drank Pu-erh by Golden Moon Tea
227 tasting notes

First pu-erh I’ve tried that was in loose leaves shape. It’s deffinitelly better than those I’ve ordered from China on eBay. Way more drinkable. The pu-erh note is the same but this one is less bitter and well just way more drinkable. I actually like it. First pu-erh I would drink just for the sake of drinking it (not tasting it). I’ll rate it well simply because I didn’t try better yet…
It’s earty, kinda sweetish but not too sweet. Dark colored like it’s supossed to be. Nice one…

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec

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born with a bit of a restless, curious and exploring spirit ;) love to travel and i do it a lot lately. enjoy good food and drinks. love trying out new stuff. just about to start exploring the world of teas and i’m really enthusiastic about it ;)

EDIT 4 months later:
still a n00b here but starting to get it ;) i try to buy loose tea but i got a lot of teabags too cuz it’s easier to find here. from not liking black tea ended up love it. green can be quite good too but waiting for more real ones to try. whites are sometimes awesome, sometimes not, rooibos and fruity blends are a good replacement for juices… and so on… still excited about every new tea… loving it more every day :D

since my favorite hobby is photography i take photos whenever something is interesting. including my tea making process…

Rating system (i’ll try to use it from now on):
0-20 sorry, can’t do it. ewwy
20-50 i’ll drink it if i have to, i f not no ty
50-70 its not bad, quite drinkable
70-85 i like it, might buy more
85-100 gimme more of this stuff


rijeka, croatia

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