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Pu'erh Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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27 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown no. 9 of 2020 (no. 604 total). This was an accidental sipdown. I am sipping down from lowest rated to highest rated, generally. But I was in a hurry and I have a lot of pu-erh that at this...” Read full tasting note
  • “Very dark amber in the cup. With most teas, the bottom of the cup can be seen – not with this, it is very nearly opaque. This tea tastes exactly as most people describe, strong and earthy. This is...” Read full tasting note
  • “Having only put a small dent in my Golden Moon Tea sampler, I figured it was time to really get to work on here. I must confess, that though I will try anything and usually do not have any...” Read full tasting note
  • “I like this tea. I am going to start with the… Cons: A bit watery and not as earthy and rich as I would like. Pros: Still has a great earthy flavor, a mellow sweetness, fabulous lingering taste...” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

The most widely celebrated tea in Asia, this mysterious loose leaf tea is aged in secret caves for several years where it takes on a sweet, earthy aroma. Its health benefits to you are immeasurable.

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

27 Tasting Notes

15 tasting notes

From my GM sampler—I used 5oz water to 2tsp tea (the whole packet). I’m not sure how to describe this, a hint of smoke with a sweet finish? I didn’t put anything in this I am just enjoying the flavor unadulterated :) It’s really good, smooth with a little tiny bit of tannin right before the sweetness at the end. Daughter does not like this one…called it weird :)

The second infusion sort of smells like smoked fish…

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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227 tasting notes

First pu-erh I’ve tried that was in loose leaves shape. It’s deffinitelly better than those I’ve ordered from China on eBay. Way more drinkable. The pu-erh note is the same but this one is less bitter and well just way more drinkable. I actually like it. First pu-erh I would drink just for the sake of drinking it (not tasting it). I’ll rate it well simply because I didn’t try better yet…
It’s earty, kinda sweetish but not too sweet. Dark colored like it’s supossed to be. Nice one…

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec

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259 tasting notes

My first Pu-erh! I was looking forward to this one coming out of the grab bag (ok, I helped it…). I had no idea what to expect. The leaves were ugly, that’s the only description that comes to mind. I followed the directions, 3minutes with boiling water. I got the darkest tea I’ve seen, excepting the obvious brewing mistakes. It was very smooth, earthy, woodsy. Had a bit of weight to it in the mouth, almost like coffee. It is not a tea I would describe as “bright and sparkly” in the cup. I don’t know if I liked it. I didn’t dislike it…I need to do more pu-erh’s. different, definetly different.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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82 tasting notes

I’ve been really avoiding this sample. But I figured i need to get it out of the way. I’ve never had a pu-erh before, so this will be interesting.

The smell is pretty strong, but it’s hard to place what exactly it smells like.

Hmmm, not sure how i feel about this. It’s got some smoky flavor, but it kind of tastes like dirt. seriously, like dirt. It has some sweetness to it that reminds me of badly flavored bubble gum… which is leaving an aftertaste in my mouth. I think i’ll somehow manage to finish this cup but I don’t know if i’ll even bother with a second infusion—can pu-erh be steeped multiple times anyway? I’m assuming it can be…

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec

Pu Erh is acclaimed for it’s multiple steeps. I normally get 12 before I give up due to bordom, not because the leaves are dead. This is how I make it:

Use 1g of leaf per 1oz of water
Boil the proper amount of water and steep for 10-20 seconds, decant and dump the water
Reboil the water and steep for 20-30 seconds, this is your 1st drinkable steep
Repeat til the flavor becomes too weak for your preferences then increase the steeping time by 10 sec (I never find the need to resteep in the course of 12 infusions)

Hope that helps!

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237 tasting notes

I’ve tried a couple different pu-erhs, and some I’ve really loved, but don’t have a whole lot of experience with this tea, so I’m looking forward to see how this compares. I’ll definitely be doing more than one steep with this one. The loose leaves are dark, dark brown and have a fruity/spicy aroma to them. Promising!

1st steep: 3 minutes, 200 degrees. Dark brown, coffee-colored liquor. Not super strong taste-wise, but interesting. I’m getting spices (cinnamon and clove) and the telltale fermented flavor of pu-erh; not sour or yeasty, just earthy. So far, so good.

2nd steep: 5 minutes, 200 degrees. Just about as dark the second time around, but the aroma has really been toned down. The flavor is mild but still earthy, and retains some sweet/fruity/spicy notes. The combination of them all is a little like chocolate – an interesting effect.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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132 tasting notes

WOW! I’m speechless on this tea! This is my very first Pu-erh experience and honestly I have been intentionally avoiding this tea for some time now… something about being “aged in a cave” and the word “fermented” had me pretty freaked out. Anyways, the aroma of this tea is intoxicating, I’ve smelled this smell somewhere before but for the life of me I can not place it nor can I describe it. It is pungent, musky, strong and… I LOVE IT! This may sound very odd, but it tastes like a very good piece of earthy tree bark with some really rich soil covering it… not that I know what that tastes like, but it is what I think of while I am sipping on this treasure. Hmmm I think I need to take a moment and zen out while I finish my cup! I’m going to place an order for this right after I get done zenning out with my new treasure :-D

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec
RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

I am so excited to try my sample now.

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79 tasting notes

Sample 12/31
I’ve never had Pu-erh. So when I randomly pulled this out and got a little scared. There is a lot of scary sounding descriptions (FISH! in a tea?), but I worked up the courage to try it.
Tea brews VERY dark. I’ve never seen a tea this dark before. Almost looks like hersey’s syrup. Surprisingly the tea smells like the ocean, I wouldn’t say fish more like and ocean breeze with like dirt undertones. Smells faintly of coffee too.
I hesitently took a sip. First off it doesn’t taste like Fish. At first it tasted almost like chocolate, or what i imagine a chocolate tea should taste like. There is a slight smokey finish the the chocolate. Then a dirt aftertaste, not as strong as coffee though (thankfully)
Overall not as bad as i expected, but not something i would drink all the time. Was too busy trying to figure out exactly what i was tasting to enjoy the tea personally.

2 min, 0 sec

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61 tasting notes

As with most of my tea reviews… this is the first of this kind. Welcome to my teapot, pu-erh!

I, of course, let this sit a little too long before drinking. I usually like my tea right out of the kettle, and I got a little sidetracked. (Once you start organizing something, you just can’t stop.) But despite that, I’m not complaining about this cup. I stuck my nose in the leaves beforehand and it was a pleasant, dark, woodsy kind of smell. Apparently [judging by other reviews here, yes I cheat] it has a mossy, fungus-like quality. Like this scares me. I eat mushrooms raw.

The tea itself has that same earthy quality to it. I’m not quite bold enough to go over a 2-minute steep right now, but this seems about right for me. It doesn’t smell like much in the cup, but has that sharp, almost spicy taste going down. Again with that “spicy but not really” adjective. What else did I use that for? Oolong? Perhaps.

2 min, 0 sec

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431 tasting notes

Why are you drinking all these teas you don’t like?


Well I am still having problems with the score settings thing. And well I got them from a buddy.

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9 tasting notes

Very interesting, I bought it in a sample size when exploring new teas from Golden Moon. It tastes like a mild black tea, steep 2-3 minutes. Earthy, cinnamon hints, like a non-sticky, less sweet cinnamon roll. Good breakfast tea, no bitterness. The dry tea smells a little like enriched potting soil, a rare aged tea. It goes down smooth. It’s listed as a green fermented tea.

2 min, 30 sec

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