. I followed the label instructions and got a very light golden tea. Nice anise flavor, especially lightly sweetened with some agave nectar. The second infusion was very good as well.

I was hoping that this could replace my licorice without having the same worries about blood pressure, etc, so I googled start anise side effects. Did you know there are two types of star anise? There is a Chinese star anise, which is used as a flavoring, and a Japanese star anise, which is used solely for decoration. The Japanese star anise is deadly. AND you can’t tell which one you have by looking at the dried seed pods. The FDA issued an advisory against consuming teas containing star anise in 2003. Chinese star anise is also used in the manufactor of tamiflu. All very interesting stuff. It tastes good enough that I’ll ignore that FDA advisory.

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Wiseman Tea Co.

Very interesting, I admire you for your courage!


There are chemical tests that they can do to insure they have the right stuff. AND I trust Golden Moon. I wanted to share the information, though. It sounded like most of the actual poisoning cases were people mixing and brewing their own tea from herbs they bought in bulk. Evidentally, people give star anise tea to babies for colic.

Wiseman Tea Co.

That reminds me of a book i’m reading called guns, germs, and steel. Right now its talking about plant domestication and it turns out that many of the fruits and nuts we are familiar with today, were dominently poisionous. It wasn’t until a farmer of some sort stumbled upon an almond tree that didn’t kill him. So he replanted the tree and over thousands of years it became dominant. It’s interesting to think of plants in terms of evolution, and the methods they employ to spread their seeds.


Sounds like an interesting read! I’ll have to take a look at that book.

It’s amazing how inventive the plant kingdom is at devising ways to protect itself from us!! Kind of frightening as well.

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244 tasting notes

I love licorice. But I’m pretty sceptical of licorice in tea, because it tends to coat my tongue in a really unpleasant, icky way. Pre-steep, these dry leaves smell like licorice and tea, instead of just licorice. In fact, the licorice was pretty subtle. It came out more post-steep, but still wasn’t really strong.

If you’re kind of on the fence about licorice, you might like this one. The tea has a pretty balanced flavour, and it does a respectable job of not coating your tongue in that icky way. I think I would’ve liked it more with a touch of sugar, but I’m trying to wean myself off sugar/sweeteners (sadpanda), so I left it out. To its credit, I can actually drink this one without sugar; normally, I can’t tolerate more than a few sips of unsweetened tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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227 tasting notes

I don’t like licorice. However, out of all teas with licorice I’ve tried so far this one is best by far. Really goes well with white tea flavour. I hate it for example when they make a chocolate flavoured tea then put in licorice. Then I just get that scent of artificial sweetness out of the licorice. But his combo when the tea is all about licorice flavour is really much better.
I don’t hate licorice anymore :) I just hate it sometimes now. Kinda like jasmine. At this very moment while drinking this white licorice tea I’m enjoying licorice. Never thought I’d say that ;) Yep yep licorice ain’t all that bad…

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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828 tasting notes

I had a cup of this tonight and it was like candy! Perhaps that’s because of the sugar I added. Really, it smelled just like anise to me, and tasted like licorice tea. It also was really pretty while steeping. I recommend this, while listening to Jump, Little Children.

Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lauren_pressley/tags/whitelicorice/


Do I correctly gather that your musical tastes have changed a bit during the past few months? :) (I remember, not quite so fondly,a certain Hickory Dickory Dock children’s CD from toddler days…)


Indeed, some of it has. Strangely, Jump, Little Children is a carry over from before, though. ;)

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314 tasting notes

I think licorice is an acquired taste. I know, as a kid, I thought licorice tasted totally gross. :P

But now, as an adult, the taste is growing on me—as if my palate is growing ever more “sophisticated” with age. :) I can now appreciate—and even find delicious—the flavors I used to detest—like liver, mushrooms, olives and dry red wine.

This smells strongly and sharply of licorice—of pure anise. Reminds me of the tea version of ouzo. But the flavor is more “pillowy” and soft and nicely sweet. It pairs really well with the white tea!

The tea itself tastes almost veggie-esque and “brothy”—like cauliflower and potatoes (and I mean this in a good way :) ).

Suprisingly yummy overall. It may even convert licorice-shunners. ;)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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259 tasting notes

Wow, I did not expect to like this tea, as I’m not a licorice fan, but this is different. First, all the flavors are muted and subtle. The tea is smooth, no green grassiness. The anise provides a hint of woodiness and a hint of licorice. Something is providing a bit of a sweetness. Overall, this is a good departure from my usual fare. I don’t know that I’d go order a bunch, but having an ounce or two on hand would be nice.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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237 tasting notes

Yay, back home and back to sampling real teas!

I pulled this one out to start with something that has the potential to show how a gentle white tea can be married up with a flavor that could easily overpower it. I opened up the packet and got a strong whiff of licorice/anise, which though I’m not crazy about it, I do like it enough to find appealing. Also a little worried though, because I know how strong licorice can get (for some reason I got addicted to the really salty licorice they have in Sweden on a trip there last year, and kept popping the little lozenges all day).

I think they’ve done a good job of balancing the flavors here. I taste the white tea, and I taste the licorice, and they are amicably shaking hands. Neither is shoving the other out of the way to grab the spotlight. The licorice does a better job of leaving an aftertaste, but it’s not overpowering at all, just a light and lingering sweetness. Nice one.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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67 tasting notes

Another Golden Moon sampler (I’m trying to work my way through the pack). Great licorice aroma from the dry leaves, but it is a little strong. The licorice mellows out in the first brew and actually balances out quite nicely with the white tea. I’m a sucker for licorice, but I don’t know if this could be an everyday brew for me. Too much of a good thing, you know? But I’m pleased with this. Very nice.

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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